redpanda-data / helm-charts

Redpanda Helm Chart
Apache License 2.0
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Setting `rackAwareness.enabled: true` on an existing deployment doesn't enable rack awareness #1490

Open vuldin opened 3 months ago

vuldin commented 3 months ago

What happened?

Deployed with:

helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda --repo -n redpanda --wait --timeout 2h --create-namespace --set tls.enabled=false --set console.enabled=false

Then attempted to enable rack awareness:

helm upgrade --install redpanda redpanda --repo -n redpanda --wait --timeout 2h --create-namespace --reuse-values --set rackAwareness.enabled=true

Rack awareness wasn't enabled.

What did you expect to happen?

Expected true to be returned:

❯ k -n redpanda exec redpanda-0 -c redpanda -it -- rpk cluster config get enable_rack_awareness

How can we reproduce it (as minimally and precisely as possible)?. Please include values file.

``` COMPUTED VALUES: affinity: {} auditLogging: clientMaxBufferSize: 16777216 enabled: false enabledEventTypes: null excludedPrincipals: null excludedTopics: null listener: internal partitions: 12 queueDrainIntervalMs: 500 queueMaxBufferSizePerShard: 1048576 replicationFactor: null auth: sasl: enabled: false mechanism: SCRAM-SHA-512 secretRef: redpanda-users users: [] clusterDomain: cluster.local commonLabels: {} config: cluster: default_topic_replications: 3 node: crash_loop_limit: 5 pandaproxy_client: {} rpk: {} schema_registry_client: {} tunable: compacted_log_segment_size: 67108864 group_topic_partitions: 16 kafka_batch_max_bytes: 1048576 kafka_connection_rate_limit: 1000 log_segment_size: 134217728 log_segment_size_max: 268435456 log_segment_size_min: 16777216 max_compacted_log_segment_size: 536870912 topic_partitions_per_shard: 1000 connectors: auth: sasl: enabled: false mechanism: scram-sha-512 secretRef: "" userName: "" commonLabels: {} connectors: additionalConfiguration: "" bootstrapServers: "" brokerTLS: ca: secretNameOverwrite: "" secretRef: "" cert: secretNameOverwrite: "" secretRef: "" enabled: false key: secretNameOverwrite: "" secretRef: "" groupID: connectors-cluster producerBatchSize: 131072 producerLingerMS: 1 restPort: 8083 schemaRegistryURL: "" secretManager: connectorsPrefix: "" consolePrefix: "" enabled: false region: "" storage: remote: read: config: false offset: false status: false write: config: false offset: false status: false replicationFactor: config: -1 offset: -1 status: -1 topic: config: _internal_connectors_configs offset: _internal_connectors_offsets status: _internal_connectors_status container: javaGCLogEnabled: "false" resources: javaMaxHeapSize: 2G limits: cpu: 1 memory: 2350Mi request: cpu: 1 memory: 2350Mi securityContext: allowPrivilegeEscalation: false deployment: annotations: {} budget: maxUnavailable: 1 create: false extraEnv: [] extraEnvFrom: [] livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 timeoutSeconds: 1 nodeAffinity: {} nodeSelector: {} podAffinity: {} podAntiAffinity: custom: {} topologyKey: type: hard weight: 100 priorityClassName: "" progressDeadlineSeconds: 600 readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 2 initialDelaySeconds: 60 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 3 timeoutSeconds: 5 restartPolicy: Always revisionHistoryLimit: 10 schedulerName: "" securityContext: fsGroup: 101 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch runAsUser: 101 strategy: type: RollingUpdate terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 30 tolerations: [] topologySpreadConstraints: - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate enabled: false fullnameOverride: "" global: {} image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: tag: "" imagePullSecrets: [] logging: level: warn monitoring: annotations: {} enabled: false labels: {} namespaceSelector: any: true scrapeInterval: 30s nameOverride: "" service: annotations: {} name: "" ports: - name: prometheus port: 9404 serviceAccount: annotations: {} create: false name: "" storage: volume: - emptyDir: medium: Memory sizeLimit: 5Mi name: rp-connect-tmp volumeMounts: - mountPath: /tmp name: rp-connect-tmp test: create: false tolerations: [] console: config: {} configmap: create: false deployment: create: false enabled: false secret: create: false enterprise: {} kafka: {} login: github: {} google: {} jwtSecret: "" oidc: {} okta: {} redpanda: adminApi: {} enterprise: license: "" licenseSecretRef: {} external: enabled: true service: enabled: true type: NodePort fullnameOverride: "" image: pullPolicy: IfNotPresent repository: tag: "" imagePullSecrets: [] license_key: "" license_secret_ref: {} listeners: admin: external: default: advertisedPorts: - 31644 port: 9645 tls: cert: external port: 9644 tls: cert: default requireClientAuth: false http: authenticationMethod: null enabled: true external: default: advertisedPorts: - 30082 authenticationMethod: null port: 8083 tls: cert: external requireClientAuth: false kafkaEndpoint: default port: 8082 tls: cert: default requireClientAuth: false kafka: authenticationMethod: null external: default: advertisedPorts: - 31092 authenticationMethod: null port: 9094 tls: cert: external port: 9093 tls: cert: default requireClientAuth: false rpc: port: 33145 tls: cert: default requireClientAuth: false schemaRegistry: authenticationMethod: null enabled: true external: default: advertisedPorts: - 30081 authenticationMethod: null port: 8084 tls: cert: external requireClientAuth: false kafkaEndpoint: default port: 8081 tls: cert: default requireClientAuth: false logging: logLevel: info usageStats: enabled: true monitoring: enabled: false labels: {} scrapeInterval: 30s nameOverride: "" nodeSelector: {} post_install_job: affinity: {} enabled: true podTemplate: annotations: {} labels: {} spec: containers: - env: [] name: post-install securityContext: {} securityContext: {} post_upgrade_job: affinity: {} enabled: true podTemplate: annotations: {} labels: {} spec: containers: - env: [] name: post-upgrade securityContext: {} securityContext: {} rackAwareness: enabled: true nodeAnnotation: rbac: annotations: {} enabled: false resources: cpu: cores: 1 memory: container: max: 2.5Gi serviceAccount: annotations: {} create: false name: "" statefulset: additionalRedpandaCmdFlags: [] additionalSelectorLabels: {} annotations: {} budget: maxUnavailable: 1 extraVolumeMounts: "" extraVolumes: "" initContainerImage: repository: busybox tag: latest initContainers: configurator: extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} extraInitContainers: "" fsValidator: enabled: false expectedFS: xfs extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} setDataDirOwnership: enabled: false extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} setTieredStorageCacheDirOwnership: extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} tuning: extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} livenessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 10 periodSeconds: 10 nodeSelector: {} podAffinity: {} podAntiAffinity: custom: {} topologyKey: type: hard weight: 100 podTemplate: annotations: {} labels: {} spec: containers: - env: [] name: redpanda securityContext: {} securityContext: {} priorityClassName: "" readinessProbe: failureThreshold: 3 initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 successThreshold: 1 replicas: 3 securityContext: fsGroup: 101 fsGroupChangePolicy: OnRootMismatch runAsUser: 101 sideCars: configWatcher: enabled: true extraVolumeMounts: "" resources: {} securityContext: {} controllers: createRBAC: true enabled: false healthProbeAddress: :8085 image: repository: tag: v2.1.10-23.2.18 metricsAddress: :9082 resources: {} run: - all securityContext: {} startupProbe: failureThreshold: 120 initialDelaySeconds: 1 periodSeconds: 10 terminationGracePeriodSeconds: 90 tolerations: [] topologySpreadConstraints: - maxSkew: 1 topologyKey: whenUnsatisfiable: ScheduleAnyway updateStrategy: type: RollingUpdate storage: hostPath: "" persistentVolume: annotations: {} enabled: true labels: {} nameOverwrite: "" size: 20Gi storageClass: "" tiered: config: cloud_storage_access_key: "" cloud_storage_api_endpoint: "" cloud_storage_azure_container: null cloud_storage_azure_managed_identity_id: null cloud_storage_azure_shared_key: null cloud_storage_azure_storage_account: null cloud_storage_bucket: "" cloud_storage_cache_size: 5368709120 cloud_storage_credentials_source: config_file cloud_storage_enable_remote_read: true cloud_storage_enable_remote_write: true cloud_storage_enabled: false cloud_storage_region: "" cloud_storage_secret_key: "" credentialsSecretRef: accessKey: configurationKey: cloud_storage_access_key secretKey: configurationKey: cloud_storage_secret_key hostPath: "" mountType: emptyDir persistentVolume: annotations: {} labels: {} storageClass: "" tests: enabled: true tls: certs: default: caEnabled: true external: caEnabled: true enabled: false tolerations: [] tuning: tune_aio_events: true ```

Chart Version(s)

```console ❯ helm list -A NAME NAMESPACE REVISION UPDATED STATUS CHART APP VERSION redpanda redpanda 2 2024-08-14 16:25:52.398057618 -0500 CDT deployed redpanda-5.9.0 v24.2.2 ```

Cloud provider

none (kind)

JIRA Link: K8S-319

vuldin commented 3 months ago

Community slack thread: