refact0r / system24

a tui-style discord theme
MIT License
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Overflow broken #48

Open pwall2222 opened 3 weeks ago

pwall2222 commented 3 weeks ago

I am using Legcord + Vencord (using Vencord to load the theme), and the overflows for people status is broken. I did a quick bodge (doesn't work 100% of the time) with:

[class^=peopleColumn_] {
    overflow-x: hidden !important;

(adding .container_c2739c to that selector would solve the issue but make the channel text cut out)


Androser420 commented 3 weeks ago

the reason text gets cut off is because keeping the overflow for the container visible actually fixes that so to actually make that "work" you could probably do something like this:

.container_c2739c {
    padding-top: 10px;
    margin-top: -10px;

basically u add some padding to the top and move the whole thing up aswell with the same amount of pixels to give it some space to render

Androser420 commented 3 weeks ago

oh btw I also noticed the names get a lot shorter too so u could fix that up if necessary

.discriminator_f3939d {
    display: none;

.hovered_f3939d .discriminator_f3939d {
    display: flex;
F-Joubert commented 4 days ago

Would this be the same issue causing some part of the interface to hide the top 1 - 3 members in servers for me?

I'm assuming it's activity cards from discord or something from another plugin that isn't loading properly. Thought it might be member count so I turned that off but problem persists.


F-Joubert commented 4 days ago

Fixed with:

/* amount of spacing and padding */
    --spacing: 12px;
