reframe-hpc / reframe

A powerful Python framework for writing and running portable regression tests and benchmarks for HPC systems.
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Remote auto-detection does not work with SSH scheduler #3119

Open jack-morrison opened 6 months ago

jack-morrison commented 6 months ago

Opening after discussion with @vkarak. It sounds like we've both hit some issues with auto-detection over SSH at one time or another.

It appears that when using the SSH scheduler, if the remote execution of fails, the rsync back to the launching host is not run.

Here's a recent log+traceback where I observe failing on the remote host over SSH (for self-inflicted reasons):

[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: Initializing runtime
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: Initializing system partition 'my-partition'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: Initializing system 'test_system'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: Initializing modules system 'nomod'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: detecting topology info for test_system:my-partition
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: > no topology file found; auto-detecting...
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: [CMD] 'rsync --version'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] info: reframe: Detecting topology of remote partition 'test_system:my-partition': this may take some time...
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: submitting detection script
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: --- /home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.tn195dvi/ ---

    echo "-reframe: command \`$BASH_COMMAND' failed (exit code: $exitcode)"
    exit $exitcode

trap _onerror ERR

python3 -m venv venv.reframe
source venv.reframe/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install reframe-hpc==4.5.0
reframe --detect-host-topology=topo.json

--- /home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.tn195dvi/ ---
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: [CMD] 'ssh -o BatchMode=yes mktemp -td rfm.XXXXXXXX'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: [CMD] 'rsync -az -e "ssh -o BatchMode=yes " /home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.tn195dvi/'
[2024-02-17T12:39:51] debug: reframe: [CMD] 'ssh -o BatchMode=yes "cd /tmp/rfm.rJDogAsn && bash -l"'
[2024-02-17T12:40:00] debug: reframe: job finished
[2024-02-17T12:40:00] warning: reframe: WARNING: failed to retrieve remote processor info: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.tn195dvi/rfm-detect-job.out'
[2024-02-17T12:40:00] debug: reframe: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/jmorrison/testing/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/reframe/frontend/", line 175, in _remote_detect
  File "/home/jmorrison/testing/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/reframe/frontend/", line 37, in _log_contents
  File "/home/jmorrison/testing/venv/lib/python3.10/site-packages/reframe/frontend/", line 30, in _contents
    with open(filename) as fp:
FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.tn195dvi/rfm-detect-job.out'

I'm not sure what the desired behavior would be when remote execution of fails - maybe an error, reflective of the Python FileNotFoundError, instead of the WARNING that ReFrame writes (shown below)? Maybe the returning rsync still happens?

Detecting topology of remote partition 'test_system:test_partition': this may take some time...
WARNING: failed to retrieve remote processor info: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/home/jmorrison/testing/rfm.aiv3xlc1/rfm-detect-job.out'
vkarak commented 6 months ago

I suspect that the exec step of the SSH scheduler fails and the pull is ignored silently. Maybe this part is at fault:

As each subsequent step will only be launched if it's previous has succeeded. This function will return however, whenever the last run step has finished and will not check that the remaining one was not run. The _poll_job() below treats that properly.