reeseschultz / ReeseUnityDemos

Unity packages and demos—emphasizing ECS, jobs and the Burst compiler—by Reese and others.
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Sometimes agents get stuck when jumping too close to the edge of a surface or obstacle #5

Closed reeseschultz closed 4 years ago

reeseschultz commented 4 years ago

This is a known issue people will undoubtedly encounter. It's easily recreated by simply clicking too close to an edge of a surface in the NavPointAndClickDemo scene. It's avoided (99% of the time) in the NavMovingJumpDemo scene by only generating destinations within acceptable bounds of jumpable surfaces by way of AABB scaling. Sometimes the NavFallSystem will even detect NavAgents falling in the NavPerformanceDemo due to a similar (or the same-ish?) issue when they try to go inside obstacles, but that is normally prevented with the built-in obstacle avoidance raycasting—meaning in that case they usually just embark on a partial path right outside a given obstacle.

I won't classify this as wontfix yet, because I think this could be done better, but I need time to think about it. The workaround is just setting destinations that are not inside obstacles and and are nowhere near an edge of a jumpable surface.

reeseschultz commented 4 years ago

25be855e6463654284361ab051fd0c8c3e2730e6 has paved the way for me to start on this fix, in addition to improving performance by only running the non-Burst NavSurfaceTrackingJob in NavSurfaceSystem when the NavNeedsSurface component is present, taking considerable load off the built-in EndFrameParentSystem.

So anyway I'll look into this bug today. The gist of the issue is that the NavInterpolationSystem's NavJumpJob needs to be changed into a more general artificial-gravity-handling job, meaning it should apply to falling agents just as much as it does jumping ones.

reeseschultz commented 4 years ago

Finally started the fix for this.