reinhard-brandstaedter / solarflow-control

A tool to automatically control Zendure's Solarflow hub with more flexibility to match home power demand
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Feed in instead of charging Battery #210

Closed boennemann closed 4 months ago

boennemann commented 5 months ago

I keep observing feed in into the grid, even though my battery isn't full. The battery is at 72% and yet the inverter is set to ~800W with only a ~330W demand. The battery receives ~350W-ish. Almost feels like this should be the other way around.

Here are my logs:

2024-04-14 11:05:31,123:INFO: HUB: S:1274.9W [ 1275.1,1275.1,1275.1,1274.8,1275.1,1274.9 ], B: 72% (72), V:50.6V (50.6), C: 345W, P:False, F:20.2h, E:-1.0h, H:910W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 11:05:31,138:INFO: INV: AC:847.6W, AC_Prediction: 846.5W, DC:896.8W, DC_prediction: 895.7W (443.5|450.6), L:835.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 11:05:31,144:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:-512.6W [ -515.6,-515.6,-516.2,-516.9,-516.3,-515.7 ] Predict: -514.6W
2024-04-14 11:05:31,144:INFO: Direct connected panels (0.0W) can't cover demand (331.9W), trying to get rest from hub.
2024-04-14 11:05:31,144:INFO: Checking if Solarflow is willing to contribute 331.9W ...
2024-04-14 11:05:31,145:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (1274.9W) minimum charge power (0W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 331.9W - Decision path: 1.2.
2024-04-14 11:05:31,146:INFO: Hub should contribute more (331.0W) than what we currently get from panels (0.0W), we will use the inverter for fast/precise limiting!
2024-04-14 11:05:31,146:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 11:05:31,146:INFO: Current inverter AC output (847.6) is higher than configured output limit (800), reducing limit to 831.0
2024-04-14 11:05:31,146:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 11:05:31,147:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 331.9W, Panel DC: ( 0), Hub DC: (443.5|450.6), Inverter Limit: 831.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
boennemann commented 5 months ago

Update: It seems to also have been the other way around, when suddenly it flipped. It's also interesting to me that this happens at the time when the solar production reaches the hubs capacity limit.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 11 39 57

Update 2:

Also noticed that the inverter is not being limited anymore at exactly the same time.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 11 47 14
reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

Generally it would make more sense to run with a minimum charge power greater than 0.

is your sf_inverter_channels variable set correctly? You seem to have only two inputs.

Try the latest dev build, there have been some improvements in regards to feed-in handling/information.

Also can you observe this:

2024-04-14 11:05:31,146:INFO: Current inverter AC output (847.6) is higher than configured output limit (800), reducing limit to 831.0

Over time the limit should be decreased down to 800 max (AC output 800W). Does your limit then jump back up again? or is it further reduced to match the demand?

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Thanks for the pointers. I'm updating the config. As my battery is full now, I can only update tomorrow.

Generally it would make more sense to run with a minimum charge power greater than 0. Can you explain what this config variable does?

is your sf_inverter_channels variable set correctly? You seem to have only two inputs. I have the hub connected to both inverter channels and no modules connected directly to the inverter. 0 is the output and thus I'm setting sf_inverter_channels = [1,2].

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 12 55 24

Over time the limit should be decreased down to 800 max (AC output 800W). Does your limit then jump back up again? or is it further reduced to match the demand?

If understood you correctly then my 2nd screenshot show that it's staying at somewhere above 800

Thank you 🙏

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

OK, the inverter channels are correct.

The min_charge_power variable defines the power that should be used for charging before the hub gives anything to the output. It ensures that the battery is first charged and then the house is supported. In your case with 1200W input that would surely make sense.

So the expected (my setup is similar, except I'm not hitting the 800W legal limit) behavior would be:

That works quite flawlessly here, the only difference as said is the legal limit hit.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Alright, I'll try 150W then 👍

In the meantime the next weird thing popped up. The battery hit 100%, then it stopped feeding the house altogether, no feed-in, but not even the demand from the house. The inverter limit seems to be alright, but the Hub apparently doesn't output anything.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 14 05 13

Might try hopping onto the dev build next.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Running the dev branch now. The hub keeps pretending it doesn't have any solar input 😬 Perfect sunshine and I'm drawing from neither the battery, nor sun, but the grid 🤔

DTU is limited to 20W 😕

2024-04-14 14:18:00,177:INFO: HUB: S:38.8W [ 570.2,570.2,524.3,350.3,148.8,38.8 ], B:100% (100), V:53.3V (53.3), C: -46W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 44W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 14:18:00,191:INFO: INV: AC:66.0W, AC_Prediction: 46.5W, DC:69.9W, DC_prediction: 49.2W (12.1|12.2), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 14:18:00,191:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:203.6W [ 147.9,147.9,135.2,159.9 ] Predict: 159.9W
2024-04-14 14:18:00,191:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 182.9W from hub.
2024-04-14 14:18:00,192:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (38.8W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute  0.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-14 14:18:00,192:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 14:18:00,193:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 0.0W of the requested 182.9!
2024-04-14 14:18:00,193:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 14:18:00,194:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 182.9W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (23.0W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 14:18:00,194:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 135.2 -> 159.9: executed
2024-04-14 14:18:00,196:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 137.5 -> 163.5: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:00,198:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 139.6 -> 166.7: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:05,670:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 146.4 -> 202.4: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:05,680:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 152.7 -> 203.7: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:05,690:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 155.1 -> 205.0: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:09,270:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-14 14:18:09,315:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 14:18:09
2024-04-14 14:18:09,315:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-14 14:18:10,131:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 168.1 -> 216.5: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:10,139:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 169.4 -> 215.4: skipped
2024-04-14 14:18:10,147:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 170.5 -> 214.0: skipped

Edot: When I manually set the DTU to 800W solar input jumps up to 800W for a brief moment, until solarflow-control pushes it down to 20W again.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

What you see is kind of normal when bypass kicks in. It will take a bit untill the hub starts feeding in again in bypass.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Hmm 🤔 But surely not two hours?

I even tried limit_inverter = false now, but even then the inverter is limited to 20W, even after unblocking it manually.

I'm wondering where this 20W inverter limit is coming from, because it's wasting away energy at peak hours.

According to the logs it's being set to ~200, but when I check OpenDTU it's at 20W.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 14 53 32
boennemann commented 5 months ago

Found the log now at least:

2024-04-14 14:54:15,441:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 14:54:15,441:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 2.5W of the requested 213.8!
2024-04-14 14:54:15,442:INFO: Setting inverter output limit to 20W (1 min moving average of 10W x 2)

It seems like a logical loop. During bypass if the inverter is limited to 20W there is no way for the hub to produce anything.

Edit: To clarify, for all I understand if the battery is full the inverter shouldn't be limited at all 🤔 The hub however is shown as "bypass false" in the logs. Something doesn't add up.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

Also, make sure the script is running for a bit, as it takes a little initial data collection.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

It seems like a logical loop. During bypass if the inverter is limited to 20W there is no way for the hub to produce anything.

Try setting the inverter_min_limit higher, some inverters aren’t starting up at 20W. Set it to 20 instead of 10.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

I set it to 30W, but doesn't change anything. The inverter was also running before though.

Will try something significantly higher now.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Seeing "2024-04-14 16:23:30,905:INFO: Setting inverter output limit to 20W (1 min moving average of 10W x 2)" even with Inverter Min set to 150W.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

Seeing "2024-04-14 16:23:30,905:INFO: Setting inverter output limit to 20W (1 min moving average of 10W x 2)" even with Inverter Min set to 150W.

That can’t be if the property is set to 20, the min inverter limit is set to *

boennemann commented 5 months ago

That can’t be if the property is set to 20, the min inverter limit is set to *

I thought the same – this can't be. Didn't nail down the issue yet, but both example config.ini's seem to define a config value for this that's not referenced anywhere in the source code.

Digging now what the variable would need to be named.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

I can't find any variable for this. It seems like it's not implemented as a variable. Could only find a hardcoded 10 in the source. Bumped this up now. Will report.

Bumped limit to 80, because ~160 is my house's minimum anyway. Now I get that limit at least, but not more. Maybe now that's the time were some data collection is needed.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

can you attach a full log, from start up on?

boennemann commented 5 months ago

This is all that I still have, can't reproduce until there is sun again.

Somehow I feel like my Hub is not doing the right thing altogether.

