reek / anti-adblock-killer

Anti-Adblock Killer helps you keep your Ad-Blocker active, when you visit a website and it asks you to disable.
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Script not working on a video sites #4623

Open GOARAUJO opened 8 months ago

GOARAUJO commented 8 months ago

I found this code in the web inspector which, when deleted, works normally again:

<div class="detectadb" id="show_adblock" style="display: block;">
        <div class="adbox">
            <svg xmlns="" viewBox="0 0 512 512">
                <path fill="currentColor" d="M256 8C119 8 8 119 8 256s111 248 248 248 248-111 248-248S393 8 256 8zm121.6 313.1c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L338 377.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L256 312l-65.1 65.6c-4.7 4.7-12.3 4.7-17 0L134.4 338c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l65.6-65-65.6-65.1c-4.7-4.7-4.7-12.3 0-17l39.6-39.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l65 65.7 65.1-65.6c4.7-4.7 12.3-4.7 17 0l39.6 39.6c4.7 4.7 4.7 12.3 0 17L312 256l65.6 65.1z"></path>
            <b>AdBlock Detectado!</b>
            <p>Desative seu AdBlock para continuar navegando.</p>


ghost commented 5 months ago

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