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add examples with Flowtype support + libdefs for redux and react-redux #1887

Closed gcanti closed 7 years ago

gcanti commented 7 years ago

Using Flow for statically analyzing state and actions

This PR is a proof of concept and is not meant to be merged

Added examples (ordered by difficulty)

Added libdefs (in the ROOT/flow-typed directory)


1) the best type safety is achieved by avoiding the following helpers

combineReducers may be replaced by combining the reducers by hand (see the todos-flow example). bindActionCreators is unsafe when an object is passed in. However bindActionCreators also accepts a single function which is safer (see the todomvc-flow example)

2) react-redux's libdef was pretty hard to write. Should cover the most common cases (at least)

3) In order to please Flow I've done some refactorings but I tried to keep them as small as possible

4) libdefs need community feedback, then we might consider to push them to flow-typed

timdorr commented 7 years ago

I don't think we need the examples to be run with Flow. We don't have any other examples that use TypeScript, by comparison.

I do think there is value in the Flow definitions, though. Can you open that up as a separate PR?

Edit: I DO think there's value in the defs! Whoops!

gcanti commented 7 years ago

@timdorr I added the examples (and I do believe they are very important) for several reasons:

But even more important, while libdefs alone seem the main asset, examples are crucial for beginners: adding type annotations (but I'd say more in general adding type safety) is not always a straightforward process. Moreover, these examples are valuable because show the transition from an untyped codebase to a typed one.

timdorr commented 7 years ago

We test our TypeScript defs. Is there no equivalent testing infrastructure for Flow?

All of what you're saying describes Flow-specific issues and idioms. Those could apply to any other library, not just Redux. I don't want us to take on a language extension that will be unfamiliar to beginners or indicate some pattern they should be following. In fact, this is what Dan is trying to do in #1883, where create-react-app will let us get rid of a lot of the tooling infrastructure that distracts from the important part: the code.

Also, none of regular contributors are Flow experts (otherwise, we would have done this a year ago when Dan brought it up :smile:), so adding code that no one can really own isn't going to serve us well.

gaearon commented 7 years ago

I would like to have a Flow example. Not for every single example, but having something like todos-flow is something I want. However it would need to be rebased on top of #1883 and use the same infra.

In fact, this is what Dan is trying to do in #1883, where create-react-app will let us get rid of a lot of the tooling infrastructure that distracts from the important part: the code.

I want Flow to eventually be included by default with Create React App. We might also start using it more in React docs as it becomes better suited to common workflows / stacks in the community.

I would like to reopen and re-scope this in the following way:

timdorr commented 7 years ago

Well, my bad then. Sorry for closing!

alexeygolev commented 7 years ago

@gaearon flow-typed folder within a project is automatically used by flow as a libdef folder. To make it work out of the box the definitions should be shipped (Draft.js team has made some progress on that as far as I know — they ship their definitions with the lib). Another possibility is to add it to (flow-typed)[] repo. There is a community created libdef for redux there, but having an official one is always better.

gaearon commented 7 years ago

If someone is willing to lead the effort of official Flow types I’m happy to assist in any way I can.

alexeygolev commented 7 years ago

@gaearon I guess we just need to decide between flow-typed repo or shipping with redux

gaearon commented 7 years ago

I guess we just need to decide between flow-typed repo or shipping with redux

@thejameskyle Any opinions on this?

gcanti commented 7 years ago

@gaearon if there's something I can do I'm glad to help. I worked on this for a few weeks, when you find the right tradeoff, flow is awesome

timdorr commented 7 years ago

@gcanti Do you mind splitting out the single commit into one for each example and the libdefs separately? Even better would be a separate PR for the definitions and the examples, but you don't have to do that. Reading through 2,675 new lines makes my browser crawl 😄

timdorr commented 7 years ago

Thank you so much! 💯

timdorr commented 7 years ago

So, I'm with @gaearon on keeping this to just one single example. Duplicating examples means pain whenever one is updated and you have to synchronize the changes to the other. 3 examples mean that happens 3x as often.

