reearth / resium

React components for 🌏 Cesium
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Resium Duplicates KML while in React StrictMode #623

Open TMarche opened 11 months ago

TMarche commented 11 months ago

I've encountered an issue with Resium in StrictMode on the following Resium versions:

Resium will duplicate KML while in StrictMode.

Steps to Replicate

These are the steps I used to replicate the issue.

  1. Run npx create-react-app test-resium-duplication --template typescript
  2. Inside the test-resium-duplication project, run npm install --save @craco/craco craco-cesium cesium resium@1.17.1
  3. Follow steps 3 and 4 here to set up craco
  4. Replace the code in App.tsx with the following:

    function App() {
    const kmlBlob = new Blob([
    '<kml xmlns=""><GroundOverlay><color>55ffff</color><name>Region</name><LatLonBox><north>45</north><south>25</south><east>-80</east><west>-100</west></LatLonBox></GroundOverlay></kml>'
    return (
  5. Start the app
  6. Open the React DevTools "Components" tab
  7. In the Components tab, navigate to App > Viewer > Context.Provider
  8. With Context.Provider Selected, select props > value > viewer > _dataSourceCollection > _dataSources
  9. When in StrictMode, under _dataSources you will see: image
  10. Disable StrictMode (remove the React.StrictMode tags from index.tsx). Under _dataSources you will see: image
TimonSotiropoulos commented 9 months ago

+1 for this!

I am getting an entire duplication of the <Viewer></Viewer> component when using React.StrictMode on a brand new project.

vxlk commented 8 months ago

Bump. Getting the same issue.

akHend22 commented 8 months ago

+1, same issue.

prusswan commented 8 months ago

The issue happens to all layers(?) under Viewer. I was wondering why onLayerAdd (under ImageryLayerCollection) was triggered 4 times for every layer