redouane59 / twittered

Twitter API client for Java developers
Apache License 2.0
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Rate limit exceeded on search of user followings amount of 40 #432

Closed mikebgrep closed 1 year ago

mikebgrep commented 1 year ago

I see this helper is got activated for search of user followings for result of 40 users I try to debug and see where is the problem, but I didn't spot something maybe someone familiar with the project could take a look from this I see its send parameter for max_results of 40, but I don't know why the rate limit is triggered for that low result as in Postman is working fine. I think it needs to be checked.

i.g.r.t.helpers.AbstractRequestHelper : Rate limit exceeded, new retry ....

amount = 40;

 public List<UserV2.UserData> getUserFollowing(String userId, int amount) {
        AdditionalParameters parameters = AdditionalParameters.builder()

        UserList following = twitterClient().getFollowing(userId, parameters);
        List<UserV2.UserData> data = following.getData();

        return data; 
redouane59 commented 1 year ago

If you have a rate limit response, it is because the Twitter API was called too much by your account, there is no relation with the library.

See here :

mikebgrep commented 1 year ago

The future is good I am closing the issue to not spam.Thanks