reef-pi / reef-pi

An opensource reef tank controller based on Raspberry Pi
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Add meta API for PWM profiles #659

Closed ranjib closed 5 years ago

ranjib commented 5 years ago

Wavemaker and LED lighting both works by varying PWM values over time. Currently reef-pi only supports LED lights and this variation can be either user-defined at two hours interval (auto-profile) or diurnal cycle. This does not let users customize the time interval or succinctly represent the repeats in a profile. Making arbitrary light control profile or wavemaker profile hard.

The scope of this issue is to provide a way to let users define an arbitrary profile that represents PWM variation with time and then associated these profiles with individual lights or powerheads. Once implemented profiles will allow implementing popular wave maker modes as well re-implementing the existing auto, fixed and diurnal using it.

gfalvo commented 5 years ago

This would be an awesome upgrade! I am using two Jeabo PP-4 wavemakers and a Simplicity skimmer, all run from 0-5 PWM control from my reef-pi. The skimmer is easy as I run it at 99%, and turn it down to 50% for feeding time, but I would love to make profiles for my two wave-makers.

ranjib commented 5 years ago

ranjib commented 5 years ago

required for:

ranjib commented 5 years ago

required for:

ranjib commented 5 years ago

We have exapanded on the pwm profile offerings with custom profiles and more. After using them, I felt a dedicated pwm profile api is not super useful, and co-locating the profiles as first class attributes with their consumers (light channel or wavemaker pumps) is more intuitive.