reeseovine / searx-material

Material design theme for Searx
28 stars 2 forks source link

So many styles don't work in Chrome #1

Closed NoverNobida closed 2 years ago

NoverNobida commented 2 years ago

So many styles don't work in Chrome, such as

mask-image: url(data:image/svg+xml,%3C%3Fxml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'%3F%3E%3C!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC '-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN' ''%3E%3Csvg xmlns='' xmlns:xlink='' version='1.1' id='mdi-cog' width='24' height='24' viewBox='0 0 24 24'%3E%3Cpath d='M12,15.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 8.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,8.5A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 15.5,12A3.5,3.5 0 0,1 12,15.5M19.43,12.97C19.47,12.65 19.5,12.33 19.5,12C19.5,11.67 19.47,11.34 19.43,11L21.54,9.37C21.73,9.22 21.78,8.95 21.66,8.73L19.66,5.27C19.54,5.05 19.27,4.96 19.05,5.05L16.56,6.05C16.04,5.66 15.5,5.32 14.87,5.07L14.5,2.42C14.46,2.18 14.25,2 14,2H10C9.75,2 9.54,2.18 9.5,2.42L9.13,5.07C8.5,5.32 7.96,5.66 7.44,6.05L4.95,5.05C4.73,4.96 4.46,5.05 4.34,5.27L2.34,8.73C2.21,8.95 2.27,9.22 2.46,9.37L4.57,11C4.53,11.34 4.5,11.67 4.5,12C4.5,12.33 4.53,12.65 4.57,12.97L2.46,14.63C2.27,14.78 2.21,15.05 2.34,15.27L4.34,18.73C4.46,18.95 4.73,19.03 4.95,18.95L7.44,17.94C7.96,18.34 8.5,18.68 9.13,18.93L9.5,21.58C9.54,21.82 9.75,22 10,22H14C14.25,22 14.46,21.82 14.5,21.58L14.87,18.93C15.5,18.67 16.04,18.34 16.56,17.94L19.05,18.95C19.27,19.03 19.54,18.95 19.66,18.73L21.66,15.27C21.78,15.05 21.73,14.78 21.54,14.63L19.43,12.97Z' /%3E%3C/svg%3E);
mask-position: center;
mask-repeat: no-repeat;
mask-size: 24px 24px;



reeseovine commented 2 years ago

I suspected this would be the case. Thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll see what I can do.

NoverNobida commented 2 years ago

There is another problem. 未标题-1

reeseovine commented 2 years ago

I'll take a look at this now. In the future, please open a new issue instead of replying to a closed one. Thanks!