regel / loudml

Loud ML is the first open-source AI solution for ICT and IoT automation
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Influx communication problem #35

Open noypit opened 6 years ago

noypit commented 6 years ago

I have installed loudml on centos8 as per the installation instructions listed in the documentation. the process is up and running:

$ ps -ef  | grep loudml
loudml   11312     1  0 Jun26 ?        00:01:56 /bin/python3 /usr/bin/loudmld

This is my configuration file:

$ cat /etc/loudml/config.yml

 - name: influx
   type: influxdb
   addr: <addres + port of influx DB>
   use_ssl: "true"
   verify_ssl : "true"
   ca_certs: <cert path> 
   client_cert: <cert path> 
   client_key:<cert path> 
   database: telegrafqa
   dbuser:<DB name> 
   dbuser_password: <DB password>

  path: /var/lib/loudml

  listen: localhost:8077

This is my model:

$ sudo cat load-avg.json
  "bucket_interval": "1m",
  "default_datasource": "influx",
  "features": [
      "metric": "mean",
      "field": "load1",
      "measurement": "system",
      "name": "load1",
      "match_all": [
        {"tag":"project" , "value":"********"},
                {"tag":"role" , "value":"*******"},
                {"tag":"services" , "value":"*****"}
  "interval": "1m",
  "max_evals": 1,
  "name": "load-avg-model",
  "offset": 30,
  "span": 20,
  "max_threshold": 90,
  "min_threshold": 50,
  "type": "timeseries"

Note: when I put "**" it mean that i put their the relevant values. When i am trying to train my model I get the following error:

/usr/lib64/python3.4/importlib/ FutureWarning: Conversion of the second argument of issubdtype from `float` to `np.floating` is deprecated. In future, it will be treated as `np.float64 == np.dtype(float).type`.
  return f(*args, **kwds)
INFO:root:train(load-avg-model) range=[2018-05-29T08:57:35.590Z, 2018-06-28T08:57:35.590Z] train_size=0.670000 batch_size=64 epochs=100)
INFO:root:connecting to influxdb on <relevant DB address> , using database <hostname of DB>
ERROR:root:datasource[influx]: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))

Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",) is a generic python error that mean that there was an error in the connection. The host name and port of influx is properly defined.

In addition I tried to curl the host with certificate from my machine and i got the following response (as expected):

sudo curl -O -v key <cert> -G --cacert <cert> <cert> 'https://<username>:<password>@<influx hostname>:<port>/query?db=<db name>&pretty=true' --data-urlencode 'q=SELECT * FROM "mymeas"'
    "results": [
            "statement_id": 0

so it means that there is no communication problem with influx or with certification.

Thanks, Noy.

noypit commented 6 years ago

update: when I tried to run the same from python shell using urllib3 i got the same error. when i run the following (using certifi model)

>>>import certifi
>>>import urllib3
>>>http = urllib3.PoolManager(cert_reqs='CERT_REQUIRED', ca_certs=certifi.where())
>>> r=http.request('GET','https://*************:8086/query?u=*********&p=********&q=select+MEAN%28%22load1%22%29+as+%22load1%22+from+%22system%22&db=telegrafqa')

I got the relevant data.

Thanks, Noy.

vnyb commented 6 years ago

Hi Noy,

An error probably occurs when establishing the TLS connection. Could you please take a network capture with tcpdump or wireshark and give us the result of the TLS handshake?

osunac commented 6 years ago

Also @noypit could you confirm whether you are running on CentOS 8? I believe you meant CentOS 7 but your confirmation would be welcome.

noypit commented 6 years ago

I meant to CentOS 7:

CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)
NAME="CentOS Linux"
VERSION="7 (Core)"
ID_LIKE="rhel fedora"
PRETTY_NAME="CentOS Linux 7 (Core)"

CentOS Linux release 7.5.1804 (Core)

When I try to train my model I get:

INFO:root:train(load-avg-model) range=[2018-06-17T05:35:16.276Z, 2018-07-17T05:35:16.276Z] train_size=0.670000 batch_size=64 epochs=100)
INFO:root:connecting to influxdb on XXX.XXX.XXX:8086, using database '*********'
ERROR:root:datasource[influx]: ('Connection aborted.', BadStatusLine("''",))

