reficio / p2-maven-plugin

Maven3 plugin that automates the third-party dependency management for Eclipse RCP
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Allow to define proxy settings for the P2 resolver #76

Open xsilmarx opened 9 years ago

xsilmarx commented 9 years ago

When running the example of the P2 resolver I was not able to access to the P2 repository even the proxy was defined in the maven settings file. I suppose the P2 resolver is not using the maven settings. If I run the example at home where there's no proxy the example runs fine.

My suggestion is to reuse the setting from Maven or allow to define a proxy for the p2-maven-plugin, otherwise this can't be used behind a proxy, which is very a very common scenario in enterprise environments.

mv2a commented 9 years ago

This is definitely a blocker. Can anyone else confirm that it doesn't read the maven proxy settings?

thraidh commented 7 years ago

Yes, I can confirm this. Using the same repos with tycho works, but p2-maven-plugin definitely wants to connect directly.

thraidh commented 7 years ago

You can work around the problem by using something like mvn -Dhttp.proxyPort=8888 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=* Still, it would be better if the files were downloaded using the proxy specified maven settings.