Suggest changing "Setup" to just "Graph" or "Graph Settings"
Grey or make invisible the Y axis variable that is equal to selected X Axis variable. If I pick X Axis Time, Y Axis Time should be greyed out.
After loading a motor file and running the sim, all of the "Grains" are checked. Shouldn't they be unchecked.
With X Axis = Time, Y Axis KN, Chamber Pressure, Thrust and Max Flux checked and all of the grains are checked, the graph is refreshed. However the "Max Flux" graph for each of the grains is nearly invisible due to the Y-Axis scaling. If I uncheck everything on the Y Axis except Mass Flux, the Y Axis is refreshed and all of the grains are displayed. Not sure this is a problem, just might create a lot of user confusion.
X = Time Y= Mass Flow and Flux and only Grain 5 is checked. ReRun Sim and all of the grains are checked. X Axis and Y Axis are preserved between sims.
It looks like the only Y Axis variables that can be displayed by grain are Propellant Maxx, Mass, Mass Flow and Flux and Regression Depth. Suggest making "Grains" only visible when one of these is selected.
To duplicate BS, I selected Time for X axis, KN, Chamber pressure, Thrust, Mass Flow and Flux and Grain 5 of a 5 grain motor. Because of scaling, Mass flow and flux are basically a straight line just above the x axis. To display Mass flow and flux, BS has a scaling factor for these. Not sure if it max sense to or not to include a scaling factor for flow and flux.
Grains Tab - Looks good to me. As near as I can tell.
Suggest changing "Setup" to just "Graph" or "Graph Settings"
Grey or make invisible the Y axis variable that is equal to selected X Axis variable. If I pick X Axis Time, Y Axis Time should be greyed out.
After loading a motor file and running the sim, all of the "Grains" are checked. Shouldn't they be unchecked.
With X Axis = Time, Y Axis KN, Chamber Pressure, Thrust and Max Flux checked and all of the grains are checked, the graph is refreshed. However the "Max Flux" graph for each of the grains is nearly invisible due to the Y-Axis scaling. If I uncheck everything on the Y Axis except Mass Flux, the Y Axis is refreshed and all of the grains are displayed. Not sure this is a problem, just might create a lot of user confusion.
X = Time Y= Mass Flow and Flux and only Grain 5 is checked. ReRun Sim and all of the grains are checked. X Axis and Y Axis are preserved between sims.
It looks like the only Y Axis variables that can be displayed by grain are Propellant Maxx, Mass, Mass Flow and Flux and Regression Depth. Suggest making "Grains" only visible when one of these is selected.
To duplicate BS, I selected Time for X axis, KN, Chamber pressure, Thrust, Mass Flow and Flux and Grain 5 of a 5 grain motor. Because of scaling, Mass flow and flux are basically a straight line just above the x axis. To display Mass flow and flux, BS has a scaling factor for these. Not sure if it max sense to or not to include a scaling factor for flow and flux.
Grains Tab - Looks good to me. As near as I can tell.