Tcpdump (in train time) from loudml server:

tcpdump: listening on ens192, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1500 bytes
08:28:27.964173 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56101, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
: Flags [S], cksum 0x52e4 (incorrect -> 0x13d2), seq 2111663204, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 167950145 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 003c db25 4000 4006 0ce1 0993 1482  E..<.%@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a44c 1f96 7ddd 6c64 0000 0000  47.j.L..}.ld....
    0x0020:  a002 7210 52e4 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a  ..r.R...........
    0x0030:  0a02 b741 0000 0000 0103 0307            ...A........
08:28:28.104352 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
 XXXXXXX >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42060: Flags [S.], cksum 0x3015 (correct), seq 4069194063, ack 2111663205, win 26847, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2898285712 ecr 167950145,nop,wscale 8], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 003c 0000 4000 e906 3ea6 3437 006a  E`.<..@...>.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a44c f28a f94f 7ddd 6c65  .......L...O}.le
    0x0020:  a012 68df 3015 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a  ..h.0......d....
    0x0030:  acc0 5490 0a02 b741 0103 0308            ..T....A....
08:28:28.104399 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56102, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42060 >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [.], cksum 0x52dc (incorrect -> 0xc600), seq 1, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950285 ecr 2898285712], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 0034 db26 4000 4006 0ce8 0993 1482  E..4.&@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a44c 1f96 7ddd 6c65 f28a f950  47.j.L..}.le...P
    0x0020:  8010 00e5 52dc 0000 0101 080a 0a02 b7cd  ....R...........
    0x0030:  acc0 5490                                ..T.
08:28:28.104485 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 56103, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 521)
  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42060 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [P.], cksum 0x54b1 (incorrect -> 0xee1d), seq 1:470, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950285 ecr 2898285712], length 469
    0x0000:  4500 0209 db27 4000 4006 0b12 0993 1482  E....'@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a44c 1f96 7ddd 6c65 f28a f950  47.j.L..}.le...P
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 54b1 0000 0101 080a 0a02 b7cd  ....T...........
    0x0030:  acc0 5490 4745 5420 2f71 7565 7279 3f71  ..T.GET./query?q
    0x0040:  3d73 656c 6563 742b 4d45 414e 2532 3825  =select+MEAN%28%
    0x0050:  3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2532 392b 6173  22load1%22%29+as
    0x0060:  2b25 3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2b66 726f  +%22load1%22+fro
    0x0070:  6d2b 2532 3273 7973 7465 6d25 3232 2b77  m+%22system%22+w
    0x0080:  6865 7265 2b74 696d 652b 2533 4525 3344  here+time+%3E%3D
    0x0090:  2b31 3532 3932 3133 3330 3738 3132 3134  +152921330781214
    0x00a0:  3230 3030 2b61 6e64 2b74 696d 652b 2533  2000+and+time+%3
    0x00b0:  432b 3135 3331 3830 3533 3037 3831 3231  C+15318053078121
    0x00c0:  3639 3030 302b 616e 642b 2532 3270 726f  69000+and+%22pro
    0x00d0:  6a65 6374 2532 3225 3344 2532 3771 615f  ject%22%3D%27qa_
    0x00e0:  7573 6561 7374 5f31 2532 372b 6772 6f75  useast_1%27+grou
    0x00f0:  702b 6279 2b74 696d 6525 3238 3630 3030  p+by+time%286000
    0x0100:  306d 7325 3239 2533 4226 6462 3d74 656c  0ms%29%3B&db=tel
    0x0110:  6567 7261 6671 6120 4854 5450 2f31 2e31  egrafqa.HTTP/1.1
    0x0120:  0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 696e 666c 7578 2e74  ..Host:.influx.t
    0x0130:  7275 7374 6565 7271 612e 636f 6d3a 3830
    0x0140:  3836 0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20  86..User-Agent:.
    0x0150:  7079 7468 6f6e 2d72 6571 7565 7374 732f  python-requests/
    0x0160:  322e 3138 2e34 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 3a20  2.18.4..Accept:.
    0x0170:  7465 7874 2f70 6c61 696e 0d0a 436f 6e6e  text/plain..Conn
    0x0180:  6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 6b65 6570 2d61 6c69  ection:.keep-ali
    0x0190:  7665 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 2d45 6e63 6f64  ve..Accept-Encod
    0x01a0:  696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c 2064 6566 6c61  ing:.gzip,.defla
    0x01b0:  7465 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 5479 7065  te..Content-Type
    0x01c0:  3a20 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 6a73  :.application/js
    0x01d0:  6f6e 0d0a 4175 7468 6f72 697a 6174 696f  on..Authorizatio
    0x01e0:  6e3a 2042 6173 6963 2064 4756 735a 5764  n:.Basic.dGVsZWd
    0x01f0:  7959 575a 7859 5470 694e 5456 6c5a 5455  yYWZxYTpiNTVlZTU
    0x0200:  774d 3255 350d 0a0d 0a                   wM2U5....
