redux-offline / tools

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Feature request: Support for relational actions #3

Open jarvisluong opened 5 years ago

jarvisluong commented 5 years ago

I'm building an application that support offline usage and found this enqueue to be helpful! However as what I saw in the code the queue only support 1-level merging. What I mean is that if, for example, I created a Tag (which also have its own id from server after commit) and then I make a Todo which use the tag. Before the Tag is created, we don't know its id for the TODO be created. :/

sorodrigo commented 5 years ago

We still have some TODOs before releasing into the wild and could use some help. The main pending issue is the merging strategy, we want to expose the function see #4 . But if I understood correctly what you want is to relate different resources optimistically. Do you have a proposal on how we could do this?

sorodrigo commented 5 years ago

This is me thinking out loud:

jarvisluong commented 5 years ago

What you thought out loud was actually the same as mine! I was even thinking that if we have the ability to listen to each time state changed just like redux-saga the implementation would be much easier. However I just got an idea like this:

calumpeak commented 5 years ago

I've been looking at offline relational resource resolution at work and we have a solution possible solution that I was going to give back to redux-offline when it's ready.

We were looking at doing it via dequeue as that gets the action that's just been resolved (action.meta.completed). If it was of type CREATE you can go back through through the queue and update ID's/Keys that had the existing key on it (commit action would need to carry the 'temp' id, the same way that you can resolve it in reducers after the fact) and return out the new outbox.

The main problem with this method is that you cannot merge over CREATE actions as if there are relationships between created entities on updates (Entity 1 has a pointer ID to Entity 2) then you'll hit the database with that relationship for an ID that

  1. doesn't exist
  2. the ID from entity 2 has yet to be generated from the db so entity 1 will point to a bad link

The queue order matters for relational entities, so as far as I've found, you can either have your queue squashing/merging, or you don't squash, and allow updates via dequeue across the outbox to make sure entities that have been created with tempId's can be updated when a completed action comes through.

sorodrigo commented 5 years ago

I don’t love the idea of triggering a global event to share the commit payload. It’s like going outside of redux and feels dangerous.

The dequeue approach sounds way better, if we pass the optimistic id to the meta of the commit we then can try to replace its occurrences. I don’t completely get what’s the catch with this.

With dequeue all pieces seem to fit naturally! 😛

calumpeak commented 5 years ago

There's no issues on the dequeue method if you don't use smart-queue/merging. It's if you want to use something like smart-queue where the issues arise.

E.g. Given I'm offline and I create an entity 1 { CREATE 1} And I create entity 2 {CREATE 1} - {CREATE 2} And I update entity 1 to have a relationship with entity 2 (no squash) {CREATE 1} - {CREATE 2} -{UPDATE 1, payload: entity 2} //This is fine, no issues When update 1 gets squashed into create {CREATE 1, payload: entity 2} - {CREATE 2}// Pointer created to entity 2 before entity 2 exists. And I go online.

The first CREATE carries a payload to entity 2 which has been given an optimistic ID. That payload is stored in the DB. Create 2 will come back with a completely different ID to what is now stored in Entity 1's pointer to Entity 2. If you do this you can't squash (at all, UPDATE will have the same issue), or you have to re-order, but that will not always be possible and is more likely to introduce more issues.

sorodrigo commented 5 years ago
Oh now I get it! Yeah that's true, what if the relation was created in the other direction? {CREATE 1} {CREATE 2}

{UPDATE 2, payload: entity 1} || {CREATE 1} - {CREATE 2, payload: entity 1}

Which sounds maybe difficult to achieve always... I'm out of ideas

Edit: I think this is a really specific use case, and very hard to solve in a general way. If we're exposing the merge fn maybe this should be handled in userland.

calumpeak commented 5 years ago

Yeah, if it's backwards it's fine as the first entity will get resolved first, on dequeue, you can walk the outbox and replace the references to it. You can do it without squashing fine as it keeps the order perfectly and you can walk the outbox after each resolved action, they just won't be merged down.

If you're allowed to create your IDs client side then it's fine too (Inc squashing) but you have know way of knowing conflicts, and that's not advisable.

The only other thing you can do if you want squashing but have relationships is have separate actions for them that don't contain the additional metadata for smart queue so they get added to the outbox in the correct sequence.