Closed ghost closed 8 years ago
@mjsmitty didn't see this. still having issues?
ensure you have cron installed
Yes, I am still having issues with the bot. I have cron installed i can test the connection and it shows in the logs on the C2C. I am using a Raspberry Pi as the bot.
try running this from the command line, @mjsmitty
crontab -u www-data /var/www/cron/cron.txt
Ok thank you that fixed the problem for the scheduler. The bot also isn't downloading the scripts. The bot says type 300 Downloaded 1 app(s) and the C2C says Code: 500 APP: Displayed 1 app(s), but the app still is pending. I have tried to put the script in a zip and not in a zip i have also put the file on a ftp server and web server.
@mjsmitty sounds like a permissions issue. In order to download and install scripts, the user running the apache2 service (presumably "www-data") should be configured with permissions to (recursively) create files and folders under /var/www/apps -- this is where scripts are downloaded, unzipped, stored, executed, etc.
I changed the owner of the www/ folder to www-data and it downloaded the file to the root of the web server and didn't unzip the program and the C2C still says pending. Could this be a problem with the new version of apache having the webserver be under "/var/www/html/"? The bot is also redownloading the zip each time and nameing the ...
@mjsmitty first off, be sure you have Flip installed on the bot
secondly, it should not be downloading in the root. your path for the PlugBot app should be /var/www/ and the apps should be going into /var/ww/apps. do you have an apps filder?
Flip is installed and when i put the web files in the "/var/www/" directory they don't show up on the browser they have to be in the "/var/www/html" directory.
when you say, they don't show up on the browser... do you mean web browser directory listing?
I'm sorry for the confusion i meant the web browser.
(when the web server is in this directory "/var/www")
(the web browser shows this)
I edited the "/etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf" file and changed "DocumentRoot /var/www/html" to "DocumentRoot /var/www" and move the web server to that directory and now the program seems to download and unzip. The bot seemed to have ran the script, but when it tried to tell the C2C the log says:
09/06/16 9:46:01 PM ROOM Code: 200 CHECK-IN: Bot check in from: 09/06/16 9:46:01 PM [[[ UNIDENTIFIED BOTKEY ]]] Code: 445 ERROR: tried to save job output
The bot seemed to have lost its key when uploading to the C2C.
(I am able to save the output to the bot without any problems)
Never mind i realized the times were not the same on both machines and i changed them to match. Thank you for all the help with getting this to work.
that's great! let us know if you have other questions
I'm trying to set up a test bot on my network but i cant seem the get the scheduler to start. Currently it can check in to the C2C and when i click "Start the Scheduler" a green box appears that says "Scheduler was started", but under the "Deployment Checklist" it says "Scheduler is Disabled!". The bot wont automatically check in to the C2C for applications and jobs.