08:28:28.244438 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 47080, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42060: Flags [.], cksum 0xc47f (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285747 ecr 167950285], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 b7e8 4000 e906 86c5 3437 006a  E`.4..@.....47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a44c f28a f950 7ddd 6e3a  .......L...P}.n:
    0x0020:  8010 006e c47f 0000 0101 080a acc0 54b3  ...n..........T.
    0x0030:  0a02 b7cd                                ....
08:28:28.244458 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 47081, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX42060: Flags [F.], cksum 0xc47e (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285747 ecr 167950285], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 b7e9 4000 e906 86c4 3437 006a  E`.4..@.....47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a44c f28a f950 7ddd 6e3a  .......L...P}.n:
    0x0020:  8011 006e c47e 0000 0101 080a acc0 54b3  ...n.~........T.
    0x0030:  0a02 b7cd                                ....
08:28:28.244470 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 47082, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42060: Flags [R.], cksum 0xc47a (correct), seq 2, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285747 ecr 167950285], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 b7ea 4000 e906 86c3 3437 006a  E`.4..@.....47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a44c f28a f951 7ddd 6e3a  .......L...Q}.n:
    0x0020:  8014 006e c47a 0000 0101 080a acc0 54b3  ...n.z........T.
    0x0030:  0a02 b7cd                                ....
08:28:28.247316 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 61978, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60) > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [S], cksum 0x9294 (incorrect -> 0x2d2c), seq 1386367558, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 167950428 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 003c f21a 4000 4006 b63b 0993 1482  E..<..@.@..;....
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 9780 1f96 52a2 4a46 0000 0000  ".Q.....R.JF....
    0x0020:  a002 7210 9294 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a  ..r.............
    0x0030:  0a02 b85c 0000 0000 0103 0307            ...\........
08:28:28.394011 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 232, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784: Flags [S.], cksum 0x3e42 (correct), seq 2380977308, ack 1386367559, win 26847, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 3710564518 ecr 167950428,nop,wscale 8], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 003c 0000 4000 e806 fff5 22c8 5189  E`.<..@.....".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 9780 8dea d49c 52a2 4a47  ............R.JG
    0x0020:  a012 68df 3e42 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a  ..h.>B.....d....
    0x0030:  dd2a b8a6 0a02 b85c 0103 0308            .*.....\....
08:28:28.394058 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 61979, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [.], cksum 0x928c (incorrect -> 0xd426), seq 1, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950575 ecr 3710564518], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 0034 f21b 4000 4006 b642 0993 1482  E..4..@.@..B....
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 9780 1f96 52a2 4a47 8dea d49d  ".Q.....R.JG....
    0x0020:  8010 00e5 928c 0000 0101 080a 0a02 b8ef  ................
    0x0030:  dd2a b8a6                                .*..
08:28:28.394149 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 61980, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 521)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [P.], cksum 0x9461 (incorrect -> 0xfc43), seq 1:470, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950575 ecr 3710564518], length 469
    0x0000:  4500 0209 f21c 4000 4006 b46c 0993 1482  E.....@.@..l....
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 9780 1f96 52a2 4a47 8dea d49d  ".Q.....R.JG....
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 9461 0000 0101 080a 0a02 b8ef  .....a..........
    0x0030:  dd2a b8a6 4745 5420 2f71 7565 7279 3f71  .*..GET./query?q
    0x0040:  3d73 656c 6563 742b 4d45 414e 2532 3825  =select+MEAN%28%
    0x0050:  3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2532 392b 6173  22load1%22%29+as
    0x0060:  2b25 3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2b66 726f  +%22load1%22+fro
    0x0070:  6d2b 2532 3273 7973 7465 6d25 3232 2b77  m+%22system%22+w
    0x0080:  6865 7265 2b74 696d 652b 2533 4525 3344  here+time+%3E%3D
    0x0090:  2b31 3532 3932 3133 3330 3738 3132 3134  +152921330781214
    0x00a0:  3230 3030 2b61 6e64 2b74 696d 652b 2533  2000+and+time+%3
    0x00b0:  432b 3135 3331 3830 3533 3037 3831 3231  C+15318053078121
    0x00c0:  3639 3030 302b 616e 642b 2532 3270 726f  69000+and+%22pro
    0x00d0:  6a65 6374 2532 3225 3344 2532 3771 615f  ject%22%3D%27qa_
    0x00e0:  7573 6561 7374 5f31 2532 372b 6772 6f75  useast_1%27+grou
    0x00f0:  702b 6279 2b74 696d 6525 3238 3630 3030  p+by+time%286000
    0x0100:  306d 7325 3239 2533 4226 6462 3d74 656c  0ms%29%3B&db=tel
    0x0110:  6567 7261 6671 6120 4854 5450 2f31 2e31  egrafqa.HTTP/1.1