Given the size of the todomvc-flow example (1,560 lines of code), that one should go. I know it has some things to help with dealing with CSS imports, but that's a Flow issue, not a Redux one. So, I don't think we're in any position here to be establishing patterns for another library.

I'd be happy with either the todos-flow or counter-flow examples being added. It looks like todos-flow has more substantial Flow-specific additions (namely, a separate types definition for the app), so it seems like the better choice. What are your thoughts, @gcanti?

gcanti commented 7 years ago

I agree, one single example is enough. counter-flow is too simple while todomvc-flow is unnecessary big.

todos-flow seems perfect, is fairly small but contains all the juice. It shows how to:

kristian-puccio commented 7 years ago

The other thing that I've been doing for this is typed check tests to go with it.

The pattern I've used is each reducer file exports it's own state + initialState and each corresponding test file exports some populated typed test data. That way in my root reducer I can combine states and in my root reducer test file I have access to typed test state from other reducers so I can test the selectors that select across more than one reducer.

I've never been able to get typing working for the connect HOC though so I've been getting the mapStateToProps to export StateProps and mapDispatchToProps to export DispatchProps. Then my props type for the component is type Props = StateProps & DispatchProps & IncomingProps;. This works but feels super hacky.

On 11 August 2016 at 06:24, Giulio Canti wrote:

I agree, one single example is enough. counter-flow is too simple while todomvc-flow is unnecessary big.

todos-flow seems perfect, is fairly small but contains all the juice. It shows how to:

  • configure a minimal .flowconfig file
  • type check the action creators
  • type check the reducers
  • write a type safe combined reducer
  • type check stateless components
  • type check the containers and connect them via react-redux with the connector pattern
  • group the domain model in a separate file
  • tie all together by annotating the store

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kasperpeulen commented 7 years ago

4) libdefs need community feedback, then we might consider to push them to flow-typed

Should I give the feedback in this PR?

kasperpeulen commented 7 years ago

@gcanti I have one problem with your definition, so basically when you have this:

const connector: Connector<OwnProps,Props> = connect(...)

It now works like that Props are the Props of the component. And OwnProps are the Props that the connected Component exposes. It assumes that Props = SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> } where SP are the props it gets from the redux State. But this is not true right? The props can also come from the view, it doesn't have to come from the redux state.

I get a bunch of errors of code that work, because of that (verryyy looongg error messages). But I think this is the reason.

kasperpeulen commented 7 years ago

For example, say I have:

    <Counter style={{color: 'red'}}/>

where Counter is

type Props = {
  show: boolean,
  value: number,
  dispatch: Dispatch<State, Action>,
  style: Object
const Counter = ({show, value, dispatch, style}: Props) =

Now show and value is coming from the redux state like this:

const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
  ({Counter}: State) => {
    return {...Counter}

Where Counter has type

  value: number,
  show: boolean

So everything works if I run it, but I get the following errors:

inconsistent use of library definitions
 33:   declare type Connector<OP, P> = {
                                       ^ intersection. This type is incompatible with. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:33
 34:     (component: StatelessComponent<P>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, void, void>;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:34
  Member 1:
   34:     (component: StatelessComponent<P>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, void, void>;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:34
   38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                   ^^^^^ object type. This type is incompatible with. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
   52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ intersection. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52
    Member 1:
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                              ^ type parameter `SP` of function call. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                     ^^^^^ property `style`. Property not found in. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     40:     return {...Counter}
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:40
    Member 2:
     52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                     ^^^^^ property `style`. Property not found in. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52
  Member 2:
   35:     <Def, St>(component: Class<React$Component<Def, P, St>>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, Def, St>;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ polymorphic type: function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:35
  inconsistent use of library definitions
   21:   declare type StatelessComponent<P> = (props: P) => ?React$Element<any>;
                                              ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ statics of function type. Callable signature not found in. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:21
   16: declare class React$Component<DefaultProps, Props, State> {
       ^ statics of React$Component. See lib: /private/tmp/flow/flowlib_377a32d6/react.js:16

