redoPop / SublimeGremlins

Reveal odd and invisible whitespace characters in Sublime Text.
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Implement a "Remove All" command please? #1

Closed Naereen closed 7 years ago

Naereen commented 8 years ago


That is a great plugin! And such a cool name :clap: !

Could I suggest one more function/palette command please? It could be verty useful to have a "Remove All" command to quickly remove all the nasty gremlins :japanese_ogre: , instead of removing them one by one.

Thanks in advance :wave: !

Naereen commented 7 years ago

Any update please ?

redoPop commented 7 years ago

Hello! Huge apologies for the long delay: I only recently realized I'd misconfigured my GitHub notifications and have been missing many, including this issue!

One of this this plugin's existing features may satisfy your use case: the "Find All Gremlins" command, which is available in the "Find" menu:

…and also in the command palette:

When you use it, all the gremlins in the current document will be selected at once, using Sublime's multiple selections feature:

…so pressing the delete button after performing "Find All Gremlins" deletes every gremlin at once.

The reason I chose to implement this, rather than a "Remove All Gremlins" feature, was that my definition of a gremlin encompasses visible ambiguous whitespace characters (e.g. U+00A0) along with those that are narrow or invisible (e.g. U+200B). Removing the visible gremlins could collapse words that were previously separated by spaces or create other unforeseen problems, so I wanted to implement a feature that would give users a little more control over their gremlin replacement strategy, and nudge them them to approach gremlin removal more cautiously.

Does this approach seem sufficient, or is a more explicit "Remove All" feature necessary?

Naereen commented 7 years ago


No issue about the delay, that's why I pinged you again.

And OK for the solution you propose, I think that's also what I have been doing in fact. Thanks :+1: !