    0x0120:  0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 696e 666c 7578 2e74  ..Host:.influx.t
    0x0130:  7275 7374 6565 7271 612e 636f 6d3a 3830
    0x0140:  3836 0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20  86..User-Agent:.
    0x0150:  7079 7468 6f6e 2d72 6571 7565 7374 732f  python-requests/
    0x0160:  322e 3138 2e34 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 3a20  2.18.4..Accept:.
    0x0170:  7465 7874 2f70 6c61 696e 0d0a 436f 6e6e  text/plain..Conn
    0x0180:  6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 6b65 6570 2d61 6c69  ection:.keep-ali
    0x0190:  7665 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 2d45 6e63 6f64  ve..Accept-Encod
    0x01a0:  696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c 2064 6566 6c61  ing:.gzip,.defla
    0x01b0:  7465 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 5479 7065  te..Content-Type
    0x01c0:  3a20 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 6a73  :.application/js
    0x01d0:  6f6e 0d0a 4175 7468 6f72 697a 6174 696f  on..Authorizatio
    0x01e0:  6e3a 2042 6173 6963 2064 4756 735a 5764  n:.Basic.dGVsZWd
    0x01f0:  7959 575a 7859 5470 694e 5456 6c5a 5455  yYWZxYTpiNTVlZTU
    0x0200:  774d 3255 350d 0a0d 0a                   wM2U5....
08:28:28.541289 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 232, id 4143, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784: Flags [.], cksum 0xd2a3 (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710564555 ecr 167950575], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 102f 4000 e806 efce 22c8 5189  E`.4./@.....".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 9780 8dea d49d 52a2 4c1c  ............R.L.
    0x0020:  8010 006e d2a3 0000 0101 080a dd2a b8cb  ...n.........*..
    0x0030:  0a02 b8ef                                ....
08:28:28.541337 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 232, id 4144, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784: Flags [F.], cksum 0xd2a2 (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710564555 ecr 167950575], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 1030 4000 e806 efcd 22c8 5189  E`.4.0@.....".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 9780 8dea d49d 52a2 4c1c  ............R.L.
    0x0020:  8011 006e d2a2 0000 0101 080a dd2a b8cb  ...n.........*..
    0x0030:  0a02 b8ef                                ....
08:28:28.541347 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 232, id 4145, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38784: Flags [R.], cksum 0xd29e (correct), seq 2, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710564555 ecr 167950575], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 1031 4000 e806 efcc 22c8 5189  E`.4.1@.....".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 9780 8dea d49e 52a2 4c1c  ............R.L.
    0x0020:  8014 006e d29e 0000 0101 080a dd2a b8cb  ...n.........*..
    0x0030:  0a02 b8ef                                ....
08:28:28.543683 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 43709, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Flags [S], cksum 0x52e4 (incorrect -> 0xb166), seq 925700921, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 167950724 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 003c aabd 4000 4006 3d49 0993 1482  E..<..@.@.=I....
    0x0010:  3437 006a a450 1f96 372d 1339 0000 0000  47.j.P..7-.9....
    0x0020:  a002 7210 52e4 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a  ..r.R...........
    0x0030:  0a02 b984 0000 0000 0103 0307            ............
08:28:28.683573 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064: Flags [S.], cksum 0x33f3 (correct), seq 2589190828, ack 925700922, win 26847, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2898285857 ecr 167950724,nop,wscale 8], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 003c 0000 4000 e906 3ea6 3437 006a  E`.<..@...>.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a450 9a53 eaac 372d 133a  .......P.S..7-.:
    0x0020:  a012 68df 33f3 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a  ..h.3......d....
    0x0030:  acc0 5521 0a02 b984 0103 0308            ..U!........
08:28:28.683636 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 43710, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Flags [.], cksum 0x52dc (incorrect -> 0xc9de), seq 1, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950864 ecr 2898285857], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 0034 aabe 4000 4006 3d50 0993 1482  E..4..@.@.=P....
    0x0010:  3437 006a a450 1f96 372d 133a 9a53 eaad  47.j.P..7-.:.S..
    0x0020:  8010 00e5 52dc 0000 0101 080a 0a02 ba10  ....R...........
    0x0030:  acc0 5521                                ..U!
08:28:28.683788 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 43711, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 521)
  XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064 >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Flags [P.], cksum 0x54b1 (incorrect -> 0xf1fb), seq 1:470, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 167950864 ecr 2898285857], length 469
    0x0000:  4500 0209 aabf 4000 4006 3b7a 0993 1482  E.....@.@.;z....
