reduxjs / reselect

Selector library for Redux
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Try adding `resultEqualityCheck` to `weakMapMemoize` #647

Closed markerikson closed 9 months ago

markerikson commented 9 months ago

This PR:

tbh I'm really not happy with where this stands. It seems to work, mostly. But we're inherently limited by the way we can't check vs existing cache entries, since we don't have the args lying around. With defaultMemoize we have all the existing cache entries in an array.

I could imagine writing some code that keeps existing results in a WeakRef of some kind (Lenz's suggestion), or traversing the cache nodes tree. But there could be N existing cache entries to compare against, and that's also the behavior that causes defaultMemoize with a maxSize > 1 to be kinda slow.

So I ended up with a single lastResult value for the whole memoized function, and we compare against that. My working assumption is that either you need this to be a cache size of 1 and you want consistent reused results if possible, or you want an infinite cache size and aren't going to be trying to reuse anything.

I added a test case with a React todo list. It currently runs a few combos of default vs weakMap, standard vs with resultsEqualityCheck, and logs the resulting renders and recomputations to the console. I specifically forced selectTodoById to return [todo] as an array to force a new reference. This wouldn't normally be the case for a straight lookup.

Here's my latest results:

Recomputations after render (default):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 1, inputSelectors: 1, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 200, inputSelectors: 200, newResults: 200 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 200, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after toggle completed (default):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 2, inputSelectors: 2, newResults: 2 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 400, inputSelectors: 400, newResults: 400 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 2, listItemRenders: 400, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after added (default):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 3, inputSelectors: 3, newResults: 3 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 601, inputSelectors: 601, newResults: 601 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 3, listItemRenders: 601, listItemMounts: 201 }

stdout | test/computationComparisons.spec.tsx > Computations and re-rendering with React components > resultEquality
Recomputations after render (resultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 1, inputSelectors: 1, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 200, inputSelectors: 200, newResults: 200 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 200, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after toggle completed (resultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 2, inputSelectors: 2, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 400, inputSelectors: 400, newResults: 201 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 201, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after added (resultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 3, inputSelectors: 3, newResults: 2 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 601, inputSelectors: 601, newResults: 202 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 2, listItemRenders: 202, listItemMounts: 201 }

stdout | test/computationComparisons.spec.tsx > Computations and re-rendering with React components > weakMap
Recomputations after render (weakMap):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 1, inputSelectors: 1, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 200, inputSelectors: 200, newResults: 200 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 200, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after toggle completed (weakMap):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 2, inputSelectors: 2, newResults: 2 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 400, inputSelectors: 400, newResults: 400 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 2, listItemRenders: 400, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after added (weakMap):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 3, inputSelectors: 3, newResults: 3 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 601, inputSelectors: 601, newResults: 601 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 3, listItemRenders: 601, listItemMounts: 201 }

stdout | test/computationComparisons.spec.tsx > Computations and re-rendering with React components > weakMapResultEquality
Last results were equal:  {}
Recomputations after render (weakMapResultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 1, inputSelectors: 1, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 0, inputSelectors: 200, newResults: 0 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 200, listItemMounts: 200 }
Last results were equal:  [
   0,  1,  2,  3,  4,  5,  6,  7,  8,  9, 10, 11,
  12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23,
  24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35,
  36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47,
  48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59,
  60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71,
  72, 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79, 80, 81, 82, 83,
  84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95,
  96, 97, 98, 99,
  ... 100 more items

Recomputations after toggle completed (weakMapResultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 2, inputSelectors: 2, newResults: 1 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 200, inputSelectors: 400, newResults: 200 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 1, listItemRenders: 400, listItemMounts: 200 }

Recomputations after added (weakMapResultEquality):
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 3, inputSelectors: 3, newResults: 2 }
memoized result function recalculated: { resultFunc: 401, inputSelectors: 601, newResults: 401 }
Render count:  { listRenders: 2, listItemRenders: 601, listItemMounts: 201 }

I think this says that with weakMapResultEquality, the list only re-rendered when we added an item (expected) and not when we toggled completed (good).


Right now I have no tests. I am also not 100% sure the actual logic is correct.

I'm really feeling uncomfortable about where things stand atm.

I'd still seriously like to make the switch to weakMapMemoize as default in Reselect 5.0. But I think it needs to have some form of resultEqualityCheck , both to keep API compat with (the relatively few) folks who are doing createSelector(a, b, {memoizeOptions: {resultEqualityCheck}}) in the wild, and also because it's a use case that defaultMemoize made handleable in 4.1 and I don't want to regress on that aspect.

but what I've got over here is very hacked up and doesn't particularly feel ready.

@aryaemami59 , can you take a look at this and give some thoughts?

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markerikson commented 9 months ago

Cleaned this up some: