reef-pi / reef-pi

An opensource reef tank controller based on Raspberry Pi
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Webpage access very spotty #2154

Open d-portero opened 1 year ago

d-portero commented 1 year ago

My reef-pi setup is very difficult to access on my local network. I chalked it up to my old router. But after replacing the router with ubiquiti I am still facing the same issue.

Most times when I access the webpage through the IP address it never loads. Then if I come back an hour or two later it might load. I have other rpi systems that are accessed through the browser that work without issue. Unsure of why this system doesn't want to be connected to.

Setup has been running on a 3B Rev1.2 since 2021. Running reef-pi 6.0

gminton86 commented 12 months ago

mine does the exact same thing and I have had this thing running for over 3 years it started after the last update.

Ren108 commented 10 months ago

if you dont use esp32 just downgrade to 5.x...

d-portero commented 10 months ago

if you dont use esp32 just downgrade to 5.x...

This issue happened on previous versions as well. I think previously I was on version 4

danmrossi commented 7 months ago

As of zero information on how it’s connected or what Ubiquiti hardware you have I am assuming you are connecting by wi-fi.

If so then everything I am saying below is in regards to wifi connections…

  1. Try moving the raspberry pi that’s having the connection issue closer to the wifi access point - to rule out signal degradation.

if it works better then there are options in Ubiquiti and a lot of other routers that can be configured by default to drop weak connections which you can disable as that can be the culprit.

  1. Assuming raspberry pi os is up-to-date (not bookworm) but all updates installed along with any and all firmware for your Ubiquiti hardware?

    1. Not using a usb wifi dongle but the inbuilt wifi?
  2. Anything interesting in the wifi logs on the raspberry pi?

  3. Running a beefy power-supply? If not raspberry pi one then what as not all power supplies are made equal.

  4. Are you using dhcp or static ip? If static ip is it set in your router or direct on the raspberry-pi?

  5. Where is your dns pointing? To your router or google etc.

d-portero commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the tips. I'll answer them in order.

  1. It is very close to the router already, as I live in a small unit. Ubiquiti says the connection is always excellent.
  2. I did run an update a few months ago, but currently cannot check as the raspberry pi won't let me connect through ssh or the browser.
  3. Yes inbuilt wifi
  4. I can't access them currently, but I also wouldn't know what to look for.....
  5. I am running a buck converter from a 12V power supply
  6. I am using DCHP with address reservation through my router
  7. I don't know how to figure out where the DNS is pointing.

In the last few days the raspberry pi has refused all connection methods. I have restarted it many times with no luck. I'm hopeful to find something soon!

danmrossi commented 7 months ago

Couple of things to test - Could be something to do with your buck converter, I know from experience raspberry pi and their cousins from other mothers can be problematic when using junk power supplies with poor regulation as if the volts / amps aren’t stable then it can cause wifi issues / usb port issues

if you can connect a monitor and keyboard to it directly, login to it and run vcgencmd get_throttled — more info at old link but should still be valid far as I’m aware otherwise you’ll have to use your google foo ;)

Also try a fresh sd card with fresh os install without anything else to see if it’s sd card related - seen sillier what should be non related cause issues in my time

google raspberry pi check dns settings heaps of pages explaining how to check - should show the ip of your router as the primary.

danmrossi commented 7 months ago

Just a thought, while the pi is powered by your buck converter, what’s the output voltage reading on the output of the buck converter?

d-portero commented 7 months ago

So I just checked that. The output is 5.1V so should be good there.

I thought there was a problem with the sd card like you mentioned, as I lost all connection to the pi. Even tried a new pi with no success.

Was able to restore from an old backup, so I didn't lose everything. But even with this fresh install I can't access it reliably from the browser.

I may have found a solution that works for me though. I set up a tunnel through cloud flare and that seems to have zero issues so far. Seems there is some issue on my router to this pi/setup that other pi's don't have. But the workaround is good enough for me.

Thanks for the help!