rei-vilo / SD_TM4C

SD Library for LaunchPad LM4F / TM4C
8 stars 7 forks source link

PlatformIO Library Manager manifest file #1

Closed ivankravets closed 9 years ago

ivankravets commented 9 years ago

library.json is a library manifest file which can be used with different tools/managers to organise embedded libraries. Currently, only PlatformIO uses it. How does this look from CLI:

$ platformio lib search --framework="energia" sd
# Found 1 libraries:
# [ ID  ] Name             Compatibility         "Authors": Description
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# [ 79  ] SD               energia, timsp430, titiva "Rei Vilo, William Greiman, SparkFun Electronics": This library aims to expose a subset of SD card functionality in the form of a higher level 'wrapper' object (adaptation for LaunchPad LM4F120 / TM4C123)

$ platformio lib install 79
# Installing library [ 79 ]:
# Downloading  [####################################]  100%
# Unpacking  [####################################]  100%
# The library #79 'SD' has been successfully installed!

$ platformio lib show 79
# SD
# --
# Authors: Rei Vilo (maintainer), William Greiman, SparkFun Electronics
# Keywords: sd, card, file, system
# Frameworks: energia
# Platforms: timsp430, titiva
# Version: da6cef2624
#This library aims to expose a subset of SD card functionality in the form of a higher level 'wrapper' object (adaptation for LaunchPad LM4F120 / TM4C123)

$ platformio lib update
# Updating SD  library:
# Versions: Current=***, Latest=***      [Up-to-date]]
jasiek commented 9 years ago

+1, this would be useful.

ivankravets commented 9 years ago

@jasiek this lib is added to @PlatformIO Library Registry:!/lib/show/79/SD