reduxframework / redux-framework

Redux is a simple, truly extensible options framework for WordPress themes and plugins!
1.73k stars 582 forks source link

Turkish Language #465

Closed ghost closed 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

msgid "" msgstr "" "Project-Id-Version: Redux Framework\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2013-11-04 16:16-0700\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2013-12-29 19:12+0200\n" "Last-Translator: Abdullah Pazarbasi\n" "Language-Team: Redux Framework\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator: Poedit 1.5.4\n" "X-Poedit-KeywordsList: ;_e;__ngettext;_n;__ngettext_noop;_n_noop;_x;_nx;" "_nx_noop;_ex;esc_attr;esc_attr_e;esc_attr_x;esc_html__;esc_html_e;" "esc_html_x;_c;_nc\n" "X-Poedit-Basepath: ../../\n" "X-Poedit-SourceCharset: UTF-8\n" "Plural-Forms: nplurals=2; plural=(n != 1);\n" "Language: Turkish\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-0: ReduxCore\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-1: ReduxCore/languages\n" "X-Poedit-SearchPath-2: .\n"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:109 ReduxCore/framework.php:115

: ReduxCore/framework.php:255 ReduxCore/framework.php:257

msgid "Options" msgstr "Seçenekler"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:268

msgid "Options panel created using" msgstr "Seçenekler paneli şu kullanılarak oluşturuldu:"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:268

msgid "Redux Framework" msgstr "Redux Framework"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:817 ReduxCore/framework.php:818

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1684

msgid "Import / Export" msgstr "İthal Et / İhraç Et"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:839 ReduxCore/framework.php:840

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1714 ReduxCore/framework.php:1821

msgid "Options Object" msgstr "Seçenekler Nesnesi"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:850 ReduxCore/framework.php:851

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1728 ReduxCore/framework.php:1841

msgid "System Info" msgstr "Sistem Bilgisi"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1021

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:311

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:342

msgid "You have changes that are not saved. Would you like to save them now?" msgstr "Saklanmamış değişiklikleriniz var. Şimdi saklamak ister misiniz?"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1022

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:312

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:343

msgid "Are you sure? Resetting will lose all custom values." msgstr "" "Emin misiniz? Resetleme tüm özelleştirilmiş değerleri kaybettirecektir."

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1023

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:313

: ReduxCore/extensions/customizer/extension_customizer.php:344

msgid "" "Your current options will be replaced with the values of this preset. Would " "you like to proceed?" msgstr "" "Geçerli seçenekleriniz bu önayardaki değerlerle değiştirilecek. Onaylıyor " "musunuz?"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1289

msgid "Default" msgstr "Varsayılan"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1558

msgid "Warning- This options panel will not work properly without javascript!" msgstr "Uyarı: Bu seçenek paneli javascript olmaksızın doğru çalışmaz!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1611

msgid "Expand" msgstr "Genişlet"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1613 ReduxCore/framework.php:1870

msgid "Save Changes" msgstr "Değişiklikleri Sakla"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1615 ReduxCore/framework.php:1872

msgid "Reset to Defaults" msgstr "Varsayılanlara Dön"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1618 ReduxCore/framework.php:1875

msgid "Working..." msgstr "İşliyor..."

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1625

msgid "Settings Imported!" msgstr "Ayarlar İthal Edildi!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1627

msgid "Settings Saved!" msgstr "Ayarlar Saklandı!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1631

msgid "Settings have changed, you should save them!" msgstr "Ayarlar değişti, saklamalısınız!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1632

msgid "error(s) were found!" msgstr "hata(lar) bulundu!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1633

msgid "warning(s) were found!" msgstr "uyarı(lar) bulundu!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1765

msgid "Import / Export Options" msgstr "İthal / İhraç Seçenekleri"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1766

msgid "Import Options" msgstr "İthal Seçenekleri"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1767

msgid "Import from file" msgstr "Dosyadan ithal et"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1767

msgid "Import from URL" msgstr "URL'den ithal et"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1772

msgid "" "Input your backup file below and hit Import to restore your sites options " "from a backup." msgstr "" "Aşağıya yedek dosyanızın yolunu giriniz ve sitenizin seçeneklerini yedekten " "restore etmek için İthal Et'e basınız."

