reduxframework / customizer-integration

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From "Aquapussy" #20

Open kprovance opened 7 years ago

kprovance commented 7 years ago

Support Hash

Steps to reproduce

Text field options are showing up in customizer when they should be hidden. I notice it is happening in the demo as well:

Demo link (works fine here in admin panel - nested required field not showing until toggle is switched)

Customizer toggle you can see the field showing though it's "off".

On my site, all other fields should be hidden but for the one in the select box. However, the "Logo Image" and "Custom Text" fields show no matter what is selected. Also, some of the fields don't show such as dimensions.

Expected Behavior

It works perfectly fine in admin panel.

Any Error Details (PHP/JavaScript)

No errors

My options code:

 Redux::setSection( $opt_name, array(
    'title'      => __( 'Logo Options', 'gomaxchild' ),
    'id'         => 'gm-logo-section',
    'desc'       => __( 'Choose from an image logo or optionally you may add a text logo, or just use the title of your website', 'gomaxchild' ),
    //'subsection' => true,
    'fields'     => array(
            'id'       => 'gm-logo-select',
            'type'     => 'select',
            'title'    => 'Select Option',
            'subtitle' => 'Choose how you would like your logo displayed',
            //'desc'     => __( 'This is the description field, again good for additional info.', 'gomaxchild' ),
            // Must provide key => value pairs for select options
            'options'  => array(
                'logo-image'  => 'Logo Image',
                'site-title'  => 'Site Title',
                'site-title-tag'   => 'Site Title + Tagline',
                'custom-text' => 'Custom Text'
            'default'  => 'logo-image'
        //  'select2'  => array( 'allowClear' => false )
            'id'       => 'gm-logo-image-opt',
            'type'     => 'media',
            'title'    => 'Image Logo',
            'url'      => 'true',
            'preview'  => 'true',
            'compiler' => 'true',
            'class'    => '',
            'required' => array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'logo-image' ),
            'default'  => array( 'url' => '' )

            'id'             => 'gm-logo-dimensions',
            'type'           => 'dimensions',
            'units'          => array( 'px' ),    // You can specify a unit value. Possible: px, em, %
            'units_extended' => 'false',  // Allow users to select any type of unit
            'title'          => __( 'Dimensions (Width/Height) Option', 'gomaxchild' ),
            'subtitle'       => __( 'Choose dimensions of your logo.', 'gomaxchild' ),
            'desc'           => __( 'You can enable or disable any piece of this field. Width, Height, or Units.', 'gomaxchild' ),
            'default'        => array(
                'width'  => 250,
                'height' => 75,
            'required'       => array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'logo-image' )

        array (
            'id' => 'gm-site-title-opt',
            'type' => 'info',
            'style' => 'success',
            'title' => __('Use the current page title as your logo', 'gomaxchild'),
            'subtitle' => sprintf( '<div class="logo-item title">%s</div>', $site_title ),
            'required' => array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'site-title' )

        array (
            'id' => 'gm-title-tag-opt',
            'type' => 'info',
            'style' => 'success',
            'title' => __('Use the current page title AND tagline as your logo', 'gomaxchild'),
            'subtitle' => sprintf( '<div class="logo-item title_tagline">%s</div>', $site_title_tagline ),
            'required' => array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'site-title-tag' )

            'id'       => 'gm-custom-text-opt',
            'type'     => 'text',
            'title'    => 'Custom Title',
            'required' => array( 'gm-logo-select', '!=', 'logo-image' ), //tried this just to see if it would help
            array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'custom-text' )

            'id'       => 'gm-custom-tag-opt',
            'type'     => 'text',
            'title'    => 'Custom Tagline (optional)',
            'required' => array( 'gm-logo-select', '=', 'custom-text' )

) ); 
Alanimus commented 7 years ago

Hi, thanks for reposting it, didn't realise there was another thread for customizer.

Is there any info as to what causes this?