Open oksanasalohubova opened 3 years ago
Linked with Asses ZenPub replacement with BonFire #121
We have no way to get Thread in these requests and mutations
fragment ThreadPreview on Thread { id lastActivity createdAt context{ ...on Community { ...CommunityPreview } ...on Collection { ...CollectionPreview } ...on Resource { ...ResourcePreview } ...on Flag { ...FlagPreview } } comments(limit:1){ totalCount edges{ ...on Comment { ...CommentPreview } } } }
fragment CommunityPageThread on Thread { id ...ThreadPreview }
query communityThreads($communityId: String!, $limit:Int, $before:[Cursor!], $after:[Cursor!]) { community(communityId:$communityId) @connection(key: "communityThreads", filter: ["communityId"]){ id threads(limit:$limit, before:$before, after:$after){ totalCount, pageInfo{ ...FullPageInfo } edges{ ...CommunityThread } } } } fragment CommunityThread on Thread{ ...CommunityPageThread }
Linked with Asses ZenPub replacement with BonFire #121
We have no way to get Thread in these requests and mutations