refactoror / SelBlocks

SelBlocks extension for Selenium IDE
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[error] Unexpected Exception: TypeError: blockDefs is null. #34

Closed mijaz81 closed 7 years ago

mijaz81 commented 7 years ago

Firefox version:54.0.1 (32-bit) Selenium version:025.1- signed.1 signed SelBlocks version: 2.1

<[error] Unexpected Exception: TypeError: blockDefs is null.>

< mobility-login
open /
store user1
store mijaz pass1
type name=email ${user1}
type //input[@type='password'] ${pass1}
click css=button.login__submit
pause 9000
storeText //html/body/div/div/main/div/div aa1
storeText User was not found in the database ! aa
echo ${aa2}
echo ${aa1}
runScript javascript{alert("pending")}
if ${aa1}='User was not found in the database !'
echo invalid credentionals
echo valid credentionals
refactoror commented 7 years ago

When submitting an issue:

refactoror commented 7 years ago

Is this intended to be a comparison? ${aa1}='User was not found in the database !' It is written as an assignment.

You may want to try: aa1=='User was not found in the database !'

mijaz81 commented 7 years ago

Thanks, it seems my bad, will correct this.

I am stuck in a new thing after updating on firefox 57

Unable to open or create a test case as on launch of Selenium IDE I am getting

There was an unexpected error. Msg: TypeError: obj is undefined Url: chrome://implicit-wait/content/implicit-wait-ide.js?1505900452731, line: 185, column: 9 wrap@chrome://implicit-wait/content/implicit-wait-ide.js?1505900452731:185:9 ImplicitWait/<@chrome://implicit-wait/content/implicit-wait-ide.js?1505900452731:27:9

I dont know what to do with this, any help

peter-lyons-kehl commented 7 years ago

@mijaz81 , ImplicitWait is incompatible with SelBlocks.

mijaz81 commented 7 years ago

I didnt use implicit wait in any test case, now even I can't create test case or open any test case. It is shown on launch of selenium IDE. @peter-kehl please see if can help me on this

refactoror commented 7 years ago

User error, invalid bug report.