reg-viz / storycap

A Storybook Addon, Save the screenshot image of your stories :camera: via puppeteer.
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sometimes `disable-animation.css` might not applied as expected #766

Open kodai3 opened 1 year ago

kodai3 commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

We've been doing Visual Regression Test with our mui-based components. (over 200 snapshots) We keep having some flaky snapshots with dialogs and input like below.

opacity of the background overlay is different. image

Modal is not fully open. image

Input caret shows up. image

The package versions I use is this Using puppeteer v9 because I saw this.

    "storybook": "7.0.18",
    "puppeteer": "9.1.1",
    "storycap": "4.1.1",
    "reg-suit": "0.12.1",

I'm not yet fully understand puppeteer and this codebase but maybe add the css to the route but not applied to iframe ?

As workaround If I do this. (re-adding disable-animation after CapturingBrowser's initialization) I think the problem has been solved.

export const decorators = [
  // ..., 
  // other decorators
  (Story) => {
    if (isScreenshot()) {
      function addStyle(styleString) {
        const style = document.createElement('style');
        style.textContent = styleString;
        *::after {
          transition: none !important;
          animation: none !important;
        input {
          caret-color: transparent !important;
    return <Story />;

maybe related to