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1782

msgid "" "Input the URL to another sites options set and hit Import to load the " "options from that site." msgstr "" "Birbaşka sitenin seçenek setine giden URL'yi giriniz ve o sitenin " "seçeneklerini yüklemek için İthal Et'e basınız."

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1789

msgid "Import" msgstr "İthal Et"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1789

msgid "" "WARNING! This will overwrite all existing option values, please proceed with " "caution!" msgstr "" "UYARI! Bu tüm varolan seçenek değerlerinin üzerine yazacak, lütfen dikkatli " "olunuz!"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1792

msgid "Export Options" msgstr "Seçenekleri İhraç Et"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1794

msgid "" "Here you can copy/download your current option settings. Keep this safe as " "you can use it as a backup should anything go wrong, or you can use it to " "restore your settings on this site (or any other site)." msgstr "" "Geçerli seçenek ayarlarınızı buradan kopyalayabilirsiniz/indirebilirsiniz. " "Herhangi yanlışlıkta yedek olarak kullanabileceğiniz gibi bu sitedeki (ya da " "başka sitedeki) ayarlarınızı restore amaçlı kullanabilmeniz için güvende " "tutunuz."

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1798

msgid "Copy" msgstr "Kopyala"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1798

msgid "Download" msgstr "İndir"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1798

msgid "Copy Link" msgstr "Link Kopyala"

: ReduxCore/framework.php:1830

msgid "Show Object in Javascript Console Object" msgstr "Nesneyi Javascript Konsol Nesnesi olarak göster"

: ReduxCore/inc/tracking.php:65

msgid "Help improve Our Panel" msgstr "Panelimizi geliştirmek için yardım edin"

: ReduxCore/inc/tracking.php:66

msgid "" "Please helps us improve our panel by allowing us to gather anonymous usage " "stats so we know which configurations, plugins and themes to test with." msgstr "" "Lütfen hangi konfigürasyonlar, eklentiler ve temalar ile test ettiğinizi " "gösteren anonim kullanım istatistiklerini almamıza izin vererek panelimizi " "geliştirmemize yardımcı olunuz."

: ReduxCore/inc/tracking.php:71

msgid "Allow tracking" msgstr "İzlemeye izin ver"

: ReduxCore/inc/tracking.php:76

msgid "Do not allow tracking" msgstr "İzlemeye izin verme"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:75

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:122

msgid "All" msgstr "Tümü"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:88

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:135

msgid "Top" msgstr "Üst"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:95

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:142

msgid "Right" msgstr "Sağ"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:102

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:149

msgid "Bottom" msgstr "Alt"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:109

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:156

msgid "Left" msgstr "Sol"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/border/field_border.php:125

msgid "Border style" msgstr "Kenarlık stili"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/color/field_color.php:72

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:81

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:91

msgid "Transparent" msgstr "Saydam"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:73

msgid "From " msgstr "Şundan:"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/color_gradient/field_color_gradient.php:84

msgid "To " msgstr "Şuna:"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/dimensions/field_dimensions.php:85

msgid "Width" msgstr "Genişlik"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/dimensions/field_dimensions.php:101

msgid "height" msgstr "yükseklik"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/dimensions/field_dimensions.php:111

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/dimensions/field_dimensions.php:112

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:167

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/spacing/field_spacing.php:168

msgid "Units" msgstr "Birimler"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/gallery/field_gallery.php:76

msgid "Add/Edit Gallery" msgstr "Galeri Ekle/Düzenle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/gallery/field_gallery.php:77

msgid "Clear Gallery" msgstr "Galeri Temizle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/group/field_group.php:71

msgid "New" msgstr "Yeni"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/group/field_group.php:126

msgid "Delete" msgstr "Sil"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/group/field_group.php:131

msgid "Add" msgstr "Ekle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/link_color/field_link_color.php:84

msgid "Regular" msgstr "Sıradan"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/link_color/field_link_color.php:90

msgid "Hover" msgstr "Hover"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/link_color/field_link_color.php:96

msgid "Active" msgstr "Aktif"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/media/field_media.php:112

msgid "None media selected" msgstr "Herhangi ortam seçili değil"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/media/field_media.php:144

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:116

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:158

msgid "Upload" msgstr "Yükle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/media/field_media.php:150

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:74

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:77

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:80

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:122

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:160

msgid "Remove" msgstr "Kaldır"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/multi_text/field_multi_text.php:52

msgid "Add More" msgstr "Başka Ekle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/password/field_password.php:29

msgid "Password" msgstr "Şifre"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/password/field_password.php:29

msgid "Username" msgstr "Kullanıcıadı"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/select/field_select.php:67

msgid "Select an item" msgstr "Bir eleman seç"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/select/field_select.php:87

msgid "No items of this type were found." msgstr "Bu tipte hiçbir eleman bulunamadı."

