regolith-linux / regolith-desktop

Meta package for the Regolith Desktop Environment
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Reloaded i3, i3xrocks broke #813

Closed yapishu closed 9 months ago

yapishu commented 1 year ago

Describe the bug

I reloaded my i3 session (mod+r) and my i3rocks broke. I now see markup in the status bar rather than theming; additionally other parts of my theme seem to have broken, like my window settings (hidden title bars etc), and I can no longer use some (but not all) key combinations using my mod key (eg launching drun). It is a confusing set of things to suddenly break and I'm not sure how to safely un-break it.

I do not know what changed, besides suspecting an update that went bad. My configuration files are all still in place. reinstalling regolith-desktop and regolith-i3xrocks-config does not change anything.

To Reproduce


Expected behavior

Upon reloading, i3 continues showing my i3xrocks configuration; rofi launcher continues working


Configuration file(s)

i3 config:

Installation Details

codigo47 commented 1 year ago

Workaround: add "pango" before the font name in .config/regolith2/i3/config

bar {
  position $
  mode $
  #font $
  font pango:DejaVu Sans Mono 10
yapishu commented 1 year ago

@codigo47 Hm, I think my issues might stem from differences between 1.6 and 2, because I don't have a regolith2 dir. Is there a simple way to uhh, just reinstall?

kgilmer commented 1 year ago

Hi @yapishu , hmm, not sure about the root cause given the info. To know what version of Regolith is installed: cat /etc/regolith/version. I'm guessing you have some user configuration that might be part of the issue. You can disable any local state with mv ~/.config/regolith2 ~/.config/regolith2-disabled or something like that. Log back in and the Regolith config should be back to default.

ForwardFeed commented 1 year ago

I got the same issue (i3-rocks total dysfunction) but it appears to me out of thin air. I was playing a game, got logged out from my desktop session. I then proceeded to re-login, only to see in total confusion the total loss of my task bar and to the application launcher dialog window. I tried anything i read here and just ended up reinstalling.

yapishu commented 9 months ago

I never fixed this but eventually i edited the scripts in /usr/share/i3xrocks/scripts to remove the HTML formatting from the output and now it's fine