Closed dimaMachina closed 1 year ago
As far as I can remember, this was done when refactoring to a rehype plugin after multiple theme support was added - if you're adding a theme transition, you can position the two light/dark code blocks absolutely in the fragment and then allow the colors to smoothly transition if not using CSS variables with Shiki.
But as it mentions, you should be able to work around it by replacing it with a real fragment in your MDX provider's components object, is it not possible?
Something like:
const components = {
div(props) {
if (props['data-rehype-pretty-code-fragment'] != null) {
return <>{props.children}</>;
return <div {...props} />;
With your solution, it requires some workaround to attach data-rehype-pretty-code-fragment
to props.children
because it's useful attribute that says it's not a regular pre/code element but parsed by rehype-pretty-code
That's also possible:
function rehypePrettyCodeTransform(Tag, props) {
if (props['data-rehype-pretty-code-fragment'] != null) {
return, child => {
return React.cloneElement(child, {
'data-rehype-pretty-code-fragment': '',
return <Tag {...props} />;
const components = {
div: props => rehypePrettyCodeTransform('div', props),
span: props => rehypePrettyCodeTransform('span', props),
is also useful for positioning nodes absolutely in general inside the code block, e.g. a language element.
It's also widely used in code searching on GitHub, and in tutorials, so it'd be breaking for no real gain (with a downside), so going to close as it has a workaround if necessary anyway.
I want to suggest to avoid creating
<div />
/<span />
wrappers for code blocks/inline code blocksInstead,
attribute can be attached directly in<pre />
/<code />