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 20 53 26

When I increased the min limit in the code – fair it did provide the min limit. Then the sun slowly faded out and now it's keeping the battery at 100% even with no sun whatsoever and again fulling everything from the grid.

2024-04-14 20:46:41,604:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 20:46:41
2024-04-14 20:46:41,605:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-14 20:46:47,813:INFO: Rapid drop in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:46:47,815:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1119.5W [ 1119.5,1119.5 ] Predict: 1119.5W
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1119.5W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:46:47,824:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 750.0W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:46:47,824:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:46:47,825:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 375.0W of the requested 1119.5!
2024-04-14 20:46:47,825:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:46:47,826:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 1119.5W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 750.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:46:47,826:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1119.5 -> 1119.5: executed
2024-04-14 20:46:49,811:INFO: Rapid drop in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:46:49,813:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:46:49,820:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:46:49,820:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:394.4W [ 394.4,394.4,394.4 ] Predict: 394.4W
2024-04-14 20:46:49,820:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 394.4W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:46:49,821:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 394.4W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:46:49,821:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:46:49,821:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 197.0W of the requested 394.4!
2024-04-14 20:46:49,822:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:46:49,823:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 394.4W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 394.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:46:49,823:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 394.4 -> 394.4: executed
2024-04-14 20:47:02,819:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 423.6 -> 434.4: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:03,813:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 430.4 -> 443.2: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:03,815:INFO: Rapid rise in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:47:03,816:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:47:03,822:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:47:03,822:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1850.0W [ 1850.0,1850.0 ] Predict: 1850.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:03,822:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1850.0W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:47:03,823:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 750.0W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:47:03,823:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:47:03,824:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 375.0W of the requested 1850.0!
2024-04-14 20:47:03,824:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:47:03,825:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 1850.0W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 750.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:03,825:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1850.0 -> 1850.0: executed
2024-04-14 20:47:17,815:INFO: Rapid drop in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:47:17,817:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:47:17,824:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:47:17,825:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:528.7W [ 528.7,528.7 ] Predict: 528.7W
2024-04-14 20:47:17,825:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 528.7W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:47:17,827:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 528.7W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:47:17,827:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:47:17,828:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 264.0W of the requested 528.7!
2024-04-14 20:47:17,829:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:47:17,830:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 528.7W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 528.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:17,830:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 528.7 -> 528.7: executed
2024-04-14 20:47:26,815:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 502.0 -> 492.0: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:26,817:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 499.8 -> 487.8: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:26,820:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 497.7 -> 485.4: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:30,824:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 491.5 -> 474.6: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:30,825:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 493.8 -> 478.7: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:30,829:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 496.0 -> 482.4: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:32,816:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 497.2 -> 484.0: skipped
2024-04-14 20:47:34,818:INFO: Rapid rise in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:47:34,819:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:47:34,824:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:47:34,824:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1811.8W [ 1811.8,1811.8,1811.8 ] Predict: 1811.8W
2024-04-14 20:47:34,824:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1811.8W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:47:34,825:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 750.0W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:47:34,825:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:47:34,826:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 375.0W of the requested 1811.8!
2024-04-14 20:47:34,826:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:47:34,827:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 1811.8W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 750.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:34,827:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1811.8 -> 1811.8: executed
2024-04-14 20:47:36,633:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-14 20:47:36,636:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 20:47:36
2024-04-14 20:47:36,638:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-14 20:47:38,593:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:47:38,601:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:47:38,601:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1812.6W [ 1811.8,1811.8,1811.8 ] Predict: 1811.8W
2024-04-14 20:47:38,602:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1811.8W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:47:38,603:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 750.0W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:47:38,604:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:47:38,604:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 375.0W of the requested 1811.8!
2024-04-14 20:47:38,604:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:47:38,605:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 1811.8W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 750.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:38,775:INFO: Triggering telemetry update: iot/A8yh63/<ID>/properties/read
2024-04-14 20:47:41,788:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-14 20:47:41,839:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 20:47:41
2024-04-14 20:47:41,839:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-14 20:47:47,820:INFO: Rapid drop in demand detected, clearing buffer!
2024-04-14 20:47:47,823:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:47:47,829:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:47:47,830:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:414.1W [ 414.1,414.1 ] Predict: 414.1W
2024-04-14 20:47:47,830:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 414.1W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:47:47,831:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 414.1W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:47:47,831:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:47:47,831:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 207.0W of the requested 414.1!
2024-04-14 20:47:47,832:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
2024-04-14 20:47:47,833:INFO: Sun: 06:25 - 20:02 Demand: 414.1W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 414.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-14 20:47:47,833:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 414.1 -> 414.1: executed
2024-04-14 20:48:36,868:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-14 20:48:36,871:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 20:48:36
2024-04-14 20:48:36,874:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-14 20:48:38,776:INFO: Triggering telemetry update: iot/A8yh63/<ID>/properties/read
2024-04-14 20:48:42,029:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-14 20:48:42,075:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-14 20:48:42
2024-04-14 20:48:42,076:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
boennemann commented 5 months ago

