regulaforensics / DocumentReader-iOS

iOS Framework for reading and validation of identification documents
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Crash after scan document: EXC_BAD_ACCESS #29

Closed olcayertas closed 4 years ago

olcayertas commented 4 years ago

Application crashing after scanning a document with following stact trace:

objc_release 0x00000001af12c140
__50-[RGLDocumentReaderCameraViewController scanImage]_block_invoke_11 0x0000000100d61a94
_dispatch_call_block_and_release 0x00000001af0b6610
_dispatch_client_callout 0x00000001af0b7184
_dispatch_main_queue_callback_4CF$VARIANT$armv81 0x00000001af09a34c
__CFRunLoopRun 0x00000001af3635d8
CFRunLoopRunSpecific 0x00000001af362adc
GSEventRunModal 0x00000001b92e8328
UIApplicationMain 0x00000001b345dae0
main main.swift:8
start 0x00000001af1ec360

Error: Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS (code=1, address=0x4a7aa6c20)

vyakimchik commented 4 years ago

Hello. Please, provide the steps on how to reproduce the issue. If the app crashes while you are scanning the specific document, please, send it to Thanks!

olcayertas commented 4 years ago

It doesn't crash for a particular document every time but we got an other crash while scanning a document this time stack trace of crash report looks like this:

Screen Shot 2020-01-23 at 09 59 52

Since we don't have debug symbols for DocumentReader we can't be sure where it crashed.

vyakimchik commented 4 years ago

Hello. We published the new version (5.1). Please check if the issue can be reproduced there.