Now that [Think about representing truth as an oracle model #280] is closed, with truth being represented as a behind-the-scenes oracle model with forecasts, we can continue the refactoring. Possibilities:
Enable truth versioning. Currently, uploading truth first deletes existing oracle forecasts. Details:
uploading truth should not delete previous truth
however, it must check for conflicting issue_date, say when someone tries to update multiple times in one day
web UI needs to take into account version. for example, it might be nice to see a list of updates/versions
what about the issue of gigantic truth files blowing up the point prediction table? In my mind, we haven't resolved the idea of pushing incremental updates
Enable multiple oracle models. This would require a user interface for managing them, plus API parameters to specify which oracle model to upload truth to.
Now that [Think about representing truth as an oracle model #280] is closed, with truth being represented as a behind-the-scenes oracle model with forecasts, we can continue the refactoring. Possibilities:
Enable truth versioning. Currently, uploading truth first deletes existing oracle forecasts. Details:
option. related: [Change as_of forecast query semantics to handle partial forecast uploads #284]Enable multiple oracle models. This would require a user interface for managing them, plus API parameters to specify which oracle model to upload truth to.