reduxjs / redux-toolkit

The official, opinionated, batteries-included toolset for efficient Redux development
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RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded after upgrading to `v1.9.1` from `v1.8.6` #3023

Open kushagra010 opened 1 year ago

kushagra010 commented 1 year ago

Getting the below error after upgrading to v1.9.1 from v1.8.6. There is no issue if on v1.8.6.

[RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded]
 WARN  Possible Unhandled Promise Rejection (id: 0):
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded
    at anonymous (
    at anonymous (
    at anonymous (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    ... skipping 1895 frames
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at queueMicrotask (
    at then (
    at anonymous (
    at tryCallOne (/root/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/.cxx/Release/6f4q4b2q/x86/lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.js:53:16)
    at anonymous (/root/react-native/ReactAndroid/hermes-engine/.cxx/Release/6f4q4b2q/x86/lib/InternalBytecode/InternalBytecode.js:139:27)
    at apply (native)
    at anonymous (
    at _callTimer (
    at _callReactNativeMicrotasksPass (
    at callReactNativeMicrotasks (
    at __callReactNativeMicrotasks (
    at anonymous (
    at __guard (
    at flushedQueue (
    at invokeCallbackAndReturnFlushedQueue (


"dependencies": {
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    "@react-navigation/native-stack": "^6.9.1",
    "@reduxjs/toolkit": "^1.9.1",     <-----------------------
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    "@storybook/react-native": "^5.3.25",
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    "jest": "^26.6.3",
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    "typescript": "^4.8.3"
markerikson commented 1 year ago

Unfortunately that call stack is almost completely unhelpful :( The only thing I see that's useful in there is the reference to queueMicrotask, which we only call in two places: the RTKQ middleware, and the autoBatchEnhancer.

Can you show an actual repo that demonstrates this happening? Is there any way to create a minimal repro of just this problem, maybe as an Expo Snack that runs on the web?

Since this appears to be RN, it's going to be much harder for us to investigate this.

kushagra010 commented 1 year ago

Sure, let me check if I can reproduce it on Expo Snack. Thanks for the quick response.

kushagra010 commented 1 year ago

@markerikson Here's the repo for issue reproduction. Currently reduxjs/toolkit version is set to 1.9.1 which is breaking. But changing it to 1.8.6 works.

kushagra010 commented 1 year ago

Hey, @markerikson Any update on this?

markerikson commented 1 year ago

@kushagra010 Nope, sorry. Haven't had time to look at this.

Mywbj commented 1 year ago


I also encountered this problem. Object a can no longer nest object a。

AtoianAvetik commented 1 year ago

I'm currently upgrading project to latest versions of packages like react 17 -> 18, react native 0.68 -> 0.71, expo 46 -> 48, etc. and spent almost HALF OF DAY to find where this Maximum call stack size... issue is comes from!! Thx to @kushagra010 , downgrading to version 1.8.6 helps and everything is working like a sharm with latest versions of all packages...except redux-toolkit -_-

markerikson commented 1 year ago

@AtoianAvetik downgrading isn't an "answer", it's a workaround.

Out of curiosity, what happens if you use the latest RTK 2.0 alphas instead?

AtoianAvetik commented 1 year ago

@markerikson Hi! Thx for answer, yep, I'm agree with you that this is just workaround. About RTK 2.0, I didn't test it since our team policy restricts developers from using unstable versions of any packages. Later, once current upgrade process will be done, I will check :)

kushagra010 commented 1 year ago

@markerikson I checked on RTK's 2.0.0-alpha.5 version. And it is still breaking with the same error. You can reproduce the issue by bumping the version to 2.0.0-alpha.5 in the repo mentioned

markerikson commented 11 months ago

@kushagra010 Circling back to this issue:

Unfortunately I don't use RN at all, and I don't have time to try to figure out how to run RN projects locally or debug them.

Can you try converting this to an Expo Snack, or at least an Expo project with a Web target? If so, does it happen in that environment?

kushagra010 commented 11 months ago

@markerikson Sorry for not getting back to you sooner.

I tried creating the replica of my above ( reproduction repo in an expo project with Android target and it is working fine even on 1.9.1 and above. Here's the expo project for reference

So, it seems like the issue persists in the React Native CLI project only.

markerikson commented 9 months ago

Realistically, we don't have time to go debugging into RN projects any time soon.

We did make some changes to the RTKQ internals in 2.0. Can someone please try out 2.0 and see if that fixes things?