rehlds / resemiclip

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Compatibility with 3rd plg(or drm?) #12

Open raiz0x opened 4 years ago

raiz0x commented 4 years ago

for drm(or not?) integration with this plugin isn't work!(for all types of amxx/metamod/engine)

#include <amxmodx>
#include <engine>
#include <fakemeta>
#include <hamsandwich>

#define DENUMIRE ""

//i couldn't find them again..SRRY
#define PLUGIN ""
#define VERSION ""
#define AUTHOR ""//some edits..

#define MAX_ENTITYS 900+15*32
new bool:g_bPlayerInvisible[33],bool:g_bWaterInvisible[33],bool:g_bWaterEntity[MAX_ENTITYS],bool:g_bWaterFound,g_iSpectatedId[33];
new mf[125]

public plugin_init() {
    register_clcmd( "say /invis", "menuInvisDisplay" );
    register_clcmd( "say_team /invis", "menuInvisDisplay" );
    formatex(mf,charsmax(mf),"\r[\y%s\r] \w- Invizibilitate \y[\rFPS\y]^n^n",DENUMIRE)
    register_menucmd( register_menuid( mf ), 1023, "menuInvisAction" );
    register_forward( FM_AddToFullPack, "fwdAddToFullPack_Post", 1 );
    register_event( "SpecHealth2", "eventSpecHealth2", "bd" );
    RegisterHam(Ham_Spawn, "player", "fwdPlayerSpawnPost", 1);
public plugin_cfg( )
    new ent = -1;
    while( ( ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_water" ) ) != 0 )
//       pev( ent, pev_skin ) ==  CONTENTS_WATER is also true on func_water entities

        if( !g_bWaterFound )    g_bWaterFound = true;

        g_bWaterEntity[ent] = true;

    ent = -1;
    while( ( ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_illusionary" ) ) != 0 )
        if( pev( ent, pev_skin ) ==  CONTENTS_WATER )
            if( !g_bWaterFound )    g_bWaterFound = true;

            g_bWaterEntity[ent] = true;

    ent = -1;
    while( ( ent = find_ent_by_class( ent, "func_conveyor" ) ) != 0 )
        if( pev( ent, pev_spawnflags ) == 3 )
            if( !g_bWaterFound )    g_bWaterFound = true;

            g_bWaterEntity[ent] = true;

public client_putinserver ( id )
    if(!is_user_connected(id)||is_user_bot(id)||is_user_hltv(id))   return

    set_task ( 7.5 , "menuInvisDisplay" , id );

    g_bPlayerInvisible [ id ] = false;
    g_bWaterInvisible [ id ] = false;
    g_iSpectatedId [ id ] = 0;

public fwdPlayerSpawnPost(iClient)  g_iSpectatedId[iClient] = 0;

public fwdAddToFullPack_Post( es_handle, e, ent, host, hostflags, player, pset )
    if( player && g_bPlayerInvisible[host] && host != ent && ent != g_iSpectatedId[host] && get_user_team(host) == get_user_team(ent) )
        static const Float:corner[8][3] = 
            { -4096.0, -4096.0, -4096.0 },
            { -4096.0, -4096.0, 4096.0 },
            { -4096.0, 4096.0, -4096.0 },
            { -4096.0, 4096.0, 4096.0 },
            { 4096.0, -4096.0, -4096.0 },
            { 4096.0, -4096.0, 4096.0 },
            { 4096.0, 4096.0, -4096.0 },
            { 4096.0, 4096.0, 4096.0 }

        static const Float:map_distance = 7094.480108;

        static Float:origin[3];
        get_es( es_handle, ES_Origin, origin );

        static i;
        while( get_distance_f( origin, corner[i] ) > map_distance ) if( ++i >= sizeof( corner ) )    i = 0;

        set_es( es_handle, ES_Origin, corner[i] );
        set_es( es_handle, ES_Effects, get_es( es_handle, ES_Effects ) | EF_NODRAW );
    else if( g_bWaterInvisible[host] && g_bWaterEntity[ent])     set_es( es_handle, ES_Effects, get_es( es_handle, ES_Effects ) | EF_NODRAW );
public eventSpecHealth2( id )   g_iSpectatedId[id] = read_data( 2 );
public menuInvisDisplay( id )
    static menu[256];
    new len = formatex( menu, charsmax(menu), "\r[\y%s\r] \w- Invizibilitate \y[\rFPS\y]^n^n",DENUMIRE );

    len += formatex( menu[len], charsmax(menu) - len, "\r1. \yCoechipieri: \w%s^n", g_bPlayerInvisible[id] ? "invizibili" : "vizibili" );

    if( g_bWaterFound ) len += formatex( menu[len], charsmax(menu) - len, "\r2. \yApa: \w%s^n", g_bWaterInvisible[id] ? "invizibila" : "vizibila" );
    else    len += formatex( menu[len], charsmax(menu) - len, "\r2. \yApa: \rNu exista pe aceasta mapa \w!^n" );

    len += formatex( menu[len], charsmax(menu) - len, "^n\r0. \yIesire" );

    show_menu( id, ( 1<<0 | 1<<1 | 1<<9 ), menu, -1 );

    return PLUGIN_HANDLED;
public menuInvisAction( id, key )
    switch( key )
        case 0:
            g_bPlayerInvisible[id] = !g_bPlayerInvisible[id];
            menuInvisDisplay( id );
        case 1:
            if( g_bWaterFound ) g_bWaterInvisible[id] = !g_bWaterInvisible[id];

            menuInvisDisplay( id );
        case 9: show_menu( id, 0, "" );
Vakos321575 commented 4 years ago

I confirm. I also have a problem with this. It would be good to fix this bug.