redouane59 / twittered

Twitter API client for Java developers
Apache License 2.0
234 stars 64 forks source link

mvnrepository not updated #438

Closed akuma0 closed 1 year ago

akuma0 commented 1 year ago

Hi ! The maven repo isn't update since the version 1.26 (Jun 01, 2021) do you plan to update artifact with new versions ?

redouane59 commented 1 year ago


If you need a new version for a concrete purpose just let me know, I'll try to do it on the next days. But as far as Twitter API will stop to be free, I'm not sure to put many energy on this library that 99% of users will stop using.

akuma0 commented 1 year ago

That's only to get all new features and optimisations since the 1.26. I hope Musk will change his mind about Twitter API !

redouane59 commented 1 year ago

done :)