redux-saga / redux-saga-beginner-tutorial

Redux/Redux-saga beginner tutorial
MIT License
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Code in the beginner tutorial does not match the finished code in sagas and doesn't work #52

Open David-A-RogersHS2 opened 6 years ago

David-A-RogersHS2 commented 6 years ago

The code in the tutorial does not execute properly. Pressing the async increment button has no effect.

The problem is that the tutorial specifies adding this code:

// notice how we now only export the rootSaga
// single entry point to start all Sagas at once
export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield all([

The sagas branch has the correct code:

// notice how we now only export the rootSaga
// single entry point to start all Sagas at once
export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield [
Pasi-D commented 5 years ago

npm test doesn't run with the given sagas.js in tutorial. It should be changed with export functions.

import { delay } from 'redux-saga'
import { call, put, takeEvery } from 'redux-saga/effects'

export function* helloSaga() {
  console.log('Hello Saga!')

export function* incrementAsync() {
  yield call(delay, 1000)
  yield put({type: 'INCREMENT'})

export function* watchIncrementAsync() {
  yield takeEvery('INCREMENT_ASYNC', incrementAsync)

Again its in the sagas branch.

dgobaud commented 5 years ago

i missed it initially too but on the code right after "Well, redux-saga provides a way to make the above statement possible. Instead of calling delay(1000) directly inside incrementAsync, we'll call it indirectly:" that changes the delay invocation to using call also adds export to incrementAsync.

ydax commented 4 years ago

The code in the tutorial does not execute properly. Pressing the async increment button has no effect.

The problem is that the tutorial specifies adding this code:

// notice how we now only export the rootSaga
// single entry point to start all Sagas at once
export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield all([

The sagas branch has the correct code:

// notice how we now only export the rootSaga
// single entry point to start all Sagas at once
export default function* rootSaga() {
  yield [

Also, I notice that in the Counter.js file, the sagas branch has us adding onIncrementAsync to Counter.propTypes [Line 28 of Counter.js in the sagas branch]. This needs to be added to the tutorial. Students are never instructed to do this.