rednblkx / HomeKey-ESP32

ESP32 HomeKit Lock with support for Apple Home Key
MIT License
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Didn't find PN53x board #72

Open IvanDeMarco opened 6 days ago

IvanDeMarco commented 6 days ago

Hi, I have the error "Didn't find PN53x board". PN532 is correctly connected with LED on. Wiring is correct according guide. I have installed the latest version of the software. I'll post some photos to show you the connection: IMG_7639 IMG_7640 IMG_7638

I managed to integrate it into home assistant via mqtt and homekit, I generated the key but clearly it doesn't work... Please help me! What I'm doing wrong?

rednblkx commented 6 days ago

Hi there!

Yeah, there seems to be an issue with some of the nfc boards that hasn't yet been identified, though not 100% confirmed it's just a hardware issue and unfortunately don't yet have a board with this issue.

In the meantime, you can try the following:

  1. If you were powering from a laptop(especially a mac), try powering from the wall and just see if the iphone reacts
  2. try swapping the wires since signal integrity is a thing.

I'll let you know when a fix is available

IvanDeMarco commented 6 days ago

Thanks for the reply. In what sense try to swap the wires? If you can tell me which card to buy that definitely works through a link I will buy the product you indicate.

Thanks for the support!

rednblkx commented 6 days ago

It’s not yet confirmed what is the root cause of this so i can’t recommend a board to buy. On the latest version i did a slight refactor of the driver and someone who updated to it reported the same issue while it worked on the previous so there might be a timeout issue or something with some boards.

If you can, compile the previous 0.2 version and let me know if it works or I’ll drop you the firmware file later.

In what sense try to swap the wires?

Change the wires with other ones, it’s stupid but there is a chance.

rednblkx commented 2 days ago

Hi again,

So it seems this might be a hardware issue, someone on the Discord server had this issue and it turned out to be a cable length issue, they were using 1m, max would be like 15cm, doesn’t look like that would be the case here but still could be a connection issue, make sure all DuPont connectors are plugged in all the way, if some are loose (the one connected to MOSI looks a bit loose) then use a different wire with a more snug connector, or solder the wires directly just to be sure.

Let me know if anything.