redxtech / vue-plyr

A Vue component for the plyr ( video & audio player.
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Can't reload source dynamic #18

Closed lucasgmartins closed 6 years ago

lucasgmartins commented 6 years ago


I'm trying to chance source value dynamic but nothing happens, Am I missing something?

     <source :src="episode" format="audio/mp3">

<button @click="episode = '' ">x</button>
<button @click="episode = ''">y</button>```
da-rth commented 6 years ago

You could try the following:

    <audio :src="yourSource" format="audio/mp3"></audio>
    <!-- or alternatively -->
    <video :src="yourSource" format="audio/mp4"></video>

Declaring the source in the video tag works for me. In order to use , I think you might have to reset the player somehow by pausing it and setting time to 00:00. Untested though.

redxtech commented 6 years ago

Are you able to reproduce in an environment with just plyr? It's possible that it doesn't support hotswitching the video url. If this happens to be the case, I would recommend switching out the entire player. As unfortunate as it is, it might work.

redxtech commented 6 years ago

Actually, after looking at plyr docs, I have found that it is possible. In the new version coming out soon, the player object will be emitted on mount with the player event. You can access it like this

    <vue-plyr @player="setPlayer">

export default {
    name: 'Component',
    data () {
        return {
            player: {}
    methods: {
        setPlayer (player) {
            this.player = player

Once you have the player object set to this.player, you can use the source options to dynamically change the source of the player in your @click events. If this doesn't work reopen the issue.

jremi commented 6 years ago

@redxtech , i used your suggestion , it worked thx

fahim525 commented 3 years ago

@redxtech Thank you for your answer. It works fine for me.

taylor-mccants commented 3 years ago

@redxtech Hi. I am still struggling with his particular issue. Can someone post their final resulting code?

In my code, the first video autoplays no problem, but when I call updateVideo() to update the videoUrl and when I change the source using the player state it just restarts the same video that's already playing.

In addition, setting the current time always results in 0 when I'm changing videos. However if the video does not change it will set the time with a test button.

<vue-plyr ref="plyr" @player="setPlayer">
              fullscreen='{ "enabled": "false" }'
              speed='{ selected: 1, options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2] }'
              data-plyr-config='{ "title": "Video Title" }'

data: () => ({
    player: {},
    videoUrl: process.env.VIDEO_SOURCE_URL + '/videos/videos/00032/00032.mp4',

methods: {
    setPlayer(player) {
      this.player = player
    updateVideo(videoId = '00032', startTime = 0) {
      this.videoUrl = process.env.VIDEO_SOURCE_URL + '/videos/videos/' + videoId + '/' + videoId + '.mp4'
      this.player.source = {
              src: process.env.VIDEO_SOURCE_URL + '/videos/videos/' + videoId + '/' + videoId + '.mp4',
              type: 'video/mp4',
              size: 720,
      this.$refs.plyr.player.currentTime = startTime
KobusPost commented 3 years ago

Whenever I change the source dynamically using the sources object, the source changes. But I cannot seek. When setting currentTime (using the progressbar or in code) the video/audio starts at 0.

I access the player object via this.$refs -> using the this.player route gives an empty object.

TalkLounge commented 3 years ago

This works for me

    <audio controls>
        <source :src="audioSrc" />

this.audioSrc = srcOfNewAudio;
divyeshmakwana96 commented 3 years ago

@taylor-mccants You are mixing two player getters here. From looking at the recent doc I realized that the @player is obsolete so the method will never be executed. Hence the player object will always be null. Your start time updates because you have used $refs which is the correct approach.

Try this:

<vue-plyr ref="plyr">
            fullscreen='{ "enabled": "false" }'
            speed='{ selected: 1, options: [0.5, 0.75, 1, 1.25, 1.5, 1.75, 2] }'
            data-plyr-config='{ "title": "Video Title" }'

export default {
    data() {
        return {
            videoUrl: process.env.VIDEO_SOURCE_URL + '/videos/videos/00032/00032.mp4'
    methods: {
        updateVideo(videoId = '00032', startTime = 0) {
            let player = this.$refs.plyr.player
            player.source = {
                sources: [
                        src: process.env.VIDEO_SOURCE_URL +  '/videos/videos/' + videoId + '/' + videoId + '.mp4',
                        type: 'video/mp4',
                        size: 720
            player.currentTime = startTime
Dihan-Tech commented 2 years ago

I can't dynamically change youtube video id.

        <VuePlyr ref="plyr" :options="options">
            style="--plyr-color-main: #1ac266"
danimalweb commented 2 years ago

@Dihan-Tech Updating the Youtube source worked fine for me (Vue v3 & Composition API).

` let player = plyr.value.player;

  player.source = {
    type: 'video',
    sources: [
        src: youTubeId,
        provider: 'youtube',
  player.currentTime = 0;`
digitalcraftlabs commented 4 months ago

I believe that vue-plyr v7.0.0 has an issue where I receive an 'Error in mounted hook: cannot appendChild' every time I change the video. I solved this problem by replacing the main vue-plyr.vue file with a new one.

