redstone-dart / redstone

A metadata driven microframework for Dart.
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granting access to mirrors within routes #195

Closed jodinathan closed 7 years ago

jodinathan commented 7 years ago

I needed access to the list of routes and their mirrors so I create a private and public route system.


in main:

// search for public routes
    app.router.targets.forEach((target) {
        if (target.methodMirror.metadata.any((m) => m.reflectee is Public)) {
            print('adding ${target.contextUrl}, ${target.template}');

some interceptor:

interceptor() async {
    bool hasUser = app.request.session["user"] != null;
    bool isPublic = publicRoutes.any(
            (UrlTemplate templ) => templ.match('/' + app.request.url.path) != null

    if (!hasUser && !isPublic)
        return app.chain.abort(HttpStatus.UNAUTHORIZED);
Pacane commented 7 years ago

Interesting! Thanks :)