Then the sun slowly faded out and now it's keeping the battery at 100% even with no sun whatsoever and again fulling everything from the grid.

Okay that one is resolved. Something during debugging today I set the Hub to bypass without enabling auto-recover from bypass. Switched this back now solarflow-control seems to be feeding the right amount from the battery again.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

Oh OK that explains why this log happens, I was just about to ask. Hub limit is set, inverter limit is set but nothing is coming from hub, so inverter is not reachable.

2024-04-14 20:46:47,815:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:49.8V (49.8), C: 0W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.2W, DC_prediction: 0.3W (0.1|0.1), L:290.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1119.5W [ 1119.5,1119.5 ] Predict: 1119.5W
2024-04-14 20:46:47,823:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1119.5W from hub.
2024-04-14 20:46:47,824:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 750.0W - Decision path: 2.1.
2024-04-14 20:46:47,824:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-14 20:46:47,825:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 375.0W of the requested 1119.5!
2024-04-14 20:46:47,825:INFO: Inverter is not reachable/down. Can't set limit
boennemann commented 5 months ago

In the meantime I'll pull and the rest from dev and then I guess we'll see tomorrow. Hope the weather is good enough to fill the battery again.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

I'm back to being limited to 20W today, even with the set minimum It's super cloudy and rainy today, but I'm receiving 300W+ when manually unblocking the inverter.

2024-04-15 12:06:43,271:INFO: HUB: S:14.5W [ 21.8,21.8,20.1,19.0,18.4,14.5 ], B: 30% (30), V:49.6V (49.6), C:-139W, P:False, F:15.1h, E:-1.0h, H:145W, L:1000W
2024-04-15 12:06:43,284:INFO: INV: AC:216.5W, AC_Prediction: 160.7W, DC:346.5W, DC_prediction: 175.6W (12.1|12.7), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-15 12:06:43,292:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:333.0W [ 196.9,196.9,160.3,134.0,96.8,259.8 ] Predict: 255.5W
2024-04-15 12:06:43,293:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 283.2W from hub.
2024-04-15 12:06:43,294:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (14.5W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute  0.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-15 12:06:43,294:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-15 12:06:43,295:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 0.0W of the requested 283.2!
2024-04-15 12:06:43,295:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-15 12:06:43,297:INFO: Sun: 06:23 - 20:03 Demand: 283.2W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (23.4W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W

According to the logs I still see this logical mistake Based on time, solarpower (14.5W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 0.0W. The solarpower is just 14.5W because the inverter is limited.

Update: I got confused. Increasing the limit manually get's the power from the battery, not from the sun. So for the moment everything is … as expected.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

But something still doesn’t add up looking at your log snippet:

I hope your log snippet is just a short timestamp and this is due to recent changes/switches and the moving values just haven’t updated/reported yet. (would also be interesting if the hub2000 reports data maybe at a different pace…)

boennemann commented 5 months ago

Okay, battery just hit 100% and it's happening again.