    0x0010:  3437 006a a450 1f96 372d 133a 9a53 eaad  47.j.P..7-.:.S..
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 54b1 0000 0101 080a 0a02 ba10  ....T...........
    0x0030:  acc0 5521 4745 5420 2f71 7565 7279 3f71  ..U!GET./query?q
    0x0040:  3d73 656c 6563 742b 4d45 414e 2532 3825  =select+MEAN%28%
    0x0050:  3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2532 392b 6173  22load1%22%29+as
    0x0060:  2b25 3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2b66 726f  +%22load1%22+fro
    0x0070:  6d2b 2532 3273 7973 7465 6d25 3232 2b77  m+%22system%22+w
    0x0080:  6865 7265 2b74 696d 652b 2533 4525 3344  here+time+%3E%3D
    0x0090:  2b31 3532 3932 3133 3330 3738 3132 3134  +152921330781214
    0x00a0:  3230 3030 2b61 6e64 2b74 696d 652b 2533  2000+and+time+%3
    0x00b0:  432b 3135 3331 3830 3533 3037 3831 3231  C+15318053078121
    0x00c0:  3639 3030 302b 616e 642b 2532 3270 726f  69000+and+%22pro
    0x00d0:  6a65 6374 2532 3225 3344 2532 3771 615f  ject%22%3D%27qa_
    0x00e0:  7573 6561 7374 5f31 2532 372b 6772 6f75  useast_1%27+grou
    0x00f0:  702b 6279 2b74 696d 6525 3238 3630 3030  p+by+time%286000
    0x0100:  306d 7325 3239 2533 4226 6462 3d74 656c  0ms%29%3B&db=tel
    0x0110:  6567 7261 6671 6120 4854 5450 2f31 2e31  egrafqa.HTTP/1.1
    0x0120:  0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 696e 666c 7578 2e74  ..Host:.influx.t
    0x0130:  7275 7374 6565 7271 612e 636f 6d3a 3830
    0x0140:  3836 0d0a 5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20  86..User-Agent:.
    0x0150:  7079 7468 6f6e 2d72 6571 7565 7374 732f  python-requests/
    0x0160:  322e 3138 2e34 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 3a20  2.18.4..Accept:.
    0x0170:  7465 7874 2f70 6c61 696e 0d0a 436f 6e6e  text/plain..Conn
    0x0180:  6563 7469 6f6e 3a20 6b65 6570 2d61 6c69  ection:.keep-ali
    0x0190:  7665 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 2d45 6e63 6f64  ve..Accept-Encod
    0x01a0:  696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c 2064 6566 6c61  ing:.gzip,.defla
    0x01b0:  7465 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 5479 7065  te..Content-Type
    0x01c0:  3a20 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 6a73  :.application/js
    0x01d0:  6f6e 0d0a 4175 7468 6f72 697a 6174 696f  on..Authorizatio
    0x01e0:  6e3a 2042 6173 6963 2064 4756 735a 5764  n:.Basic.dGVsZWd
    0x01f0:  7959 575a 7859 5470 694e 5456 6c5a 5455  yYWZxYTpiNTVlZTU
    0x0200:  774d 3255 350d 0a0d 0a                   wM2U5....
08:28:28.823749 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 49413, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064: Flags [.], cksum 0xc85d (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285892 ecr 167950864], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 c105 4000 e906 7da8 3437 006a  E`.4..@...}.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a450 9a53 eaad 372d 150f  .......P.S..7-..
    0x0020:  8010 006e c85d 0000 0101 080a acc0 5544  ...n.]........UD
    0x0030:  0a02 ba10                                ....
08:28:28.823773 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 49414, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064: Flags [F.], cksum 0xc85c (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285892 ecr 167950864], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 c106 4000 e906 7da7 3437 006a  E`.4..@...}.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a450 9a53 eaad 372d 150f  .......P.S..7-..
    0x0020:  8011 006e c85c 0000 0101 080a acc0 5544  ...n.\........UD
    0x0030:  0a02 ba10                                ....
08:28:28.823785 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 49415, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42064: Flags [R.], cksum 0xc858 (correct), seq 2, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898285892 ecr 167950864], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 c107 4000 e906 7da6 3437 006a  E`.4..@...}.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a450 9a53 eaae 372d 150f  .......P.S..7-..
    0x0020:  8014 006e c858 0000 0101 080a acc0 5544  ...n.X........UD
    0x0030:  0a02 ba10                                ....
08:35:16.482536 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 10092, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [S], cksum 0x9294 (incorrect -> 0x49d5), seq 1897190507, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 168358663 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 003c 276c 4000 4006 80ea 0993 1482  E..<'l@.@.......
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 978e 1f96 7114 d46b 0000 0000  ".Q.....q..k....
    0x0020:  a002 7210 9294 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a  ..r.............
    0x0030:  0a08 f307 0000 0000 0103 0307            ............
08:35:16.618754 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798: Flags [S.], cksum 0x16ec (correct), seq 230492706, ack 1897190508, win 26847, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 3710666572 ecr 168358663,nop,wscale 8], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 003c 0000 4000 e906 fef5 22c8 5189  E`.<..@.....".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 978e 0dbd 0a22 7114 d46c  ..........."q..l
    0x0020:  a012 68df 16ec 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a  ..h........d....
    0x0030:  dd2c 474c 0a08 f307 0103 0308            .,GL........
08:35:16.618796 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 10093, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798 >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX Flags [.], cksum 0x928c (incorrect -> 0xacdb), seq 1, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 168358799 ecr 3710666572], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 0034 276d 4000 4006 80f1 0993 1482  E..4'm@.@.......
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 978e 1f96 7114 d46c 0dbd 0a23  ".Q.....q..l...#
    0x0020:  8010 00e5 928c 0000 0101 080a 0a08 f38f  ................
    0x0030:  dd2c 474c                                .,GL
08:35:16.618896 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 10094, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 521)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [P.], cksum 0x9461 (incorrect -> 0xc3ee), seq 1:470, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 168358800 ecr 3710666572], length 469
    0x0000:  4500 0209 276e 4000 4006 7f1b 0993 1482  E...'n@.@.......
    0x0010:  22c8 5189 978e 1f96 7114 d46c 0dbd 0a23  ".Q.....q..l...#
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 9461 0000 0101 080a 0a08 f390  .....a..........
    0x0030:  dd2c 474c 4745 5420 2f71 7565 7279 3f64  .,GLGET./query?d
    0x0040:  623d 7465 6c65 6772 6166 7161 2671 3d73  b=telegrafqa&q=s
    0x0050:  656c 6563 742b 4d45 414e 2532 3825 3232  elect+MEAN%28%22
    0x0060:  6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2532 392b 6173 2b25  load1%22%29+as+%
    0x0070:  3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2b66 726f 6d2b  22load1%22+from+
    0x0080:  2532 3273 7973 7465 6d25 3232 2b77 6865  %22system%22+whe
    0x0090:  7265 2b74 696d 652b 2533 4525 3344 2b31  re+time+%3E%3D+1
    0x00a0:  3532 3932 3133 3731 3632 3736 3535 3730  5292137162765570
    0x00b0:  3030 2b61 6e64 2b74 696d 652b 2533 432b  00+and+time+%3C+
    0x00c0:  3135 3331 3830 3537 3136 3237 3635 3932  1531805716276592
    0x00d0:  3030 302b 616e 642b 2532 3270 726f 6a65  000+and+%22proje
    0x00e0:  6374 2532 3225 3344 2532 3771 615f 7573  ct%22%3D%27qa_us
    0x00f0:  6561 7374 5f31 2532 372b 6772 6f75 702b  east_1%27+group+
    0x0100:  6279 2b74 696d 6525 3238 3630 3030 306d  by+time%2860000m
    0x0110:  7325 3239 2533 4220 4854 5450 2f31 2e31  s%29%3B.HTTP/1.1
    0x0120:  0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 696e 666c 7578 2e74  ..Host:.influx.t
    0x0130:  7275 7374 6565 7271 612e 636f 6d3a 3830
    0x0140:  3836 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 2d45 6e63 6f64  86..Accept-Encod
    0x0150:  696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c 2064 6566 6c61  ing:.gzip,.defla
    0x0160:  7465 0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20  te..Connection:.
    0x0170:  6b65 6570 2d61 6c69 7665 0d0a 4163 6365  keep-alive..Acce
    0x0180:  7074 3a20 7465 7874 2f70 6c61 696e 0d0a  pt:.text/plain..
    0x0190:  5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 7079 7468  User-Agent:.pyth
    0x01a0:  6f6e 2d72 6571 7565 7374 732f 322e 3138  on-requests/2.18
    0x01b0:  2e34 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 5479 7065  .4..Content-Type
    0x01c0:  3a20 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 6a73  :.application/js
    0x01d0:  6f6e 0d0a 4175 7468 6f72 697a 6174 696f  on..Authorizatio
    0x01e0:  6e3a 2042 6173 6963 2064 4756 735a 5764  n:.Basic.dGVsZWd
    0x01f0:  7959 575a 7859 5470 694e 5456 6c5a 5455  yYWZxYTpiNTVlZTU
    0x0200:  774d 3255 350d 0a0d 0a                   wM2U5....
08:35:16.754967 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 10915, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798: Flags [.], cksum 0xab5a (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710666606 ecr 168358800], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 2aa3 4000 e906 d45a 22c8 5189  E`.4*.@....Z".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 978e 0dbd 0a23 7114 d641  ...........#q..A
    0x0020:  8010 006e ab5a 0000 0101 080a dd2c 476e  ...n.Z.......,Gn
    0x0030:  0a08 f390                                ....
08:35:16.754987 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 10916, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX> XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798: Flags [F.], cksum 0xab59 (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710666606 ecr 168358800], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 2aa4 4000 e906 d459 22c8 5189  E`.4*.@....Y".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 978e 0dbd 0a23 7114 d641  ...........#q..A
    0x0020:  8011 006e ab59 0000 0101 080a dd2c 476e  ...n.Y.......,Gn
    0x0030:  0a08 f390                                ....
08:35:16.755001 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 10917, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.38798: Flags [R.], cksum 0xab55 (correct), seq 2, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 3710666606 ecr 168358800], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 0034 2aa5 4000 e906 d458 22c8 5189  E`.4*.@....X".Q.
