rehlds / metamod-r

Metamod is a plugin/DLL manager that sits between the Half-Life Engine and an HL Game mod, allowing the dynamic loading/unloading of mod-like DLL plugins to add functionality to the HL server or game mod. Metamod-r is improved version of metamod.
GNU General Public License v3.0
160 stars 38 forks source link

server crash #24

Closed csoyuncu closed 6 years ago

csoyuncu commented 6 years ago

hello. When i installed kill asist plugin, i am killing someone and server crashes. But no problem at metamod v37

WPMGPRoSToTeMa commented 6 years ago

Source code?

csoyuncu commented 6 years ago
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Kill assist (for CS) v1.2b
      by Digi (a.k.a. Hunter-Digital)


      When a player gets killed, this plugin checks if another player, from the same team,
      did enough damage to the victim so that he could be an accomplice to the kill and
      the assister will also receive a frag
      (all of these are cvar controlled)

    CVars and default values:

      - amx_killassist_enable 0/1/2 (default: 1)
        Enable modes: 0 = Disable / 1 = Enable with DeathMsg / 2 = Enable with HUD message

      - amx_killassist_mindamage 1-9999 (default: 50)
        Minimum amount of damage to deal to be nominated for an assisted kill

      - amx_killassist_givefrags 0/1 (default: 1)
        Give or not give the assister frags

      - amx_killassist_givemoney 0-16000 (default: 300)
        Give or not give the assister some money, 0 disables, 1 or more sets how much money

      - amx_killassist_onlyalive 0/1 (default: 0)
        Only alive players can be of assistance in killing other players

    Credits and thanks:

      - ConnorMcLeod - for helping with quick name changing
      - arkshine - for helping with name squeeze
      - joaquimandrade - code improvements
      - anakin_cstrike - code improvements
      - Nextra - more code improvements
      - ajvn - some ideas
      - Dores - and more code improvements
      - frearmer - hud message sugestion


      v1.2b - modified public variable to "killassist_version" and fixed deathmsg not showing when you suicide with worldspawn or an entity
      v1.2 - added no-name-changing support, prints HUD message, to activate, set enabled to 2
      v1.1b - simplified cvar checking using clamp()
      v1.1 - converted to CS only, new cvars: amx_killassist_onlyalive, amx_killassist_givemoney, enriched cvar handling, added team cache and fixed some bugs
      v1.0d - Removed useless stuff xD, added pcvar on amx_mode and used formatex()
      v1.0c - Some modifications and added g_bOnline
      v1.0b - Fixed admin name bug
      v1.0 - Release

        -------------------------------------------------------------- */

/* Feel free to modify these HUD message values */

#define HUD_colorR      255 // default: 255
#define HUD_colorG      155 // default: 155
#define HUD_colorB      0   // default: 0
#define HUD_posX            0.6 // default: 0.6
#define HUD_posY            0.2 // default: 0.2
#define HUD_fx          0   // default: 0
#define HUD_fxTime      0.0 // default: 0.0
#define HUD_holdTime        1.0 // default: 1.0
#define HUD_fadeInTime      0.3 // default: 0.3
#define HUD_fadeOutTime     2.0 // default: 2.0
#define HUD_channel     -1  // default: -1

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Nothing to edit below this point */

#include <amxmodx>
#include <hamsandwich>
#include <cstrike>
#include <engine>
#include <fun>

#define PLUGIN_TITLE        "Kill assist (for CS)"
#define PLUGIN_VERSION      "1.2b"
#define PLUGIN_AUTHOR       "Digi ("
#define PLUGIN_PUBLICVAR    "killassist_version"

#define MAXPLAYERS      32 + 1

#define TEAM_NONE           0
#define TEAM_TE         1
#define TEAM_CT         2
#define TEAM_SPEC           3

