The demo is fine on Mac, but running in linux, lineup never comes up, because it can't hit the host django. I feel like I'm close, but the IP we return here doesn't work:
lines = subprocess.check_output(
['ip', 'route']).decode('utf-8').splitlines()
host_lines = [line for line in lines if 'docker0' in line]
assert len(host_lines) == 1,\
'Expected exactly 1 "docker0" line in {}'.format(lines)
ip = host_lines[0].strip().split(' ')[-1]
assert re.match(r'\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+', ip),\
'Last element not ip: {}'.format(host_lines[0])
return ip
The demo is fine on Mac, but running in linux, lineup never comes up, because it can't hit the host django. I feel like I'm close, but the IP we return here doesn't work: