reifyhealth / lein-git-down

A Leiningen plugin for resolving dependencies from Git
MIT License
82 stars 5 forks source link

Issue when running on CircleCI #51

Open MiyamotoAkira opened 2 years ago

MiyamotoAkira commented 2 years ago

Currently I am having an issue where my build fails because of this error: (git:// ssh:// Auth fail It is my first time using lein-git-down on CircleCI On project.clj I have: :repositories [["public-github" {:url "git://" :protocol :https}]] so not sure why is trying to use ssh to get to the repo (which is public)


When running locally I get this on the file .lein-git-down after successfully downloading the dependency:

{:uri "", 
 :mvn-coords timbre-json-appender/timbre-json-appender, 
 :rev "ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d"}
manderson202 commented 2 years ago

Hello, sorry for the delay in replying. I wasn't able to reproduce the issue with the minimal set up you describe. Here's what I did:

Everything appeared to work and the timbre-json-appender library was downloaded from github and shows up in my .m2 cache:

# ls -l ~/.m2/repository/timbre-json-appender/timbre-json-appender/ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d/
total 28
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  302 Nov 18 20:08 _remote.repositories
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 9491 Nov 18 20:08 timbre-json-appender-ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d.jar
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   40 Nov 18 20:08 timbre-json-appender-ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d.jar.sha1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  843 Nov 18 20:08 timbre-json-appender-ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d.pom
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   40 Nov 18 20:08 timbre-json-appender-ca976dcdc37d0ddf9429015667409f0d096bc93d.pom.sha1

Are you seeing different behavior with the minimal version?

MiyamotoAkira commented 2 years ago

Though my specific issue is no longer in place because they updated with my PR I will try to check redo it again, to see if I can replicate the issue again.