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Fast and frugal disk based k-mer counter
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kmc does not write to working_directory #160

Closed eaton-lab closed 3 years ago

eaton-lab commented 3 years ago

I am on Linux using kmc 3.1.1 installed from conda install kmc -c bioconda. No matter what I try kmc seems to always write the database files into my current directory, instead of into the specified working directory. Am I doing something wrong? Any help is appreciated.

An example is below:

# get test fastq file

# make a directory where I want the database to be stored
mkdir results

# run kmc telling it to write to the results/ dir
kmc -k21 40578.fastq.gz test results/
# look in results dir
ls results/

... nothing here

# look in current dir

the results are here instead of in the specified working dir.

eaton-lab commented 3 years ago

I'll close this because I see that workdir is only for the location of temp files.

marekkokot commented 3 years ago

:) If you want output in results directory use:

kmc -k21 40578.fastq.gz results/test results/