redwoodjs / redwood

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Error replacing existing auth provider #2685

Open Tobbe opened 3 years ago

Tobbe commented 3 years ago

I tried to setup supabase auth

tobbe@XPS9550 MINGW64 ~/dev/redwood/performance-management (main)
$ yarn rw setup auth supabase
yarn run v1.22.4
$ C:\Users\tobbe\dev\redwood\performance-management\node_modules\.bin\rw setup auth supabase
Existing auth provider found.
Use --force to override existing provider.
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

It correctly detected that I already had an auth client, and asked me to run the command again, with --force, so I did. But even with --force it fails.

tobbe@XPS9550 MINGW64 ~/dev/redwood/performance-management (main)
$ yarn rw setup auth supabase --force
yarn run v1.22.4
$ C:\Users\tobbe\dev\redwood\performance-management\node_modules\.bin\rw setup auth supabase --force
    throw new Error('Could not replace existing auth provider init');

Error: Could not replace existing auth provider init
    at removeOldAuthProvider (C:\Users\tobbe\dev\redwood\performance-management\node_modules\@redwoodjs\cli\dist\commands\setup\auth\auth.js:123:11)
    at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:93:5)
    at async addConfigToApp (C:\Users\tobbe\dev\redwood\performance-management\node_modules\@redwoodjs\cli\dist\commands\setup\auth\auth.js:161:15)
error Command failed with exit code 1.
info Visit for documentation about this command.

The project is currently using goTrue auth

I'm not on the latest version of RW, so sorry if this has already been fixed

tobbe@XPS9550 MINGW64 ~/dev/redwood/performance-management (main)
$ yarn rw info
yarn run v1.22.4
$ C:\Users\tobbe\dev\redwood\performance-management\node_modules\.bin\rw info

    OS: Windows 10 10.0.19041
    Node: 15.4.0 - ~\AppData\Local\Temp\yarn--1622565179883-0.7588021952890174\node.CMD
    Yarn: 1.22.4 - ~\AppData\Local\Temp\yarn--1622565179883-0.7588021952890174\yarn.CMD
    Chrome: 90.0.4430.212
    Edge: Spartan (44.19041.964.0), Chromium (91.0.864.37)
    @redwoodjs/core: 0.29.0 => 0.29.0

Done in 5.36s.
peterp commented 3 years ago

I wonder if we need something like to match "what to replace and where" instead of using regex?

Is the root cause of this issue that we're matching the incorrect thing?

Tobbe commented 3 years ago

@peterp I don't think that's the the only thing.

After I got that error message I removed everything auth related from App.js, and re-ran the command, again with --force and then it started to complain about regex mismatches.

jtoar commented 2 years ago

I tried reproducing this by setting up dbAuth then supabase. While the supabase setup command finished, it left me in a broken state. It didn't change the AuthProvider's type and client:

// Still dbAuth and no client
<AuthProvider type="dbAuth">

We could achieve this kind of precision with jscodeshift. But this issue raises the larger question of: how easy is it / how easy should we make it to switch between setup commands? (Not just for auth but for deployment, ui too)

Accordingly, is one solution to this.

thedavidprice commented 2 years ago

I do not think we should support, via command line, swapping Auth providers. Instead, we can focus on documentation. (I believe someone recently documented swapping auth providers, but I couldn't find it across Forums or Discord.)

will-ks commented 2 years ago

I encountered this issue today while replacing Netlify Identity.

I was able to solve it by removing the <AuthProvider> component in App's render function. After that was removed the setup auth command completed successfully.

It didn't fully clean up the old netlify installation though, so I had to manually remove this line from App.tsx: isBrowser && netlifyIdentity.init() and also remove the netlify-identity-widget dependency from web's package.json.

Tobbe commented 2 years ago

We're currently investigating a full rewrite of how we handle different auth service providers. I think it'll be much easier to replace one for another after that. Or even run two at the same time 😮