inconsistent use of library definitions
 33:   declare type Connector<OP, P> = {
                                       ^ intersection. This type is incompatible with. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:33
 35:     <Def, St>(component: Class<React$Component<Def, P, St>>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, Def, St>;
         ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ polymorphic type: function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:35
  Member 1:
   34:     (component: StatelessComponent<P>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, void, void>;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:34
  inconsistent use of library definitions
   34:     (component: StatelessComponent<P>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, void, void>;
                       ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ function type. Callable signature not found in. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:34
   35:     <Def, St>(component: Class<React$Component<Def, P, St>>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, Def, St>;
                                      ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ statics of React$Component. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:35
  Member 2:
   35:     <Def, St>(component: Class<React$Component<Def, P, St>>): ConnectedComponentClass<OP, P, Def, St>;
           ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ polymorphic type: function type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:35
   38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                   ^^^^^ object type. This type is incompatible with. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
   52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                          ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ intersection. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52
    Member 1:
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                              ^ type parameter `SP` of function call. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                     ^^^^^ property `style`. Property not found in. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     40:     return {...Counter}
                    ^^^^^^^^^^^^ object literal. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:40
    Member 2:
     52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52
     38: const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
                                                     ^^^^^ property `style`. Property not found in. See: src/Counter/Counter.js:38
     52:   ): Connector<OP, SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> }>;
                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ object type. See lib: flow-typed/react-redux.js:52

Found 2 errors
gcanti commented 7 years ago

@kasperpeulen type parameter S removed from Dispatch.

It assumes that Props = SP & { dispatch: Dispatch<S, A> } where SP are the props it gets from the redux State. But this is not true right?

Yes, theorically you are right. Technically, in order to type check as much as possible, I need that property (I tried for hours other approaches but I failed. I'm open to alternative implementation though)

I get a bunch of errors of code that work

Seems an easy fix

const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
  ({Counter}: State, {style}) => {
    return {...Counter, style}

verryyy looongg error messages

Yeah, alas there are (5 overloadings of connect) x (2 ways of defining a component), i.e. stateless and React$Component, thus the error messages are long and awkward

kasperpeulen commented 7 years ago

type parameter S removed from Dispatch.

Nice 👍

Yes, theorically you are right. Technically, in order to type check as much as possible, I need that property (I tried for hours other approaches but I failed. I'm open to alternative implementation though)

I see, I tried a bit as well, but I also failed getting it to work like I wanted.

Seems an easy fix

That works indeed. Strangely enough, this did not work:

const connector: Connector<{style: Object}, Props> = connect(
  ({Counter}: State, ownProps) => {
    return {...Counter, ...ownProps}

If this will be chosen as the way to go, I think it is important to have good documentation.

type Props = {
  show: boolean,
  value: number,
  dispatch: Dispatch<State, Action>,
  style?: Object

That seems to work as well. In this case this is some sense better, as it seems natural to make a style property optional.

gcanti commented 7 years ago

Strangely enough, this did not work

Yeah, kind of surprising. The spread works if you add a type annotation

type OwnProps = {
  style: Object

const connector: Connector<OwnProps, Props> = connect(
  ({Counter}: State, ownProps: OwnProps) => {
    return {...Counter, ...ownProps}
agentcooper commented 7 years ago

@gcanti Thank you for working on this, proper definitions for react-redux are the missing piece for full Flow coverage on our project.

I'm trying to compile a simple example with your definitions:

App renders Counter without text prop and Flow does not seem to pick up the error. Is this solvable?

gcanti commented 7 years ago


you'll get a few errors

agentcooper commented 7 years ago

@gcanti just did that and found out that I have the same issue as @kasperpeulen. It is actually working now, however merging ownProps with stateProps looks little bit awkward:

aaronjensen commented 7 years ago

How would one augment Dispatch<A> with the thunk middleware? You can't just include a thunk in A because it doesn't have a type property. Would you have to edit the types directly to do this or is there another way?

agentcooper commented 7 years ago

@aaronjensen take a look at

aaronjensen commented 7 years ago

@agentcooper thanks, that worked. I didn't know you could intersect functions like that.

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

@gcanti I've been playing around with Flow and Redux and this is by far the best example yet. 🏆🏆🏆

In some of the other implementations I've seen, I'm not sure they completely understand the concept of "strongly typed". Even the flow-typed definitions are pretty crappy if you ask me -- state is annotated as an Object!

Anyways, I had some feedback to give you, but I answered all my own questions as I went back through to try find the answers. This looks awesome. I'm going to play with it today. Let me know if I can help.

Also, it would be great if these lib defs were in .js.flow format so we dont have mess with the flowconfig file

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

I've gotten this to work pretty well for me. The only thing that isnt working is validating component props after connect.

For example:

// @flow

import { connect } from 'react-redux'
import React from 'react'
import classnames from 'classnames'
import UnderlineSrc from 'skeleton/src/images/underline.png'
import 'skeleton/src/components/counter/style.css'
import * as actions from 'skeleton/src/actions'
import type { State, Dispatch, Action } from 'skeleton/src/types'

type Props = {
  color: 'red' | 'blue',
  pending: boolean,
  count: number,
  decrement: Function,
  increment: Function,

const Counter = (props : Props) => {
  const className = classnames({
    counter: true,
    disabled: props.pending,
  return (
    <div className={className} style={{color: props.color}}>
        <button className="decrement" onClick={props.decrement}>{'-'}</button>
        <span className="count">{props.count}</span>
        <button className="increment" onClick={props.increment}>{'+'}</button>
      <img alt="underline" className="underline" src={UnderlineSrc} />

const mapStateToProps = (state: State) => ({
  count: state.get('count'),
  pending: state.get('pending').includes('decrement'),

const mapDispatchToProps = (dispatch: Dispatch) => ({
  increment: () => dispatch(actions.increment()),
  decrement: (count) => () => dispatch(actions.decrement(count)),

const mergeProps = (stateProps, dispatchProps, ownProps) => ({
  decrement: dispatchProps.decrement(stateProps.count),

export default connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)(Counter)

And this doesnt throw an error:

  <Provider store={store}>
), root)
gcanti commented 7 years ago

@ccorcos try this pattern

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

hmm. @gcanti don't you think its possible somehow to deduce OwnProps?

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

I'm toying around with little success. I was thinking something like this:

  declare type Connect<State,Action,Props> = (
    mapStateToProps: (state: State, ownProps: $Diff<Props,ResultProps>) => StateProps,
    mapDispatchToProps: (dispatch: Dispatch<Action>, ownProps: $Diff<Props,ResultProps>) => DispatchProps,
    mergeProps: (stateProps: StateProps, dispatchProps: DispatchProps, ownProps: $Diff<Props,ResultProps>) => ResultProps
  ) => Connector<$Diff<Props,ResultProps>, Props>

Even in your example, you need to specify State and Dispatch in mapStateToProps and mapDispatchToProps. That doesnt seem like it should be necessary...

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

So even when I do this:

const connector : Connector<{color: 'red' | 'blue'}, Props>= connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps, mergeProps)

export default connect(Counter)

This checks out fine:

  <Provider store={store}>
), root)
gcanti commented 7 years ago

@ccorcos please put your code in a repo, it's hard to tell why from a fragment

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

@gcanti I put it all here:

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

@gcanti @gaearon what are we waiting for to merge this?

timdorr commented 7 years ago

I've been following along with this thread (this is our biggest open PR by number of comments), but have been waiting for the dust to settle before approaching it. I'm not a Flow expert (I'm not even a typings expert), so I'm reliant on the comments from others to determine if this should be merged in or not.

I think I just need a consensus at this point. So, any participants or onlookers want to comment on the suitability of these typings currently?