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 978e 0dbd 0a24 7114 d641  ...........$q..A
    0x0020:  8014 006e ab55 0000 0101 080a dd2c 476e  ...n.U.......,Gn
    0x0030:  0a08 f390                                ....
08:35:16.758263 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54869, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42078 >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [S], cksum 0x52e4 (incorrect -> 0xcdb8), seq 3508150862, win 29200, options [mss 1460,sackOK,TS val 168358939 ecr 0,nop,wscale 7], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 003c d655 4000 4006 11b1 0993 1482  E..<.U@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a45e 1f96 d11a 224e 0000 0000  47.j.^...."N....
    0x0020:  a002 7210 52e4 0000 0204 05b4 0402 080a  ..r.R...........
    0x0030:  0a08 f41b 0000 0000 0103 0307            ............
08:35:16.898068 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 0, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 60)
   XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42078: Flags [S.], cksum 0x057a (correct), seq 1854329504, ack 3508150863, win 26847, options [mss 1380,sackOK,TS val 2898387908 ecr 168358939,nop,wscale 8], length 0
    0x0000:  4560 003c 0000 4000 e906 3ea6 3437 006a  E`.<..@...>.47.j
    0x0010:  0993 1482 1f96 a45e 6e86 d2a0 d11a 224f  .......^n....."O
    0x0020:  a012 68df 057a 0000 0204 0564 0402 080a  ..h..z.....d....
    0x0030:  acc1 e3c4 0a08 f41b 0103 0308            ............
08:35:16.898106 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54870, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42078 > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [.], cksum 0x52dc (incorrect -> 0x9b65), seq 1, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 168359079 ecr 2898387908], length 0
    0x0000:  4500 0034 d656 4000 4006 11b8 0993 1482  E..4.V@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a45e 1f96 d11a 224f 6e86 d2a1  47.j.^...."On...
    0x0020:  8010 00e5 52dc 0000 0101 080a 0a08 f4a7  ....R...........
    0x0030:  acc1 e3c4                                ....
08:35:16.898191 IP (tos 0x0, ttl 64, id 54871, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 521)
    XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42078 >XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX: Flags [P.], cksum 0x54b1 (incorrect -> 0xb279), seq 1:470, ack 1, win 229, options [nop,nop,TS val 168359079 ecr 2898387908], length 469
    0x0000:  4500 0209 d657 4000 4006 0fe2 0993 1482  E....W@.@.......
    0x0010:  3437 006a a45e 1f96 d11a 224f 6e86 d2a1  47.j.^...."On...
    0x0020:  8018 00e5 54b1 0000 0101 080a 0a08 f4a7  ....T...........
    0x0030:  acc1 e3c4 4745 5420 2f71 7565 7279 3f64  ....GET./query?d
    0x0040:  623d 7465 6c65 6772 6166 7161 2671 3d73  b=telegrafqa&q=s
    0x0050:  656c 6563 742b 4d45 414e 2532 3825 3232  elect+MEAN%28%22
    0x0060:  6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2532 392b 6173 2b25  load1%22%29+as+%
    0x0070:  3232 6c6f 6164 3125 3232 2b66 726f 6d2b  22load1%22+from+
    0x0080:  2532 3273 7973 7465 6d25 3232 2b77 6865  %22system%22+whe
    0x0090:  7265 2b74 696d 652b 2533 4525 3344 2b31  re+time+%3E%3D+1
    0x00a0:  3532 3932 3133 3731 3632 3736 3535 3730  5292137162765570
    0x00b0:  3030 2b61 6e64 2b74 696d 652b 2533 432b  00+and+time+%3C+
    0x00c0:  3135 3331 3830 3537 3136 3237 3635 3932  1531805716276592
    0x00d0:  3030 302b 616e 642b 2532 3270 726f 6a65  000+and+%22proje
    0x00e0:  6374 2532 3225 3344 2532 3771 615f 7573  ct%22%3D%27qa_us
    0x00f0:  6561 7374 5f31 2532 372b 6772 6f75 702b  east_1%27+group+
    0x0100:  6279 2b74 696d 6525 3238 3630 3030 306d  by+time%2860000m
    0x0110:  7325 3239 2533 4220 4854 5450 2f31 2e31  s%29%3B.HTTP/1.1
    0x0120:  0d0a 486f 7374 3a20 696e 666c 7578 2e74  ..Host:.influx.t
    0x0130:  7275 7374 6565 7271 612e 636f 6d3a 3830
    0x0140:  3836 0d0a 4163 6365 7074 2d45 6e63 6f64  86..Accept-Encod
    0x0150:  696e 673a 2067 7a69 702c 2064 6566 6c61  ing:.gzip,.defla
    0x0160:  7465 0d0a 436f 6e6e 6563 7469 6f6e 3a20  te..Connection:.
    0x0170:  6b65 6570 2d61 6c69 7665 0d0a 4163 6365  keep-alive..Acce
    0x0180:  7074 3a20 7465 7874 2f70 6c61 696e 0d0a  pt:.text/plain..
    0x0190:  5573 6572 2d41 6765 6e74 3a20 7079 7468  User-Agent:.pyth
    0x01a0:  6f6e 2d72 6571 7565 7374 732f 322e 3138  on-requests/2.18
    0x01b0:  2e34 0d0a 436f 6e74 656e 742d 5479 7065  .4..Content-Type
    0x01c0:  3a20 6170 706c 6963 6174 696f 6e2f 6a73  :.application/js
    0x01d0:  6f6e 0d0a 4175 7468 6f72 697a 6174 696f  on..Authorizatio
    0x01e0:  6e3a 2042 6173 6963 2064 4756 735a 5764  n:.Basic.dGVsZWd
    0x01f0:  7959 575a 7859 5470 694e 5456 6c5a 5455  yYWZxYTpiNTVlZTU
    0x0200:  774d 3255 350d 0a0d 0a                   wM2U5....
08:35:17.037585 IP (tos 0x60, ttl 233, id 13904, offset 0, flags [DF], proto TCP (6), length 52)
 XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX > XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.42078: Flags [.], cksum 0x99e4 (correct), seq 1, ack 470, win 110, options [nop,nop,TS val 2898387943 ecr 