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:128

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:166

msgid "Description" msgstr "Açıklama"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:136

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:173

msgid "Delete Slide" msgstr "Slayt Sil"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:165

msgid "Title" msgstr "Başlık"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:167

msgid "URL" msgstr "URL"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/slides/field_slides.php:176

msgid "Add Slide" msgstr "Slayt Ekle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:104

msgid "Font family" msgstr "Yazıtipi ailesi"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:107

msgid "Standard Fonts" msgstr "Standart Yazıtipleri"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:174

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:178

msgid "Font style" msgstr "Yazıtipi stili"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:178

msgid "Style" msgstr "Stil"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:204

msgid "Font subsets" msgstr "Yazıtipi Subsetleri"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:205

msgid "Subsets" msgstr "Subsetler"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:205

msgid "Font script" msgstr "Yazıtipi skripti"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:223

msgid "Size" msgstr "Boyut"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:232

msgid "Height" msgstr "Yükseklik"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:240

msgid "Word Spacing" msgstr "Kelime Aralığı"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:248

msgid "Letter Spacing" msgstr "Harf Aralığı"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:262

msgid "Backup Font Family" msgstr "Yazıtipi Ailesini Yedekle"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:282

msgid "Font color" msgstr "Yazıtipi rengi"

: ReduxCore/inc/fields/typography/field_typography.php:522

msgid "Google Webfonts" msgstr "Google Webfonts"

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/color/validation_color.php:15

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/color_rgba/validation_color_rgba.php:15

msgid "This field must be a valid color value." msgstr "Bu alan geçerli bir renk değeri olmak zorunda."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/comma_numeric/validation_comma_numeric.php:15

msgid "" "You must provide a comma separated list of numerical values for this option." msgstr "" "Bu seçenek için virgülle ayrılmış nümerik değer listesi girmek zorundasınız."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/date/validation_date.php:15

msgid "This field must be a valid date." msgstr "Bu alan geçerli bir tarih olmak zorunda."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/email/validation_email.php:15

msgid "You must provide a valid email for this option." msgstr "Bu seçenek için geçerli bir e-posta adresi girmek zorundasınız."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/no_html/validation_no_html.php:15

msgid "" "You must not enter any HTML in this field, all HTML tags have been removed." msgstr "" "Bu alana herhangi HTML etiketi giremezsiniz, tüm HTML etiketleri kaldırıldı."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/no_special_chars/validation_no_special_chars.php:15

msgid "" "You must not enter any special characters in this field, all special " "characters have been removed." msgstr "" "Bu alana herhangi özel karakter giremezsiniz, tüm özel karakterler " "kaldırıldı."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/numeric/validation_numeric.php:15

msgid "You must provide a numerical value for this option." msgstr "Bu seçenek için geçerli bir nümerik değer girmek zorundasınız."

: ReduxCore/inc/validation/url/validation_url.php:15

msgid "You must provide a valid URL for this option." msgstr "Bu seçenek için geçerli bir URL girmek zorundasınız."

: class-redux-plugin.php:243

msgid "Redux Framework has an embedded demo." msgstr "Redux Framework gömülü bir demoya sahip."

: class-redux-plugin.php:243

msgid "Click here to activate the sample config file." msgstr "Örnek konfigürasyon dosyasını aktif etmek için buraya tıklayın."

: class-redux-plugin.php:338

msgid "Deactivate Demo Mode" msgstr "Demo Modunu Deaktif Et"

: class-redux-plugin.php:340

msgid "Activate Demo Mode" msgstr "Demo Modunu Aktif Et"

dovy commented 10 years ago

I need both the mo and po files. Can you attach them or upload them somewhere? Thanks for the effort!

dovy commented 10 years ago

Got it. Thanks!