#define is_player(%1) (1 <= %1 <= g_iMaxPlayers)

new msgID_sayText
new msgID_deathMsg
new msgID_scoreInfo
new msgID_money

new pCVar_amxMode

new pCVar_enabled
new pCVar_minDamage
new pCVar_giveFrags
new pCVar_giveMoney
new pCVar_onlyAlive

new ch_pCVar_enabled
new ch_pCVar_minDamage
new ch_pCVar_giveFrags
new ch_pCVar_giveMoney
new ch_pCVar_onlyAlive

new g_szName[MAXPLAYERS][32]
new g_iTeam[MAXPLAYERS]
new bool:g_bAlive[MAXPLAYERS] = {false, ...}
new bool:g_bOnline[MAXPLAYERS] = {false, ...}

new g_iLastAmxMode
new g_iMaxPlayers = 0
new bool:g_bAmxModeExists = false

public plugin_init()

    pCVar_enabled = register_cvar("amx_killassist_enabled", "1")
    pCVar_minDamage = register_cvar("amx_killassist_mindamage", "50")
    pCVar_giveFrags = register_cvar("amx_killassist_givefrags", "1")
    pCVar_giveMoney = register_cvar("amx_killassist_givemoney", "300")
    pCVar_onlyAlive = register_cvar("amx_killassist_onlyalive", "0")

        pCVar_amxMode = get_cvar_pointer("amx_mode")

        g_bAmxModeExists = true

    msgID_money = get_user_msgid("Money")
    msgID_sayText = get_user_msgid("SayText")
    msgID_deathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
    msgID_scoreInfo = get_user_msgid("ScoreInfo")

    register_message(msgID_deathMsg, "msg_deathMsg")

    register_logevent("event_roundStart", 2, "1=Round_Start")

    register_event("Damage", "player_damage", "be", "2!0", "3=0", "4!0")
    register_event("DeathMsg", "player_die", "ae")
    register_event("TeamInfo", "player_joinTeam", "a")

    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "player_spawn", 1)

    g_iMaxPlayers = get_maxplayers()

public plugin_cfg() event_roundStart()

public event_roundStart()
    ch_pCVar_enabled = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_enabled), 0, 2)
    ch_pCVar_minDamage = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_minDamage), 0, 9999)
    ch_pCVar_giveFrags = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_giveFrags), 0, 1)
    ch_pCVar_giveMoney = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_giveMoney), 0, 16000)
    ch_pCVar_onlyAlive = clamp(get_pcvar_num(pCVar_onlyAlive), 0, 1)

public client_putinserver(iPlayer)
    g_bOnline[iPlayer] = true

    get_user_name(iPlayer, g_szName[iPlayer], 31)

public client_disconnect(iPlayer)
    g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_NONE
    g_bAlive[iPlayer] = false
    g_bOnline[iPlayer] = false

public player_joinTeam()
    new iPlayer, szTeam[2]

    iPlayer = read_data(1)
    read_data(2, szTeam, 1)

        case 'T': g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_TE
        case 'C': g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_CT
        default: g_iTeam[iPlayer] = TEAM_SPEC // since you can't transfer yourself to unassigned team...


public player_spawn(iPlayer)
        return HAM_IGNORED

    g_bAlive[iPlayer] = true // he's alive !

    new szName[32]

    get_user_name(iPlayer, szName, 31)

    if(!equali(szName, g_szName[iPlayer])) // make sure he has his name !
        set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
        set_user_info(iPlayer, "name", g_szName[iPlayer])

    // reset damage meters

    for(new p = 1; p <= g_iMaxPlayers; p++)
        g_iDamage[iPlayer][p] = 0

    return HAM_IGNORED

public player_damage(iVictim)
    if(!ch_pCVar_enabled || !is_player(iVictim))
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    new iAttacker = get_user_attacker(iVictim)

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    g_iDamage[iAttacker][iVictim] += read_data(2)


public player_die()
        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    new iVictim = read_data(2)
    new iKiller = read_data(1)
    new iHS = read_data(3)
    new szWeapon[24]
    read_data(4, szWeapon, 23)

        do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    g_bAlive[iVictim] = false

        do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)

        return PLUGIN_CONTINUE

    new iKillerTeam = g_iTeam[iKiller]

    if(iKiller != iVictim && g_iTeam[iVictim] != iKillerTeam)
        new iKiller2 = 0
        new iDamage2 = 0

        for(new p = 1; p <= g_iMaxPlayers; p++)
            if(p != iKiller && g_bOnline[p] && (ch_pCVar_onlyAlive && g_bAlive[p] || !ch_pCVar_onlyAlive) && iKillerTeam == g_iTeam[p] && g_iDamage[p][iVictim] >= ch_pCVar_minDamage && g_iDamage[p][iVictim] > iDamage2)
                iKiller2 = p
                iDamage2 = g_iDamage[p][iVictim]

            g_iDamage[p][iVictim] = 0

        if(iKiller2 > 0 && iDamage2 > ch_pCVar_minDamage)
                new iFrags = get_user_frags(iKiller2)+1

                set_user_frags(iKiller2, iFrags)

                message_begin(MSG_ALL, msgID_scoreInfo)

                new iMoney = cs_get_user_money(iKiller2) + ch_pCVar_giveMoney

                if(iMoney > 16000)
                    iMoney = 16000

                cs_set_user_money(iKiller2, iMoney)

                if(g_bAlive[iKiller2]) // no reason to send a money message when the player has no hud :}
                    message_begin(MSG_ONE_UNRELIABLE, msgID_money, _, iKiller2)

            if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 2)
                new szName1[32], szName2[32], szName3[32], szMsg[128]

                get_user_name(iKiller, szName1, 31)
                get_user_name(iKiller2, szName2, 31)
                get_user_name(iVictim, szName3, 31)

                formatex(szMsg, 63, "%s killed %s assisted by %s", szName1, szName3, szName2)

                set_hudmessage(HUD_colorR, HUD_colorG, HUD_colorB, HUD_posX, HUD_posY, HUD_fx, HUD_fxTime, HUD_holdTime, HUD_fadeInTime, HUD_fadeOutTime, HUD_channel)
                show_hudmessage(0, szMsg)
                new szName1[32], iName1Len, szName2[32], iName2Len, szNames[32], szWeaponLong[32]

                iName1Len = get_user_name(iKiller, szName1, 31)
                iName2Len = get_user_name(iKiller2, szName2, 31)

                g_szName[iKiller] = szName1

                if(iName1Len < 14)
                    formatex(szName1, iName1Len, "%s", szName1)
                    formatex(szName2, 28-iName1Len, "%s", szName2)
                else if(iName2Len < 14)
                    formatex(szName1, 28-iName2Len, "%s", szName1)
                    formatex(szName2, iName2Len, "%s", szName2)
                    formatex(szName1, 13, "%s", szName1)
                    formatex(szName2, 13, "%s", szName2)

                formatex(szNames, 31, "%s + %s", szName1, szName2)

                set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
                set_user_info(iKiller, "name", szNames)

                    g_iLastAmxMode = get_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode)

                    set_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode, 0)

                if(equali(szWeapon, "grenade"))
                    szWeaponLong = "weapon_hegrenade"
                    formatex(szWeaponLong, 31, "weapon_%s", szWeapon)

                new args[4]

                args[0] = iVictim
                args[1] = iKiller
                args[2] = iHS
                args[3] = get_weaponid(szWeaponLong)

                set_task(0.1, "player_diePost", 0, args, 4)
        else if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 1)
            do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)
    else if(ch_pCVar_enabled == 1)
        do_deathmsg(iVictim, iVictim, iHS, szWeapon)


public player_diePost(arg[])
    new szWeapon[24]
    new iKiller = arg[1]

    get_weaponname(arg[3], szWeapon, 23)
    replace(szWeapon, 23, "weapon_", "")

    do_deathmsg(iKiller, arg[0], arg[2], szWeapon)

    set_msg_block(msgID_sayText, BLOCK_ONCE)
    set_user_info(iKiller, "name", g_szName[iKiller])

        set_pcvar_num(pCVar_amxMode, g_iLastAmxMode)


public msg_deathMsg()
    return ch_pCVar_enabled == 1 ? PLUGIN_HANDLED : PLUGIN_CONTINUE

/* originally from, but simplified */

stock do_deathmsg(iKiller, iVictim, iHS, const szWeapon[])
    message_begin(MSG_ALL, msgID_deathMsg)

/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------
        -------------------------------------------------------------- */
indraraj26 commented 6 years ago

same here its not easy to reproduce since i am using lot of plugins, And metamod -p works fine with the same plugin! metamod_1.3.0.86 Crash with this error after 10/5 mins ./hlds_run: line 255: 31109 Segmentation fault (core dumped) $HL_CMD email debug.log to Fri Dec 1 11:47:59 IST 2017: Server restart in 10 seconds

csoyuncu commented 6 years ago

we passsed original metamod-p. Nowly outed metamod-r

stamepicmorg commented 6 years ago

topic temporary closed. there are no activity more than two weeks.