2024-04-16 14:49:17,493:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 105.3 -> 265.7: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:22,468:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 148.9 -> 243.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:22,477:INFO: HUB: S:130.3W [ 615.2,615.2,586.8,500.4,279.3,130.3 ], B:100% (100), V:52.4V (52.4), C: -27W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H:157W, L:1000W
2024-04-16 14:49:22,488:INFO: INV: AC:148.9W, AC_Prediction: 243.8W, DC:115.1W, DC_prediction: 282.8W (101.1|118.0), L:548.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-16 14:49:22,495:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:802.1W [ 832.0,832.0,861.6,863.9,857.3 ] Predict: 811.9W
2024-04-16 14:49:22,496:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1064.4W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:49:22,497:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (130.3W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute  0.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:49:22,497:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:49:22,498:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 0.0W of the requested 1064.4!
2024-04-16 14:49:22,498:INFO: Setting inverter output limit to 20W (1 min moving average of 10W x 2)
2024-04-16 14:49:22,499:INFO: Sun: 06:21 - 20:05 Demand: 1064.4W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (207.1W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-16 14:49:22,500:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 148.9 -> 243.8: executed
2024-04-16 14:49:22,505:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 148.9 -> 243.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:23,403:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 861.9 -> 851.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:27,446:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 123.7 -> 245.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:27,464:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 123.7 -> 245.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:27,484:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 123.7 -> 245.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,459:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 111.5 -> 168.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,470:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 111.5 -> 168.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,490:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 111.5 -> 168.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,644:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 875.5 -> 858.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,651:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 878.8 -> 864.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:32,661:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 881.8 -> 870.0: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:37,452:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 97.1 -> 173.9: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:37,476:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 97.1 -> 173.9: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:37,494:INFO: HUB: S:100.1W [ 434.6,434.6,299.9,140.1,96.3,100.1 ], B:100% (100), V:52.4V (52.4), C: -40W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 82W, L:1000W
2024-04-16 14:49:37,507:INFO: INV: AC:97.1W, AC_Prediction: 173.9W, DC:121.9W, DC_prediction: 180.0W (12.6|13.6), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-16 14:49:37,514:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:977.0W [ 881.9,881.9,885.3,881.8,870.0 ] Predict: 872.3W
2024-04-16 14:49:37,514:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 894.8W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:49:37,515:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (100.1W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute  0.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:49:37,516:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:49:37,516:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 0.0W of the requested 894.8!
2024-04-16 14:49:37,516:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:49:37,517:INFO: Sun: 06:21 - 20:05 Demand: 894.8W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (24.8W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-16 14:49:37,518:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 97.1 -> 173.9: executed
2024-04-16 14:49:42,456:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 57.7 -> 100.3: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:42,468:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 57.7 -> 100.3: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:42,499:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 57.7 -> 100.3: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:47,478:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 20.5 -> 67.1: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:47,485:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 20.5 -> 67.1: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:47,492:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 20.5 -> 67.1: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:50,425:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 958.8 -> 981.8: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:50,432:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 962.6 -> 985.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:50,439:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 965.9 -> 988.3: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:52,453:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 16.6 -> 64.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:52,471:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 16.6 -> 64.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:52,487:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 16.6 -> 64.4: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:57,457:INFO: HUB: S:49.5W [ 246.1,246.1,111.5,75.1,72.4,49.5 ], B:100% (100), V:52.4V (52.4), C: -11W, P:False, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 11W, L:1000W
2024-04-16 14:49:57,470:INFO: INV: AC:8.5W, AC_Prediction: 63.6W, DC:15.5W, DC_prediction: 68.6W (0.5|0.5), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-16 14:49:57,475:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1001.8W [ 893.1,893.1,890.7,884.5,965.9,988.3 ] Predict: 876.1W
2024-04-16 14:49:57,476:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 989.3W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:49:57,477:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (49.5W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute  0.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:49:57,477:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:49:57,478:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 0.0W of the requested 989.3!
2024-04-16 14:49:57,478:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:49:57,480:INFO: Sun: 06:21 - 20:05 Demand: 989.3W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (1.0W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-16 14:49:57,480:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 8.5 -> 63.6: executed
2024-04-16 14:49:57,485:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 8.5 -> 63.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:57,501:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 8.5 -> 63.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:49:59,648:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-16 14:49:59,663:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-16 14:49:59
2024-04-16 14:49:59,707:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-16 14:50:02,455:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 6.8 -> 63.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:02,471:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 6.8 -> 63.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:02,496:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 6.8 -> 63.6: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:04,656:INFO: Triggering telemetry update: iot/A8yh63/4tS9ry5A/properties/read
2024-04-16 14:50:07,453:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 2.2 -> 54.0: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:07,468:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 2.2 -> 54.0: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:07,492:INFO: DTU triggers limit function: 2.2 -> 54.0: skipped
2024-04-16 14:50:07,919:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-16 14:50:07,968:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-16 14:50:07
2024-04-16 14:50:07,969:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-16 14:51:00,083:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-16 14:51:00,087:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-16 14:51:00
2024-04-16 14:51:00,131:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-16 14:51:03,460:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:51.0V (51.0), C: 0W, P:True, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-16 14:51:03,470:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.9W, DC_prediction: 1.1W (0.5|0.6), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-16 14:51:03,471:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1022.5W [ 1015.6,1015.6 ] Predict: 1015.6W
2024-04-16 14:51:03,471:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1015.6W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:51:03,472:INFO: Adjusting inverter limit from 0.0W to 5.0W
2024-04-16 14:51:03,472:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (True), hub could contribute  5.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:51:03,472:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:51:03,473:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 2.5W of the requested 1015.6!
2024-04-16 14:51:03,473:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:51:03,474:INFO: Sun: 06:21 - 20:05 Demand: 1015.6W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-16 14:51:04,657:INFO: Triggering telemetry update: iot/A8yh63/4tS9ry5A/properties/read
2024-04-16 14:51:07,255:INFO: Battery is full: 100
2024-04-16 14:51:07,308:INFO: Reading last full time: 2024-04-16 14:51:07
2024-04-16 14:51:07,308:INFO: Reading battery target mode: discharging
2024-04-16 14:51:32,682:INFO: HUB: S:0.0W [ 0.0 ], B:100% (100), V:51.0V (51.0), C: 0W, P:True, F:0.0h, E:-1.0h, H: 0W, L:1000W
2024-04-16 14:51:32,693:INFO: INV: AC:0.0W, AC_Prediction: 0.0W, DC:0.9W, DC_prediction: 0.9W (0.3|0.4), L:20.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-16 14:51:32,694:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1055.5W [ 1035.5,1035.5,1044.8,1055.5 ] Predict: 1055.5W
2024-04-16 14:51:32,694:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1055.5W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:51:32,695:INFO: Adjusting inverter limit from 0.0W to 5.0W
2024-04-16 14:51:32,695:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (True), hub could contribute  5.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:51:32,696:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:51:32,696:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 2.5W of the requested 1055.5!
2024-04-16 14:51:32,697:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:51:32,698:INFO: Sun: 06:21 - 20:05 Demand: 1055.5W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (0.0W), Inverter Limit: 20.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-16 14:51:32,698:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1044.8 -> 1055.5: executed

Screenshot 2024-04-16 at 14 53 21

welli2009 commented 5 months ago

Hi, I had the same Issue and googled quite a long time. Somewhere in the official zendure discussion page ist the solution presented: there is no solution. The reason why this is happening is ig the Relais, which is controlling the Bypass. To not “destroy” the hub or the Relais, they are dimming the solar input until the Relais is jumping over. This happened sometimes two times the day to me, first at the moment, when the battery was fully loaded and the second time a little after sunset, when the hub should use the battery’s for feeding the home. Maybe they are improving this in a later softwareupdate or in the next generation of hubs, the 2k has the same issue. So what could be done by the script is reducing the solar input and then “manually” activating the bypass mode by the python script.


boennemann commented 5 months ago

Hey @welli2009, thanks for adding this context! Do you have a link to this discussion page?

For me right now I changed the code to have a 160W min limit, and the hub is feeding that in. The hub would provide more however. It's still solarflow-control that limits it to (now) 160W, instead of the demand.

welli2009 commented 5 months ago

I will look for it, but as said, I just saw it somewhere in a discussion

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

@boennemann do you have the logs after 14:51, maybe until 15:15? That would help me debugging.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

@reinhard-brandstaedter Argh, no sorry. I'm running through a Home Assistant addon setup, and that doesn't persist the logs. I'll capture them when I hit full battery next time.

I also changed the max battery charge to 98% now, to try and see whether literally hitting the 100% causes the problem, or hitting the max limit causes it.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

@boennemann I'm mostly interested in these lines:

2024-04-16 14:51:32,694:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1055.5W from hub.
2024-04-16 14:51:32,695:INFO: Adjusting inverter limit from 0.0W to 5.0W
2024-04-16 14:51:32,695:INFO: Based on time, solarpower ( 0.0W) minimum charge power (150W) and bypass state (True), hub could contribute  5.0W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-16 14:51:32,696:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-16 14:51:32,696:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 2.5W of the requested 1055.5!

The hub is open, the inverter limit should be increased, it is actually at 20W, so the hub SHOULD deliver 2x10W to the inverter, but the inverter doesn't put anything out on the AC side. If it would you should see another log like:

2024-04-16 14:51:32,695:INFO: Adjusting inverter limit from 20.0W to <something exponentially higher>W

And then the proper limit adoption should take its course...but with 0W stuck on AC output it's going nowhere.

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

This is btw what @welli2009 described, in color (the purple lines are the bypass state): You can see that the hub reduces Solarinput before switching the bypass. The inverter limit goes to 40W (10W per channel in my case). Then there is some back/forth of the hub's bypass (sometimes this takes a few minutes, sometimes it takes half an hour). As soon as the bypass is left the inverter gets adjusted. And finally (40minutes later!) the hub decides to stay in bypass and really pass through solarpower. The inverter is adjusted accordingly. During that time when the hub sent zero to the inverter, it even turned off and woke up again.


This doesn't make much sense, to me. That's why I thought of switching the bypass from the script also. But so far didn't dare to do it as the official statement is that too many switches could damage the relais. On the other hand, the hub's firmware seems to do quite som unnecessary switches itself. (16 vs manual 2)

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 5 months ago

@boennemann another idea: you could try to set the bypass mode to off completely.

boennemann commented 5 months ago

@boennemann another idea: you could try to set the bypass mode to off completely.

Sorry for having to ask, how would I do that? MQTT call on Homeassistant suffices? Or solarflow-bt-manager?

tuxianerDE commented 4 months ago

Hey you would need to make a MQTT call to the Hub (can be done via HomeAssistant):

should be the following (if I am not mistaken)

{"properties": { "passMode": 1 }} -> automatic {"properties": { "passMode": 2 }} -> manual

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 4 months ago

Actually I think it is (that's at least what I use in the current steering tests):

{"properties": { "passMode": 1 }} ==> manual off
{"properties": { "passMode": 2 }} ==> manual on
{"properties": { "passMode": 0 }} ==> automatic (let the hub's firmware decide

and then the pass variable is the current state of the bypass. It would be really nice if there was a documentation from Zendure somewhere to not have to explore these things in trial/error...

@boennemann to change this behavior you either do this via the official Zendure App (in bluetooth mode), or by publishing the according above JSON to your MQTT at this topic: iot/73bkTV/<device_id>/properties/write

boennemann commented 4 months ago

The weather is not good enough to reach 100% battery, will update you probably next week.

The rest is working super reliably and as expected however.

boennemann commented 4 months ago

It seems as if this commit addresses my problem though?

Will update the controller later today, too, and give that a spin :)

welli2009 commented 4 months ago

I installed the latest version and reached 100% yesterday, Bypass worked super good, activated itself at 100% and deactivated later in the evening when the solarpower couldn’t feed the home anymore!

Good work!

boennemann commented 4 months ago

Also updated to the latest version. 120h had gone by, so the battery was charged to 100% today anyway. It hit 100%, very shortly went down to 0W and now doing what's expected.

Will observe more, but this looks very promising! Thank you @reinhard-brandstaedter 🙏

welli2009 commented 4 months ago

Screenshot (5) Hi, my hub hit 100% today in the early afternoon but the bypass eventually didn't worked as expected first, (got down to zero, activated and dimmed the solarinput while bright sunshine and deactivated itself after ~10 minutes) but now at the moment everything works fine

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 4 months ago

@welli2009 you did pass bypass control to the script, by setting it to manual before, right?

welli2009 commented 4 months ago

No, it was all automatic

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 4 months ago

Well then you are playing the Zendure firmware lottery :-)

welli2009 commented 4 months ago

But for now, it works!

mavo commented 4 months ago

@reinhard-brandstaedter what is expected as the setting for bypass on the hub? It should not be automatic anymore with the newest version, did I get it right?

Do I need to set the bypass_control Parameter? If yes, to which value?

Cheers, MaVo

reinhard-brandstaedter commented 4 months ago

Only on the dev build: control_bypass=true|false in the [solarflow] config section

mavo commented 4 months ago

Funny, I am almost certain to not run the dev build and I saw the app complaining on startup, that this parameter is missing. I am running the latest master build (will verify it again to not talk bs).

