redundent / kotlin-xml-builder

A lightweight type safe builder to build xml documents in Kotlin
Apache License 2.0
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DSL generator generates incorrect code #55

Open asm0dey opened 11 months ago

asm0dey commented 11 months ago

Hi there!

the generator generates code like

open class Link(nodeName: String) : Node(nodeName) {
    init {
        xmlns = ""

    var `base`: String? by attributes

but attributes is a read-only map, so setters can't be delegated there. One possible solution is to rewrite it like this:

    var base: String?
        get() = get("base")
        set(value) = set("base", value)

but it is also flawed since does not support attribute namespaces. Probably there should be a map storing attribute-namespace relation and then it could be used like

var base: String?
get() = get("base")
set(value) = set("base", value, nss["base"])
asm0dey commented 11 months ago

I performed some best-effort migration from the plain-text generated code to KotlinPoet, which allowed me to avoid some annoying bugs (for example, in some schemas (atom), base and type were duplicated many-many times and also some functions were duplicated). Tests do not pass, but I believe that the result is equivalent. However, it's up to you to check the correctness. You can see results in my fork repository:

redundent commented 11 months ago

Hi, I've been meaning to switch to using KotlinPoet for a while so thanks for getting that started. I'll take a look at your fork and see how it goes

asm0dey commented 11 months ago

I've also added a dependency on jing because otherwise generate doesn't work with (some) RelaxNG schemas

redundent commented 10 months ago

This is proving to be more of a nightmare than I hoped. Turns out I never published the dsl builder library to Maven Central after jcenter went offline so I'm having to set all that up again.

asm0dey commented 10 months ago

Do you need help? I have experience with it, can help with GH Actions, for example, you'll only need to put your gpg private key, password and id into GH Secrets

redundent commented 10 months ago

No, I can handle it. Thanks for the offer though. I just need to find the time to deal with getting it all sorted. I'm hoping to have some time this weekend to get it going.

asm0dey commented 10 months ago

If anything, here is the example with all the modern best practices:

Here it's used for a KMP project, but the same approach can be used for JVM.

And here is the deployment action:

redundent commented 10 months ago

I just published v1.9.0 of the kotlin-xml-dsl-generator which contains the fix for incorrect code generation. I have a ton of stuff to clean up in the repo and I didn't touch the kotlinpoet changes yet. I will do that soon.

asm0dey commented 10 months ago

Awesome! If you want, I can submit a PR, just briefly describe your desired result

redundent commented 10 months ago

Thanks but I'll take care of it. While fixing the attribute issue, I noticed how much of an embarrassing mess that code was an now I just want to set it on fire and rewrite it all.

asm0dey commented 10 months ago

If you need any help - I'm here for you!