I also need remove the todomvc-flow and counter-flow examples, as discussed before, and update todos-flow to use Create React App (if possible?). But those things can happen separately right after the merge process.

gcanti commented 7 years ago


  1. just a single todos-flow example
  2. should build on top of the last master (Create React App integration)
  3. wrt libdefs we need to decide between flow-typed repo or shipping with redux / react-redux

1, 2 seem easy, I'm not sure what to do for 3 though. Once we agree on 3, I can close this PR and open a new one meant to be merged. @gaearon @thejameskyle any advices?

timdorr commented 7 years ago

I think I'd lean towards flow-typed only because they have a testing infrastructure in place and building that out here looks like a lot of work, which would be a burden on those contributing who aren't concerned with Flow-related code.

timdorr commented 7 years ago

@gcanti Can you git rebase -i master and drop the todosmvc-flow and counter-flow commits? I think only cc0b9ae8 might give you some trouble. If you don't want to wrestle with git stuff, let me know. I can take that on after-the-fact once we get things merged in appropriately.

And good job everyone for the comments on and subsequent fixes to the definitions!

gcanti commented 7 years ago

@timdorr rebased and squashed (2 commits now):

ccorcos commented 7 years ago

This is looking great! I'm curious what @thejameskyle thinks about whether these typedefs should be here or in flow-typed.

aaronjensen commented 7 years ago

@ccorcos my understanding is that until shadow files are a fleshed out thing, flow-typed is the place they're meant to be.

alexeygolev commented 7 years ago

Playing around with the typedefs. Quite amazing. I'm not sure how would I go about typing my own middleware if I want it to be generic. Another thing (which is probably not possible with flow, at least yet) — if my app is structured in this way:


I can import my actions and have a union type type Action = ModuleOneAction | ModuleTwoAction so my actions file is decoupled from the app. But container and reducer are still coupled because the reducer will be called with the app Action type and the container uses Dispatch that in its turn uses ReduxDispatch<Action> as well as the Store type. I wonder what one would do if his module depends only on its own Actions and Store property. ``

gcanti commented 7 years ago

@kasperpeulen @MarcoPolo @jimbolla Thanks for your comments, I'm trying a new approach using the $Supertype magic type:

declare function connect<S, A, OP, SP>(
  mapStateToProps: MapStateToProps<S, OP, SP>,
  mapDispatchToProps: Null,
  mergeProps: Null,
  options?: ConnectOptions
): Connector<
    $Supertype< // <= this should allow the `& OP` intersection below and "optional" field declarations in the connected component (@MarcoPolo)
      SP & 
      { dispatch: Dispatch<A> } & 
      OP> // <= this should account for the default merge function (@kasperpeulen and @MarcoPolo)

Also the wrong connect overloading should be fixed (@jimbolla comment)

Could you please try / review my last commit?

timdorr commented 7 years ago

OK, we've got @MarcoPolo, @aaronjensen, and @alexeygolev all saying this looks good. So, it's on you 3 if the community gets out their pitchforks 🔥 😈

But seriously, thanks for the awesome work on this @gcanti and the help from everyone who commented. Couldn't have done it without you all!

gnoff commented 7 years ago

@gcanti what is the best way to consume this today. I have the redux and react-redux libdef from flow-typed installed right now. Are you going to publish there? Or will this be distributed as part of the npm dep on install and we should point flow to it?

aaronjensen commented 7 years ago

@gnoff they're pull requested

jcreamer898 commented 7 years ago

I'm presently trying to grok all of this information. So, as of right NOW, there's a flow-typed directory that automatically allows me to do this...

import type { Dispatch as ReduxDispatch } from "redux";

BUT, as of, when it gets merged, the flow-typed repo will contain the declarations, so they'll at that point be pulled from there?


Loving the work you guys are all doing!

gcanti commented 7 years ago

type safe combineReducers using the new $ObjMap magic type (Flow v0.33+)