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kmc_tools filter shows incorrect warnings #114

Closed marekkokot closed 5 years ago

marekkokot commented 5 years ago

For example command:

kmc_tools -v -t8 -m64  filter "$DBkmerHUMAN"  -ci1 -cx1  "$pathfileMETA"   -fa -ci0.0 -cx0.4  $OUTpathfileMETAkmc 

there are following warnings:

Warning: -ci was not specified for output. It will be set to 1
Warning: -cx was not specified for output. It will be set to 1
Warning: -cs was not specified for output. It will be set to 255

which should not be displayed (those parameters makes no sense for filter operation)

Also when the input of kmc_tools filter is in fasta format but -fa is not specified, there is no warning nor error, while it should be.