Closed regi0008 closed 5 years ago
Based on example of 2018_ECOMS-UDG example in climate4R notebook, under their Verifications (Correlation Analysis), there are errors:
summary(NCEP_Iberia_tas) summary(CFS_Iberia_tas)
obs <- NCEP_Iberia_tas[["Data"]]
fcst <- CFS_Iberia_tas[["Data"]]
cor <- veriApply(verifun = "EnsCorr", fcst = fcst, obs = obs, tdim = length(dim(fcst))-1, ensdim = length(dim(fcst)))
cor.grid <- easyVeri2grid(easyVeri.mat = cor, obs.grid = NCEP_Iberia_tas[["Data"]], verifun = "EnsCorr")
spatialPlot(climatology(cor.grid), backdrop.theme = "countries", at = seq(-1,1,0.05), colorkey = list(space = "bottom"), main = "Ensemble correlation", sub = "CFSv2 24 member - DJF Mean Temperature (1982-2010")
Notes: 1) Am still figuring out if there is anything wrong with the veriApply() function used, and whether the inputs "obs" and "fcst" is correct (as an array/vector)
ROCSS done. Leave CRPSS and [reliability, resolution] to be solved.
CRPSS done. Leave [reliability, resolution] to be solved.
Reliability categories solved.
To do by Tuesday, 20th August 2019 (everyone)