reduxframework / redux-framework

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Slides appearing in different section. #1115

Closed the-sean-sullivan closed 10 years ago

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

I have included the "slides" field underneath a specific section labelled, "Homepage Banner", which is the fifth section. At first it displayed in this section, but when I added info to it and it saved, it disappeared. I clicked around and found it in a different section, specifically the second section. It also took any field underneath it to that different section. I have checked my arrays and everything is as it should be, so I am not sure as to why this is happening. I am using the most recent update (

Any assistance is greatly appreciated

dovy commented 10 years ago

The arrays are never changed within Redux. Sounds like something else is up. You sure you've got your array setup correctly?

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Yep, I've checked and rechecked. Not sure what could be causing it. I suppose I'll continue debugging.

dovy commented 10 years ago

If after a few more debug sessions you can't find anything, post your panel config on and I'll try to reproduce.

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

It seems that only when I add a photo to the slide using the upload button, that that issue happens.

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Just checked out your sample-config.php and it is happening in that as well.

dovy commented 10 years ago

@kprovance Care to tinker with this one? :)

dovy commented 10 years ago

@gataf Please provide your full config file.

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago


dovy commented 10 years ago

Just tested and I have no such error. Please make sure you're using the latest Redux 3.2.3, just released and let me know.

If it still persists, try disabling other plugins, sending screenshots, and giving me exact steps to reproduce as I cannot.

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Ok, I'll give that a try. Thanks, I'll keep you updated.

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Alright, well I just disabled all of my plugins and updated to 3.2.3, still get this issue.

Not really sure what could be the problem. Like I said it is doing the same thing in your demo config file as well. But that could be something on my end causing it to happen.

As for my process, I literally just copy and paste the "slides" array from the sample-config file into my config file and edit the text as need be. Nothing really special there. When in the control panel, when I just fill out the text fields in the slide, it will work just fine. It is only when I upload an image that it will become displaced. When I remove that image, it goes back to the proper section.

So yea, I'm at a loss right now with this.

kprovance commented 10 years ago

Tinkered with the provided config. Cannot reproduce. :\

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Alright, thanks guys. Must be something with my WP installation. I'll test it out on a fresh install.

dovy commented 10 years ago

Thank you for your patience. I am not sure why that's happening. Just hard to debug something we can't reproduce. ;)

the-sean-sullivan commented 10 years ago

Ok, so I tested it out on a fresh install and it worked properly. The only difference between the two installs is that one with the issue is a WP multi-site (network). I don't know if that would be causing an issue with this. I know on the multi-site installs, that the uploads aren't actually going to the "uploads" folder but going to a "blogs.dir" folder....but then again I don't think that would cause an issue.

Thanks again for the help.

michaelmohamed commented 9 years ago

@gataf - are you still having this issue? I am having the same issue on WP3.9.1 with Redux in a multisite environment.

the-sean-sullivan commented 9 years ago

@echo1consulting - Yep, still having the issue on multi-site installs. Seems they are ignoring the issue.

In the newer Redux versions, it seems to have gotten even worse. When I enter information for a slide, and save it, it saves and moves it to another section (the initial problem). When I go to save again from any section, it will erase everything from the slides moving them back to the proper section but empty. So yea, it seems to have gotten worse.

kprovance commented 9 years ago

We're not 'ignoring' anything, but rather prioritizing...that is, doing work that pays, so the project may continue to be funded (since donations are next to nothing). I do apologize if we are not moving fast enough for you, but since this is a community project, there is absolutely nothing from stopping any of you from looking at it yourselves and submitting a pull request. If that's not something you're interested in doing, then yes, you'll have to wait for us to have the spare time to dig into the issue closer.

dovy commented 9 years ago

We're doing all we can. If we don't do what we're working towards now Redux would have no further development at all. Please try to understand.

We have families to feed.

the-sean-sullivan commented 9 years ago

I knew that comment would get your attention. I'm sure you are working very hard and it is much appreciated. Your stuff makes our lives easier, for sure and again, is much appreciated. But I'm saying that this was brought up almost 7 months ago and closed without any recognition of the issue that I finished up with.

kprovance commented 9 years ago

I've edited your comment to remove the unacceptable language. Also, if you believe that poking at Dovy or I with a proverbial stick is a proper way to get attention, then you've got it, but I don;t think it's the attention you want. I am locking this thread. Please do not start a new one.