Open lxg opened 7 years ago
Inside a Twig/HTML file, the following code breaks all following code’s highlighting:
<style type="text/css"> {% include "FoobarBundle:Foo:bar.css.twig" %} </style>
(If anybody wonders why the styles are loaded into the template, this is for usage with @dompdf where the CSS will be processed on the server side.)
I’m not familiar enough with the code to provide a patch, but I’d be happy to test and/or provide more feedback.
Inside a Twig/HTML file, the following code breaks all following code’s highlighting:
(If anybody wonders why the styles are loaded into the template, this is for usage with @dompdf where the CSS will be processed on the server side.)
I’m not familiar enough with the code to provide a patch, but I’d be happy to test and/or provide more feedback.