You also did not really answer my question about what should be configured on the hub. It should be manual...?

And last but not least, a general question to the audience for Hub2k users... Which Firmware do you use?


tuxianerDE commented 4 months ago


The master does already know the config parameter hence the complaining. Other function is not there.

Actually rheinard did answer your question. The answer is does not matter. If you set the bypass option in the config section the mode will be switched to manual and the logic is with the script. If set to false it will assume automatic and the hub will do what the firmware is coded to do.

mavo commented 4 months ago

Ah ok. Did not understand it this way. Thank you for your clarification. Will try the dev build, as it may improve the "issue" with bypass enabling and seeing sometimes an hour of no power delivered to the house, even though bp is on and plenty of sun.

boennemann commented 4 months ago

For me bypass is manual, battery is full, bypass is enabled, but inverter limit is way too low. Overshoot is not fed into the grid AND it's not even matching the demand from the house right now.

I'd expect the inverter limit to be set to max when bypass is on.

2024-04-29 14:07:16,025:INFO: HUB: S:174.4W [ 177.2,177.2,177.0,176.4,176.3,174.4 ], B:100% (100), V:49.9V (49.9), C: 0W, P:False (manual), F:0.0h, E:103.1h, H:170W, L:1000W
2024-04-29 14:07:16,033:INFO: INV: AC:198.9W, AC_Prediction: 197.5W, DC:210.4W, DC_prediction: 209.0W (104.9|105.7), L:200.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-29 14:07:16,033:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1204.3W [ 1204.3,1204.3 ] Predict: 1204.3W
2024-04-29 14:07:16,034:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1383.3W from hub.
2024-04-29 14:07:16,035:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (174.4W) minimum charge power (50W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 124.4W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-29 14:07:16,035:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-29 14:07:16,035:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 62.0W (per channel) of the requested 1383.3!
2024-04-29 14:07:16,035:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-29 14:07:16,036:INFO: Sun: 05:57 - 20:23 Demand: 1383.3W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (199.0W), Inverter Limit: 200.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-29 14:07:16,036:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1204.3 -> 1204.3: executed
2024-04-29 14:07:22,000:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1257.1 -> 1268.0: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:22,004:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1264.0 -> 1276.0: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:22,008:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1271.1 -> 1284.1: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:23,002:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1278.3 -> 1295.0: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:23,006:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1285.6 -> 1303.4: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:23,009:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1293.0 -> 1311.8: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:24,999:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1301.1 -> 1328.3: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:25,004:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1309.6 -> 1338.4: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:25,008:INFO: SMT triggers limit function: 1318.7 -> 1349.0: skipped
2024-04-29 14:07:27,611:INFO: HUB: S:176.3W [ 176.5,176.5,175.7,176.3 ], B:100% (100), V:49.9V (49.9), C: 0W, P:False (manual), F:0.0h, E:103.1h, H:171W, L:1000W
2024-04-29 14:07:27,624:INFO: INV: AC:198.9W, AC_Prediction: 197.0W, DC:210.5W, DC_prediction: 209.0W (104.4|106.0), L:200.0W [1000.0W]
2024-04-29 14:07:27,625:INFO: SMT: T:ShellyEM3 P:1700.6W [ 1318.7,1318.7,1349.0 ] Predict: 1349.0W
2024-04-29 14:07:27,625:INFO: Direct connected panel are producing 0.0W, trying to get 1527.9W from hub.
2024-04-29 14:07:27,626:INFO: Based on time, solarpower (176.3W) minimum charge power (50W) and bypass state (False), hub could contribute 126.3W - Decision path: 2.2.
2024-04-29 14:07:27,626:INFO: Not setting solarflow output limit to 1000.0W as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-29 14:07:27,627:INFO: Solarflow is willing to contribute 63.0W (per channel) of the requested 1527.9!
2024-04-29 14:07:27,627:INFO: Not setting inverter output limit as it is identical to current limit!
2024-04-29 14:07:27,628:INFO: Sun: 05:57 - 20:23 Demand: 1527.9W, Panel DC: (0.0W), Hub DC: (198.9W), Inverter Limit: 200.0W, Hub Limit: 1000.0W
2024-04-29 14:07:28,537:INFO: Triggering telemetry update: iot/A8yh63/4tS9ry5A/properties/read