redpanda-data / console

Redpanda Console is a developer-friendly UI for managing your Kafka/Redpanda workloads. Console gives you a simple, interactive approach for gaining visibility into your topics, masking data, managing consumer groups, and exploring real-time data with time-travel debugging.
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Missing consumer group partition #447

Open freef4ll opened 2 years ago

freef4ll commented 2 years ago

The partition 1 is missed in Console view: (Redpanda Console (Platform Version v22.2) (built August 11, 2022) FC11F77)

rpk describes all 4 paritions and consumer groups:

$ rpk group describe dc-1
GROUP        dc-1
STATE        Stable
BALANCER     range
MEMBERS      2
TOPIC                      PARTITION  CURRENT-OFFSET  LOG-END-OFFSET  LAG   MEMBER-ID                                                            CLIENT-ID                       HOST
transactions-pending-dc-1  0          95987872        95987872        0     prod_sys_core_102-dc-1:3544736-6b72ef82-8c33-4d06-ac65-d851d328d6f5  prod_sys_core_102-dc-1:3544736
transactions-pending-dc-1  1          -               358             358   prod_sys_core_102-dc-1:3544736-6b72ef82-8c33-4d06-ac65-d851d328d6f5  prod_sys_core_102-dc-1:3544736
transactions-pending-dc-1  2          356             356             0     prod_sys_core_103-dc-1:3544678-531ad873-34da-4c73-85c6-1594619b7d27  prod_sys_core_103-dc-1:3544678
transactions-pending-dc-1  3          358             358             0     prod_sys_core_103-dc-1:3544678-531ad873-34da-4c73-85c6-1594619b7d27  prod_sys_core_103-dc-1:3544678

In Console it looks like:


And partition view looks good:


There is no rendering issues or container errors; container restart doesn't help either.

weeco commented 2 years ago

@freef4ll I'd say these are differences in the view. As you can see, your consumer group doesn't have any offset for partition 1. So technically you are not consuming this partition. RPK interprets this differently than Console in the sense that it considers non-consumed partitions in a topic as a 100% lag where as Console just considers it as unconsumed.

I think it makes sense to align the two tools so that they have a similar representation.

twmb commented 1 year ago