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Result.Code: SUCCES desi ar fi trebuit FAIL (Result.Ref NULL) #127

Open oanamodoranu opened 16 hours ago

oanamodoranu commented 16 hours ago

Am introdus in contract nou si in HEADER la header.operation in loc de "AdaugareContract" a fost trimis cu "InregistrareSalariat". Raspunsul a venit cu SUCCES fara referinta pentru contract, ar fi trebuit sa fie FAIL

cui: 6549661 responseID: 1dfc4dfe-e12b-49aa-bca1-d28f19f02c67 80a12fda-36cd-4bcd-bdc3-c72f46f26c94 c12b3813-01c6-4917-8d8b-a5001e7cc1b6

mnmnk43434 commented 16 hours ago

Hello, we tried to solve the issue.

This is what we did:

Modified the sendMessage method in to validate the operation type before sending the contract message. If the operation is not 'AdaugareContract', it will return an error response instead of sending the message.

You can review changes in this commit:

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