Tcpdump from influx server:
[noypit@XXXX]$ sudo tcpdump -vv -x -X -s 1500 -i eth0 'port 8086' | grep loud
tcpdump: listening on eth0, link-type EN10MB (Ethernet), capture size 1500 bytes

    0x0050:  6c6f 7564 6d6c 2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564  loudml,host=loud
    0x01b0:  6c6f 7564 6d6c 2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564  loudml,host=loud
    0x02c0:  7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d 6c2d  st=loudml-lodml-
    0x0310:  2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2075 7361  ,role=loudml.usa
    0x0430:  6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c 686f  l,role=loudml,ho
    0x0440:  7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d 6c2d  st=loudml-lodml-
    0x05a0:  6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c 686f  l,role=loudml,ho
    0x05b0:  7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d 6c2d  st=loudml-lodml-
    0x0100:  3d6c 6f64 6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564  =lodml,role=loud
    0x0110:  6d6c 2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c  ml,host=loudml-l
    0x0220:  7564 6d6c 2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c  udml,host=loudml
    0x0360:  646d 6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c  dml,role=loudml,
    0x0370:  686f 7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d  host=loudml-lodm
    0x0450:  2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2c68 6f73  ,role=loudml,hos
    0x0460:  743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64 6d6c 2d30  t=loudml-lodml-0
    0x04f0:  7973 7465 6d2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d  ystem,role=loudm
    0x0500:  6c2c 686f 7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f  l,host=loudml-lo
    0x05b0:  6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c 686f  l,role=loudml,ho
    0x05c0:  7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f            st=loudml-lo
    0x0040:  7564 6d6c 2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c  udml,host=loudml
    0x0160:  6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c 686f  l,role=loudml,ho
    0x0170:  7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d 6c2d  st=loudml-lodml-
    0x0280:  6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2c68  ml,role=loudml,h
    0x0290:  6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64 6d6c  ost=loudml-lodml
    0x0360:  6f64 6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c  odml,role=loudml
    0x0370:  2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64  ,host=loudml-lod
    0x0490:  6f64 6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c  odml,role=loudml
    0x04a0:  2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64  ,host=loudml-lod
    0x0050:  3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c 686f 7374 3d6c 6f75  =loudml,host=lou
    0x01b0:  6f64 6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c  odml,role=loudml
    0x01c0:  2c68 6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64  ,host=loudml-lod
    0x02d0:  686f 7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d  host=loudml-lodm
    0x0320:  6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2075  ml,role=loudml.u
    0x0420:  646d 6c2c 726f 6c65 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2c  dml,role=loudml,
    0x0430:  686f 7374 3d6c 6f75 646d 6c2d 6c6f 646d  host=loudml-lodm
    0x0550:  6d6c 2c72 6f6c 653d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2c70  ml,role=loudml,p
    0x0580:  6f73 743d 6c6f 7564 6d6c 2d6c 6f64 6d6c  ost=loudml-lodml

thanks, Noy Pitterman

regel commented 6 years ago

Hi Noy,

the first tcpdump output shows the code is trying to use Basic Auth and clearly that is not what you expect here. Authorization:.Basic

Any reason to use quotes around the "true" value, what happens if you remove them?

To clarify Loud ML 1.3.2 limitations, we have to update the documentation:

Best, Sébastien

regel commented 6 years ago

Possible step we missed in the documentation:

Also, we must review the influxdb client code and how the options are handled.