redsolver / yt-splitter

Downloads and splits audio tracks from a YouTube video according to the chapters/tracks. Useful for compilations or full album uploads.
MIT License
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If interrupted once, YT-Splitter will not re-process a video fully? #9

Closed Hekidayo closed 1 year ago

Hekidayo commented 1 year ago

Hi, I've ran yt-splitter on a YT video. I interrupted it when it said "[ffmpeg] Destination: output.mp3" because I thought I had done something wrong and it had frozen (I just needed to be more patient!).

When I run it again on that video, it only outputs the first 9 tracks as full MP3. I'm guessing that's when I interrupted the process. The rest of the mp3 tracks are shy of 500kb and while named properly, are not playable. I tried clearing Youtube-dl cache, I tried deleting the output directory of yt-splitter for that video, but every time I try to re-process that video through yt-splitter, it continues to only give me only the first 9 tracks as fully completed, and the rest of the tracks as files that are not completed.

When I run it it looks like this:

yt-splitter**_VIDEOID_ YT video: VIDEOID... Tracks will be saved to VIDEO TITLE Splitting mp3 file... [splitting] TRACK 1 TITLE... [splitting] TRACK 2 TITLE... [splitting] TRACK 3 TITLE**..

etc. until all tracks are done. so it doesn't re-download the files or re-run ffmpeg.

When I run yt-splitter on another video, it works flawlessly. How do I get the rest of the tracks from that initial YT video split that I interrupted?

Hekidayo commented 1 year ago

Found the yt-splitter cache! I'm on Mac and it was in: /Users/myusername/.cache/yt-splitter There was in there a folder named after the VIDEOID and once I deleted it, it ran that video processing fully, and re-downloaded all the tracks.

Oh, and I had a suggestion: I think youtube-dl has a way to number the tracks, it would be awesome if you could add that to yt-splitter, so when it outputs the folder with all the split mp3 tracks, they are numbered from 01 (on top of the track/chapter title), this helps keep the original yt video chapters/mix in order.

Thanks a million for a nifty little tool that's making my car rides so much better!