reepolee / svelte-routify-windi-vite

Svelte Starter template with Routify file-based router, WindiCSS Tailwind compiler and Vite
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[feature] SSG export #6

Closed ImmanuelSamuel closed 3 years ago

ImmanuelSamuel commented 3 years ago

Could you add SSG export for routify? I tried it but have issues with the modules not loading correctly (searches for modules in node_modules instead of dist/assets).

alesvaupotic commented 3 years ago

I'll ask @jakobrosenberg for some help on this one, Routify is his project and using for SSG. Do mind this is an experimental project on integrating bleeding edge ViteJS and WindiCSS.

jakobrosenberg commented 3 years ago

What does Vite's build output structure look like?

alesvaupotic commented 3 years ago


jakobrosenberg commented 3 years ago

Thanks. Seeing as the script has a hash, the spank config has to be a separate .js file.

This might work:

// spank.config.js
module.exports = {
  entrypoint: "index.html",
  outputDir: "dist",
  inlineDynamicImports: true,
  script: require('fs')
    .readFileSync('./index.html', 'utf8')
    .match(/<script .+?src="\/([^"]+)"/)[1]
ImmanuelSamuel commented 3 years ago

yeah I had made those changes but the other imports do not work i.e., it looks for _layout.js in node_modules folder. @alesvaupotic do you have the same issue as well or is it only on my end.

alesvaupotic commented 3 years ago

Same issue, yes. Stand by for updates.

jakobrosenberg commented 3 years ago

No spank.config.js required.

vite.config.js needs to be updated:

  build: {
    polyfillDynamicImport: false,
    cssCodeSplit: false,
  resolve: {
    dedupe: ['@roxi/routify'],

Fingers crossed. 🤞